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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. *post may contain bigotted and snobbish views of pop culture and music* I used to think this country had a sense of humour. Oh, and taste. Instead, we get some people thinking it's funny to get Rick Astley to number 1 (it isn't, by the way, and the Rickroll never has been), and some others wanting a warbler who's had months of easy easy publicity as the culty spreads. And then there's last years one, slaughtering Run by Snow Patrol. Not like it's any great piece of art as a song, but deary me that version will kill the original stone dead as the baying mob of idiots lap it up.
  2. Whilst any kids are hopefully a long way off (if at all) , I don't think I would. I think going to a state school did me good. Sometimes it was hard, and the facilities weren't the best in some areas, but it kept me very balanced. I received what I'd consider a pretty damn good education, it was good enough to get me to a uni thats a bit of a name in my field, and perhaps mor eimportantly it taught me how to get on in life. Of course it's quite incredibly hard to talk about this in a balanced manner because, well, most of us would only have an experience of either/or really. I would say that by and large the people I have encountered that went private do match the stereotypes, and some are really stuck up arseholes living in a bit of a dream world. I;m also slightly unsure where I sit on the idea that having money affords you a priveledge in something as necessary as education. The problem being, it's not that simple.
  3. I did wonder why the rogues gallery had got a shedload of new posts... Bet the PM system has seen a fair few messages going one way
  4. We always had a fake since we couldn't be bothered with the hassle of a real one, but it was a very good fake. And then that became too much hassle and the parents went and bought one of those LED ones, hateful horrible tacky thing. I think a major aspect of Christmas died when that was bought for me. Along with me just getting older anyway.
  5. Chindie

    Top Gear

    Odd episode tonight. Felt a bit like an ep where they just had a few spare ideas and shoved them together, but was still pretty decent. Bit more releaxed really. First time I've bothered to watch the Star in the Reasonably Priced Car properly for ages as well, Kevin McCloud actually came across as wanting to be there rather than plugging something (although no doubt someone will tell me a new series of Grand Designs will be starting soon ).
  6. Engineers - Thrasher Into Prospectors Arrive - Johnny Greenwood. Almost certainly not a first time for Engineers, but for chilled stuff, I love it. Shame they never got any attention, think they've split now. And I adore the There Will be Blood OST, so no surprises on the second.
  7. That. Exactly that. 100% agree. too many reasons to list. but what i think the European Union needs to do, is to do less, but do it better. Cut payments right down by member states, cut red-tape, cut regulations, cut amount of people working for the EU, cut down their ambitions, cut down new member states. Focus on overall unity, the big picture, and not get involved in every stupid little aspect of national life. By the terms of the Nice Treaty it actually isn't allowed to expand anymore because the institutions of the EU can't really handle it (although we will have a slight expansion soon, because one of the Netherlands colonies has chosen to integrate with the Netherlands, but that would just make the territory bigger. Not adding members). Which is kinda what Lisbon was about actually, sorting it out so it'd be more efficient. Amongst other things. I'm not sure the rest of what you want is possible though. The EU has started on this road to... well, who knows, and I'm fairly sure they won't turn the clock back to cut down what it can do.
  8. Funnily enough I literally just finished an essay on the European Union. It's hard to get your head around quite how much of a complex entity it is, and how many issues are facing it at the mo, or quite how little direction it has. It hasn't a clue of what it wants to be and that's one of it's massive problems. Having said that, I don't think it's time for us to leave it. In times of crisis it's already been shown that nations will leave it on the back bruner and break ranks to sort their problems out, like Ireland has done recently to save it's banks. I also find yillans comments on 'bringing 10 states to prosperity' slightly hypocritical because Britain has took a fair bit out of it in the past and it's helped us. It seems somewhat wrong that we take that aid then balk at reciprocating the act later on. and if you want to argue the line that is wasn't initially made to various things, well... in the first place we weren't in mind when it was made.
  9. That may be true, but at least you can take solace in that you're probably among the top 5% on VT. We really are an ugly bunch Sadly, this is probably true. We should have a vote on the best looking member, or something. To the Rogues Gallery!
  10. I should listen to more of the Smiths. Only ever really gone for the singles. Morrisey sometimes grates on me in the other bits and bobs I've heard, and other times he sounds perfect. Favourite song would be the one containing Marr's favourite riff, How Soon Is Now.
  11. Don't especially trust either of the main parties since they're as bad as each other. Lib Dems are such a waste it ain't worth it. Would never vote BNP. I disagree with some Green party stuff I've heard about (may not be true, stupid stuff about lawn mowers and that). Wouldn't vote for any of the Nationalists, since I'm English. Wouldn't vote Monster Raving Looney, although I do like the idea of a 99p coin. Spoil ballot it is then.
  12. Straight. Went out with a bi-girl once. Not as exciting as you'd think to be honest.
  13. Chindie

    Top Gear

    First noticed that when they got that girl out of the audience to try out the vibrating seat pad thing. Now just glance behind them and there's always a fairly attractive woman just above their shoulders.
  14. Chindie

    Top Gear

    Well, they're a rare car and it costs them £5m to make them, if it crashes that's a huge loss. Ferrari didsn't let them have an Enzo, they had to borrow pink floyds drummer's one when they put that round the track.
  15. Chindie

    Top Gear

    I don't think it'll top it actually, I seem to remember that it's not all that great in the handling stakes and the test track is mainly a handling course. It'll be quick though. I don't they'd particularly care about how fast it goes round a track for a TV show to be honest, it's not that prestigious at all and it's not like they need the attention either.
  16. Completelty OT, but your view is wrong. The Falklands may have been a 'bunch of rocks' but they happened to be our bunch of rocks, that just so happened to have a fair few British citizens on them, who had determined themselves as British, and it also had a shedload of oil off it's shores that we knew we might be able to get at in the future. There were a perfectly legitimate set of reasons for us to go to war over them, why it would have been wrong of us not to go to war over them. And I'm unsure of any political wrangling we could have done over it, we were dealing with a desperate regime on it's last legs who actually did want a war/victory to get people back on side. On topic, well... I'm certainly not one for the army, but I'm unsure what I would do in this very unlikely scenario. I'd do something, but I can't see myself with a rifle. I'd be dead before I could use it.
  17. Can't advertise alcohol in France at all. Hence why when Liverpool play in France in the Champs League, they have to wear plain shirts.
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