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Everything posted by imavillan

  1. that was hard to watch....lots of endeavour but very little quality....and as for the Villa... turgid dross. We are Aston Villa, not Blackburn, not Bolton, not Wigan, not Wolves, not etc etc....we are Aston Villa. Demand and expect more.
  2. If we are being honest he was a dead man walking the moment he either lapsed into madness or was blinded by money and accepted the job. The fact that two seemingly sensible men and a te aforementioned individual managed to sit down and somehow agree that this appointment was and still appears to be in the best interests of the club is where reality becomes stretched. Even now, i genuinely do not know how the reasning went???????? I have said this before in other threads. It is because we are being run by people that do not know about football.....because if they did, they would never of made the appointment....and that is purely based upon his cv.
  3. Even if this manager gets the 3 points you would like from 2 games, what the hell is it going to change overall? 3 points from a totally out of form Liverpoo and a Stoke team that are on the wind down to the summer holidays hardly turns this bloke into the new Pep Guardiola does it? Take a look at his CV. Take a look at this seasons dismal record. Forget the results. Forget the fact we only have 7 wins from 30 games. Forget the fact that he has come from our fiercest rivals. Forget the fact the we are the only team in the premiership that have not scored from a corner. Forget the spats he has had with Ireland and Insomnia. Forget the fact he says we can't win at Arsenal. Forget the injuries. Forget the fact we are playing lots of kids. Forget his dour interviews and forget that he has blamed the players on numerous occasions...... and ask yourself this question, how many times have you seen Aston Villa play good football this season? and then ask your self, that with the 3 points from 2 games will things, in the long term, really get better with this man? Wake up and smell the coffee. Things are NOT going to get better under this bloke.
  4. i really hope this ''trusted source'' is right. With Collins growing unsettled, could the Swans be set to dive in? Could forgotten man Joe Cole return to England with a move the other way? Maybe. The Daily Mail claims that Swansea are preparing to celebrate another season amongst the big boys with the champagne signing of James Collins. Collins, whose relationship with Alex McLeish remains fractured at best, is approaching the final year of his contract, and could be available for as little as £5 million. The 28 year old moved from West Ham in 2009, and impressed during his first two seasons before becoming rather terrible. Along with fellow wannabe lad Richard Dunne, Collins was fined two weeks’ wages last year following a boozy row with staff after a team-bonding exercise. Since then both have remained at the centre of dressing room unrest, and could be available come the seasons end. Brendan Rodgers’ side meanwhile has continued to impress all involved in the game. His defence can lay significant claim to that praise aswell, with Steven Caulker and Ashley Williams growing into two of the top young centre backs in the league. However, with Caulker ready to be blooded back into the Spurs squad and Williams likely to attract attention, Collins could provide Rodgers with a safe bet. He began his career at Swansea’s Welsh rivals Cardiff City and made his international debut in 2004, and would link up with a host of Wales team mates should he make the move. After the soul destroying news of Collins potential departure, Villa fans can console themselves with the suggestion their club are ready to offer Joe Cole the chance to revive his Premier League career. Trustiest of sources the Daily Star report Alex McLeish, who almost certainly wont be in the job come the summer, is lining up a swoop for the midfielder when he returns to Liverpool from Lille. With Cole unlikely to break into a midfield boasting the likes of Henderson, Spearing and Shelvey, Villa could provide a viable option should they not get sucked through the trap door this May. Cole has got his career back on track during his year-long loan in France, leading to hilarious talk of a possible England recall. The 30-year-old joined Liverpool on a free from Chelsea in 2010, but lets just say he had a nightmare before being shipped out to Lille. With two years left on his £70,000-a-week deal the former West Ham man won’t come cheap, but he’s been told he has no long-term future at Liverpool, who are likely to let him leave for free after bringing in some other joke for endless amounts of money.
  5. i posted in Alex McCleish thread look at this
  6. We could try a few of these! I guess it wouldn't take too much effort to amend it to "We're not fickle. We never liked you." Here we are then on page 700....above is what i said on page 447 on the 17th Feb. How long before we get to the magical 1000? Before the Chelski game we were 14/1 to get relegated and it required 3 teams below us to get 3 wins while we get nothing. That is now 3 teams to get 2 wins and we are 10/1. I really cant see where our next win is coming. take a look at this Bolton have won 3 on the spin Blackburn have won 2 out of the last 3 QPR have won 2 out of the last 3 Wigan have won 2 out of the last 3 Worrying times.... Our club is being run by people who know nothing about football....if it was then this man would never have been appointed in the first place......and that is all based on his cv and not where he was employed previously!!!! This man is The Teflon Don.....the press still have not woken up to his failings.
  7. Stan, Get well soon. With your endeavour and spirit you can fight this battle and WIN. We are all with you. best wishes Mr & Mrs Imavillan
  8. Here's a question For the good of the club, do you think that Alex McCleish should be replaced, either now or at the end of this season, or do you think he should be given more time?
  9. Of course he will, maybe not some of the posters on here but they are not representative of the masses who go to the games iyo wake up and smell the coffee.... the masses that are not going to the games.... the masses at the Fulham game that were 90 seconds away from turning.... the masses at Wigan that did turn..... the masses at the Man City game that booed and left early.... and yes the masses on this site..... wake up and get to grips with your love fest that is McCleish
  10. All of this in the past stuff is totally irrelevant in this thread.... back on topic.....McCleish is shit full stop
  11. Alas for this season i think you are right. However, one day it will most definitely happen and the day it does the dark cloud that is hanging over B6 will suddenly lift. The sun will start to shine and the life will come back into the club along with many fans who are voting with there feet.
  12. Fantastic article? It's a letter from a fan, isn't it? Most of it seemed to revolve around some bizarre notions of 'faith' instead of reason. All of this 'you're either with us or against us', 'have faith', 'not going anywhere, stop complaining' kind of stuff is as annoying this season as it was last season. I thought it was from Paul Faulkner!!! oh, and the roses in my garden are really starting to grow like nothing else.....
  13. nah, get a few wins together and the fans will support him no question. Fans, i presume, want to see their team winning at the end of the day. If he can do that, then much of the hate will go away. But then, what chance him actually winning? agree with Rodders....he is the only manager i have ever known where the Holte End have never sung his name.....apart from when he was as sha that is
  14. Yes we are all delighted with the three points against Fulham. Yes we all want our club to retain its status as a Premiership club. regardless of yesterdays game, substitutions, press conferences, team selection, transfer record, style of play etc etc you cant get away from it, the person managing OUR football club is one of the worst in our history.... Under this man, The future if not bright....it is bleak!! and its a by product of an owner who pretends he knows about football, because anyone who does would not have employed him in the first place!!
  15. with his CV and ''proven'' track record....28 seconds is all you need to judge this fool.
  16. not a lie. a lie is intentionally failing to tell the truth. this would be most managers' aim for any club only a lie if he knows he plays defensive football, if he thinks he doesnt, then its not a lie they're quite clearly having great difficulty with it if that's the system he's trying to play, because when they're on the pitch it looks nothing like it. again, that's not a lie he obviously believes that, why else would he sign him? do you reckon he thought "hutton's **** shit, ill go buy him"? if he thought we played well that day and that we were unlucky, that's not a lie if he believes that then it's not a lie if he believes that, and i see no reason why he wouldnt, then it's not a lie none of those things are lies though *edit* for the record, im not defending him nor his performance at the club, im just saying that to call him a liar shows a complete lack of understanding of the meaning of the word McCleish is a fantastic football manager, indeed, one of the best in Villa's history. Now that's a lie!! match fact ahead of the Fulham game Aston Villa have won none of their last seven league matches at Villa Park, losing five. If they don’t win this match they will equal their worst ever run without a win at home in the top flight set in 1921 Now that is not a lie!!
  17. so, in my book, we are paying him 2,399,99 too much
  18. Lets not forget Houllier had Downing and Young and the best part of 30 mill to spunk in the January window and managed the club for 28 league games achieving 33 points.McLeish after 27 games as an identical record to what Houllier had at the same stage. In all fairness its comparing two managers who either did or are doing shit jobs. One just had better players and more money to spend whilst doing it. Let's not also forget that Houllier didn't have Bent for half a season and only took over in late September after a very turbulent summer for the club. The only signing we made that entire transfer window was Stephen Ireland. Add in the ridiculous injury crisis and it's clear to see that it's more than just a case of Houllier having more money and a better squad. Oh yeah, and the football wasn't absolutely shit all the time and we actually tried to attack in some games. There were so many games last season where we deserved more than we got. How many times can you say that for this season? If anything it's the opposite. The only area where McLeish has had it worse is money. Everything else he's had it better or the same. I reckon we can do all the comparisons we like.... but ultimately nothing will change the fact that McCleish is not a good football manager. He is defensively minded, his tactics are poor, his substitutions are poor, his signings are poor, his press conferences are poor, his CV is poor. Anyone who can get Rangers to finish 3rd in a two horse race is poor The man is not good enough to manage Aston Villa, PERIOD. McCleish OUT.
  19. ....make that 5-0 here, here. Although Lerners track record to date is not very good to say the least!!
  20. First half... mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out Second half... mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out mcleish out m'lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out oh lord mcleish out
  21. We could try a few of these! The banner should read, we're not fickle you're just rubbish
  22. We could try a few of these! Now over 500 pages....this could end up being the longest thread in the history of Villatalk. Time for action at the Fulham game.....for the few that will be there.... McCleish OUT
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