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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Gabby. Go 4321, and when Sidwell is fit (there's another option for ya!) bang him in for Petrov and move Barry back. ---NRC-----Petrov Milner--Barry---Young Having said that it's harsh on Stan, he's been great and is finding good form. It's a nice problem to have though, eh?
  2. Drunk and Cringing in Las Aberystwyth. A blog on the life of times of an exiled in Aberystwyth Villan, his conquests and failures, his embarrassments (of which there are likely to be very very many) and triumphs (of which there will be fewer ) while tax dodging in Wales and Birmingham. Nothing new on there as yet, just a choice 3 of my threads from here - 'Assuming we've all been there...', 'One of those moments', and 'Edgbastion. Probably shouldn't drink'. Since I'm on a booze and clubbing break, it may be a bit before anything new happens, but you never know. Might have soemthing to rant on. The football tomorrow for instance...
  3. Considering starting a blog for the inevitable happenings in the life of a student exiled on the Welsh coast with far too much time on his hands and far too many pubs available. Saves clogging up the OT forum (although Rob seems keen on them staying here ). Will provide a link when up and running, will kick off with stuff taken from off here.
  4. Metallica - Fade to Black One best songs ever put into existance. Masterful.
  5. you aren't alone, Designer 1 (simon) put me onto these a good while ago but being as you wanted a link (tinysong rules, much better than the bollix of the bloated youtubby) Aha cheers Bicks! I've in no way just added tinysong to my favourites
  6. God is an Astronaut - Tempus Horizon Was hoping to find a link for this, but can;t get anything beyond amateur live recordings which aren't the best, but it's a great bit of relaxing chilled music to have on in the background. despite being a bit rocky, it's mellow.
  7. R.E.M. - Country Feedback One of their best songs, and one of the lesser known ones. Brilliant.
  8. Dennis is one of the best characters in the Holy Grail... That whole scene is gold.
  9. Beat me to it i have just done that. "i'm not dead" I'll be joining you both on that later, this thread has got me in a Python mood. 'It's only a flesh wound!'
  10. Always been my fav, the Meaning of Life. Life of Brian and Holy Grail are better films but I just find the Meaning of Life funniest. Which is no mean feat since the other 2 will make me laugh almost constantly. And Now for Something Completely Different isn't bad either, although it cocks up a couple of the sketches by linking them into each other. Never seen the Live recording, but have heard good things.
  11. Cleese for me, I just love his comedic style. The barely controlled rage, the fantastic straight man stuff he'd do. I also liked Chapman and Palin. As for favourite scenes, the usuals obviously, but I always thought was fantastic ('What'd you mean, lock the door?'), and from the same film Cleese's Grim Reaper. Self Defence against Fruit as well.
  12. I don't think I can make a call between walking, synchronised swimming and rhythmic gymnastics. They're all pretty pointless. The Olympics has had some stupid events though, the tug of war used to be in it IIRC way back when. Slightly off topic but not really worth a new one, something I never got. Why are we naff at sprinting (always good enough to make the final but almost never good enough to really win anything), but quite good in the relay?!
  13. That and The Outlaw Torn off that record rank among my favorite recordings of all time. The Load epics were really enhanced by the orchestral fleshing out. Agree entirely. Those 2 tracks are my favourites off the album as well, helps that I really enjoy Load and Reload anyway I think. And funnily enough I've got Mama Said on right now. Love this song.
  14. Cheap course to teach, gets in more students, equalling more fees and money for the uni.
  15. Sigur Ros - Vidrar vel til loftarasa Favourite Sigur Ros track, just brilliant.
  16. Law A Level is more or less useless for a Law Degree. It's not in depth enough and you go straight back over it all again in the first few months of uni anyway, thats from the experiences of a few law students I know. English Language isn't a patch on Literature, Literature is viewed as a better course (and it is), and is more interesting provided the teachers are good. English Literature also is a subject that is massively useful. It develops your ability to analyse, research, write and argue and put forth ideas and concepts. It's a reasonably hard course and varied over the 2 years of A Levels. I did it, enjoyed it, and did stuff as varied as comparsions of the dystopic novels 1984 and Brave New World, Blake, war literature and a bit of Shakespeare. Language is much more dry, of my 6th form friends who took it, few enjoyed it. Ultimately though, at A Level, it's important to pick stuff you'll enjoy. It's much harder than what precedes it, and requires some form of conscious effort to do well. It's less about jumping through the hoops and memorising stuff, and more about thinking for yourself and really using what is taught to you. If you do a subject that you don't enjoy, you'll not succeed in it. If you are going to go to uni, if you've got your eyes on anywhere decent, they hate media studies. And in psychology you'll spend a few lessons going over the delightful thing that is Penis Envy *giggles*.
  17. A really tenous one here... My dad's aunt knew a lesbian couple years back, really well to do pair, lot of money, straight laced, threw dinner parties and said the word 'I' as the letter 'A', properly posh. They always thought that they were a little too perfect. Turns out they were a couple... but at least one of them was working for MI6. Oh and my grandad met Tommy Cooper in the war.
  18. Burial - Etched Headplate Thanks to Bicks I checked Burial out and now can't stop listening.
  19. Er... 12 for me. Don't like sticks much, and 12 is pretty much perfect. Wouldn't go much higher, nor too much lower, but they'd need to be curvy (not fat nor have 2 out of proportion mounds on a bread board). Although right now I'd probably be grateful for anything :oops:
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