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Everything posted by imavillan

  1. this poll is stupid.... its like asking Fred West or Peter Sutcliffe...... either way its hardly a good option to choose from is it......so neither of them for me.....
  2. General, how will the club be able to put a stop to our best players wanting to leave to play CL football??? As soon as a club like Villa get to a position where they are threatening the ''establishment'' with a fine squad of youngsters that have a chance of progressing and once they have progressed they will come knocking on the door and take them away. In doing so break up the nucleus of the team and we have to start all over again. And in reality making us a feeder club. Also, as you are now working full time for a colleage/university and can only come onto the site and reply once a week, what is your source of information from the club??? How often are you in contact with the club and the inner echaleons??? You are indeed an an executive director....what does that actually mean??? what influence do you have??? Where and how often do you get your information from??? Are you on every board meeting that takes place??? Over your last few postings in responses to questions there has been a conflict of interest from what you are saying versus what the manager and the board is saying....please explain.... lots of questions.....answers????
  3. General, how will the club be able to put a stop to our best players wanting to leave to play CL football? You see the Sky 4 plus Man City have it all wrapped up between them. As soon as a club like Villa get to a position where they are threatening them with a fine squad of youngsters that have a chance of progressing and once they have progressed they will come knocking on the door and take them away. In doing so break up the nucleus of the team and bingo! you have to start all over again. So in esscence we will always be trying to be the best of the rest. Please tell me and all of the other Villans out there how you and the board think you can ever stop this happening. Thanks
  4. General, Are you, Randy and Paul Faulkener deluded? Do you not get it? You are turning us into a laughing stock. 5.4 million pounds compensation for a man with a failed track record. It smacks of desperation. It smacks of a football club being run by people that do not understand footbal.l You just do not understand do you? The fans are being treated with contempt. UNBELIEVABLE.....absolutley UNBELIEVABLE. One hell of a misjudgement....Just like Operation Eagle Claw.
  5. I hope we are not shopping at Marks and Spencer.....or in the case of our neighbours Lidl. A club like Aston Villa should be shopping at Harrods, Selfridges, Fortnum & Mason, Libertys or Harvey Nicholls. Please put mine and and counless other Villans minds at rest that we will not be shopping at a down market store.
  6. its fantastic.....i couldnt resist taking it on my phone and text it to all of my Villa and nose mates....
  7. link? http://www.smallheathalliance.com/read.php?1,521632 Appears to be a few threads popping up too, cba to read them all but I hope they are all very angry and upset. WARNING do not click on the link as your pc will become infected with a virus ;-)
  8. he has clearly lost the dressing room and the fans...if he ever had it.....this is DOL all over again....the bloke is clueless and dragging our club down FFS GET RID
  9. General, Prey tell what is going on at our football club? We have continous sqabbles with the players and management, we have players going out on loan after being told no one will be going anywhere, we are told there is complete unity in the club after two senior players are fined for speaking out to the training staff.... all the messages coming out of VP are mixed...something is not right... the manager and the board (you) are saying one thing and the players are saying another...who is right? if you believe the players then they are showing it on the pitch...they are not doing it for the manager... Please tell me and countless others WHAT IS GOING ON... You dont have to be a rocket scientist to realise all is not right within the club... ...this is not like the Cleveland Browns and the NFL where you finish bottom and it does not matter... and you just have another go next season...... finish in the bottom three of the prem and you are DOWN, and then its a long, long way back....ask Cov, Notts Forest, Sheff Wed, Leeds to name but a few...it a long, long way back....if ever you get there... It takes a brave man to realise they have made a mistake....wake up and smell the coffee....this is not right....rectify it for the good of our club....this is ground hog day with O'Leary... yet again my week end is spoilt.....
  10. General Sir, Please take the time to read my post and answer the three questions i have. Now i happen to work in a high pressure industry, working long hours, and for each year i have to set out and agree with my manager my objectives for the year. If i succeed with my objectives i get a pay rise and a bonus...if i dont i get nothing, zero, jack, zilch!!...and if i keep failing i end up getting the sack...with no pay off other than 3 months notice and 3 months wages. Sir, (1) I would like to know what objectives have been agreed with our manager and his boss (Randy or Paul) and (2) what will happen if those objectives are not met? Make no mistake sir, we are in a scrap for our lives....i would have hoped that the objectives set for GH were ''stretched'' as are mine. The management, staff and players are paid HUGE amounts of money in relationship to what the the average fan earns. It is my belief along with many others that they are so much out of touch with reality.....just watch the tv in the forthcoming weeks General and see all of the empty seats...the fans will vote with their feet...there is only so much we can stand.....ask your self the question i keep asking my self....(3) am i getting value for money??
  11. General, Have you seen the proposals being mooted about by the FA to revamp the format of the FA Cup? Some of the proposals are imo insane. The final to KO at 5.30. Midweek matches with no replays, the seeding of teams, regionalised matches. Please read about it here Sir, I would be interested to know your opinions on this firstly as a fan and then as a Director of our fine club. Will Aston Villa FC be having an input to the proposals and if so what will be our take on this? Thank you
  12. just turn up and if theirs room, pay your money and guess what.....you get in...
  13. General, Can i please ask that we no longer do any transfer business with a certain club from the other side of town. In recent history we have now sold them three players. Now some might say that those players are not that good or have not progressed as much as they should have and they are not good enough for the Villa, but if they are and have been good enough to play for us then they should not be good enough to play for them!! Now i know business is business but consider this. They are our bitterest of rivals. They treat our fans with comtempt. They over charge our away fans. Our away fans are placed in a dangerous situation when they visit them, they offer us no protection. Look at Manchester United and take a leaf out of Sir Alex Fergussons book....he will never sell a player to there bitter rivals Liverpool. I would suggest that we adopt the same approach and do not sell any more players to them. All we are doing is helping there cause and making them stronger. We should not be doing this at any cost. You sir should know better than anybody....when the enemy are running short of bullets you simply do not give them some to help them get stronger!!! ....and in all Villans eyes they are the enemy.
  14. I posted part of this earlier on another site temporary toilet my arse… ...the sty is one PERMANENT toilet........latrine, carsie, bog, shitter, potty, dump, john, loo, lav, little boys room, little girls room, black hole, can, shithouse, crap hole, crapper, cess pit, …or any other name you can think of for a TOILET!! for after all, the place is the dump of all dumps... if you've got anymore then please feel free to add them to the thread.
  15. Why dident he walk in May, then? Maximum effect? That would be a massive betrayel to his former players and the Fans. Something happened, that forced him out. Weve heared all the PR stuff from one side, but do we really know what happened? Im not an Oneil devotee btw :winkold: Why didnt he walk in May?? He thought he was still top dog and by walking when he did he keeps his kudos high with the media and press on what a good job he did at Villa. I have posted this on another site, just take a look at what he left us and ask Friedal, please let me play forever too old, Young, me go to Liverpoo for that money you must be joking, Dunne, i’m the captain and bigger than the club and to old, Ireland, signed by who ever and never wanted to be at the club, Carew, i’m bigger than the club cause the fans sing my name, to old, Heskey, i need a rest after being kicked again, to old, Gabby, i used to be a forward when i was interested, A Young, i love this club (and myself) and i’m going to sign a new contract (for someone else), Beye, please play me cause i used to play for Newcastle before they were relegated, Davies, i’m great, i must be because i cost 9.5m, Sidwell, i can still trap a ball like i did for Chelski honest i can, Salifou, i will be a good player one day, Osbourne, i’ve been on loan at Middleboro and played for the first team under Strachan NRC, you want a scrap Martin i’ll give you one. take a look here and you will realise how much of a good squad we have…and why we are playing so many kids. Not exactly world beaters are they...that what MON left us and it was no bettewr under Kevin Mac
  16. MON...He left knowing that this season would be a struggle so he could keep his ''value'' to a premium.... for all the good things he did for us he undid in August when he shit on us from a great height to make him self look good.....a master spin doctor..aka cock
  17. General, I have just witnessed another spineless performance. In my opinion the team lacks leadership on the pitch. I cannot see anybody talking to the young lads or ''rolling there sleeves up'' and geeing the team up. What do you think? I think this is going to be a long hard season and is just about self preservation and after tonight and the last couple of weeks I am very very depressed. What can you do to ease my depression?
  18. pathetic spineless performance....there is no doubt about it we are in a relegation fight....i'm depressed!!!
  19. pathetic spineless performance....there is no doubt about it we are in a relegation fight....i'm depressed!!!
  20. General, I will be in Baltimore for a stop over on the 19th Dec. What is your location in America? Is there any chance you could meet me and the good lady and share a Bud and chew the fat on all things Villa and more....and if you need anything bringing over from the club shop then i can pop in there for you and get what you want. PM me if you are in the Baltimore area and are free....we can swop details of where to meet etc.
  21. General, 31st Oct....28 days time..... Villa Park and a date with destiny Sir, what are your plans? will you be crossing the pond and coming over to watch the game against small heath... 28 days and counting....i would hope that the plane tickets are already booked... and if you have any influence...please pass on to GH that this means everything...and i mean EVERYTHING....
  22. General, The supporters Forum are meeting on the day of the Bolton game. The number one question that is being fed back from the forums is reinstate screen 2. Please do everything you can to help make this happen. It may seem like a small thing......but its things like this that make a big difference
  23. General, I appluad Randy with his appointment, imo we have a new manager who is experienced in the PL and knows whats what. We have a man who has been a loyal servant to the club for 15 years and has stepped into the breach, after MON left us in the mire, and has done a sterling job and is going back to do what he does best. Look after the reserves and steer them in the Villa way. This man should have a job for life with Aston Villa should he so desire. Sir, I have a question about the marketing of Aston Villa as a global brand. What are the club doing about entering the massive market of the Far East and the USA? These are huge markets, yet to date i do not see or hear of any involvement of Aston Villa Football Club across the world. This may already (hopefully) be happening behind the scenes nd if so maybe you can enlighten us? Welcome back and all the best imavillan
  24. The Toffees wont get rid of him. Anyway he's hanging out for the Manure job once Sir Chewalot does one.
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