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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Can't stand either of them, but Newcastle are just a farce that ain't getting better any time so a false dawn for them (again) would do alright. Meanwhile the shambles at WHL is hilarious and the longer they're crap the better.
  2. Tony looks absolutely nothing like I thought he would.
  3. Hoping to find a pub in Aber that sells St. Austell Tribute tonight. If I don't... might have to be the Old Rosie and Becks.
  4. Cat Stevens - Sad Lisa. A guilty pleasure, but I've always associated his music with sunny weather so seems suitable itunes chose to shuffle it on.
  5. The rather fantastically brilliant (with added Bowie) TV on the Radio - Province
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rndltmm3oE. Has a nice, blunt and effective chorus that is always good to sing along to.
  7. I think I can explain that using a term called psychological transference. People become disillusioned to such a point that they lose rational thought, hence their actions would become virtually unconscious, and they would then radicalise their vote as they would then feel that this radicalisation would make more of a difference. EDIT: Yes I am aware that transference is generally accepted as an inter-personal thing, but I'm trying to use it in political terms. Start quick at Bournville obviously. Personally I'm going to reject that hypothesis and go all bigotted myself and say that it's the nasty underbelly of society influenced by the media rising to the top like scum on a pond. . Also, Ian, I'm not too clear on wat you mean by capitalism having an influence on the dynamics of politcal standing. As far as I'm aware (and finance is by no means my strong point), this country has always been capitalist. But that hasn't stopped us having left leaning parties. EDIT - I should clarify that I know that a stance on financial issues effects political ideals but I'm not so sure it;s the be all and end all of us not having a particularly leftist party with a chance of winning.
  8. Not a clue. Labour pissed all the confidence they had up the wall in the last few years and seem incapable of doing things right. Though on a purely principled stance, what Labour should stand for is probably closest to my own viewpoint. The Conservatives are the only other realistic options thanks to our political ways and whilst they talk a good game, I'm not sure how much of it has any substance. I've felt from the beginning with Cameron he was a bit of a PR man, someone to make the party in the blue corner 'hip' and 'down with the kids', and generally not evil. But it seems that much of what he says is ambulance chasing, bang wagon jumping on anything the Sun and Daily Mail are shouting about today. I can;t get past that feeling that this is all words. I voted for the Conservatives at the last local election, more or less because I'd be damned if I voted for the cock up merchants and I'd rather die than support the BNP. Lib Dems, well, it's all rather pointless really. I've not paid great attention to their policies, but what I have seen doesn't quite add up, I may be wrong here but they advocate a fair bit of public spending, but then claim yesterday that much of the population would pay much less tax under a Lib Dem government. That doesn't add up. But I like Clegg, he seems quite savvy, if his last little speech (Shaun of the Dead reference anyone?) was, erm... cringeworthy and sad. No point voting for anyone else, undoubtedly many people in my situation would vote for the BNP as a 'protest vote', a strange phenomenon because you could 'protest vote' for the Green party, but it seems no-one ever does. Burn it all down sounds pretty good really. A modern day Guy Fawkes knocking around anywhere?
  9. Chindie

    Local teams

    Went with the Baggies, though in actuality I have about the same feeling on them and Wolves. Walsall, as Rev says, aren't a consideration really. I like the Baggies since they play nice football, which I appreciate in a side that's been promoted, and had a few sound Baggies mates. Wolves I just always had a bit of a soft spot for. The other 2 are scum.
  10. I can't quite tell if it's awful or not all that bad.
  11. Since seeing you recommend Burial, I got hold of his second album and bloody loved it so I'd have to agree there Bicks. Yhe cynical part of me thinks they were never gonna award it to a bloke who wouldn't turn up, but he'd have been a good winner regardless. Rewound the telly to watch a couple of the performances again, so currently have the rather nice Laura Marling - Night Terror on. Another to get hold of I think.
  12. Elbow - Loneliness of a Tower Crane Driver Since they're on the recording of the Mercury Prize on the telly atm, and deservedly won the thing. And incidently, do they have some monopoly on fit string players? Their violinists the last few times I've seen them live have been of the 'Phwoar' variety.
  13. New blog up from me. Nothing special, I left some stuff to the imagination.
  14. My favourite song. Finlay Quaye - Dice going into Snow Patrol - An Olive Grove Facing the Sea Another fav there, not making it's first appearance on this thread. From when Snow Patrol were actually half decent, very good song, nicely relaxing.
  15. Shearwater - Rooks into Thom Yorke - Harrowdown Hill
  16. Not a UFC fan, but apparently one of the competitors, Evan Tanner, is dead.
  17. Amateur Transplants - Careless Surgeon. Brilliant.
  18. Slightly inspired by Bicks above, an...'interesting' take on Nude, and an example of a man with a dangerous mind
  19. Sigur Rós - Staralfur Chilld music for night time. Poifect.
  20. Caught a couple of episodes of the first series of 24 actually. It was a good idea but I lost faith in the concept when it was done again and again. The immortal problem with good ideas that catch on in TV, they outlive the novelty. I couldn't watch 6 series of 24. The believability of the concept would wain. 1 series, great. 2, ok... Beyond that I start thinking 'This bloke really is unlucky with his job requiring 24hr time schedules constantly or bad crap happens'. I never realised that terrorists and potential major disasters had such a tight time schedule . Similar reason why I dislike Lost, I got the distinct feeling, from 1 episode of the first series, that it was going to be milked to hell and back. Lost, as a concept for me anyway, is a 3 series thing, max, as again I'd lose interest in the story in favour of the realisation that it is almost certainly being artificially lengthened, the natural storyline being extended, more mystery added, etc etc. Hence I don't think any of the big hyped up US series will ever especially grab me.
  21. The only one of the series mentioned I've had sustained viewing of was Heroes. And even then I didn't bother with the second series since reading about it made it seem to be much much worse than the first series, even Ms Panettiere couldn't make me tune in. But I'll agree with mjmooney here, Band of Brothers is absolutely superb, damn near perfect, hence why the boxset remains one of my favoured DVDs. I'd love to see a British version of the same concept.
  22. I'm not sure I can quite get my head round how people seem to be saying that getting players in for positions we needed to fill, is somehow not good enough? 'Yeah we got Friedel and Young etc, but we HAD to get those in'. That's good then, surely?
  23. I posted something in OT last night about the respective spending of La Liga and the Prem. As a whole, La Liga turned a modest net profit on transfer, the league in effect making 20m Euros. The Premiership spent 272m Euros net. Incredible.
  24. 8. Another striker would have seen a 9, a genuinely good striker a 10. Although tbh I cant really complain.
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