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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. 1, maybe 2 in. 1, maybe 2 out.
  2. 6'1-2, although I apparently look taller :?
  3. Finally managed to get hold of Sigur Rós' First album, Von, and very different it is, I'd say a lot darker and more ambient than their later stuff, so currently have on Sigur Rós - Myrkur into Trivium - Contempt Breeds Contamination. I don't actually like Trivium all that much, can't stand screamed/growled vocals, but the Crusade album is basically inspired by Metallica and this song is enjoyable enough.
  4. Knew I weren't going mad Er... On topic... Nice and dull, Mr BOF, what is your favourite band?
  5. Possibly, but I get the impression I'd think you looked like him even if you were Australian. Odd. On that note actually, whatever happened to the 'What impression do you have of the VT user' thingy thread...
  6. Another one BOF, why do I see your posts and immediately imagine you looking like Dara O'Briain? That might be more a general statement than a question actually, but it's true.
  7. Do nice guys always finish last?
  8. Watching MTV2's Vintage 300 at the mo, and thus... in at number 180, shamefully coming ahead of Fade to Black at 181... Prince - Purple Rain. Deary me.
  9. Wishes to go somewhere on a Bosman, he knows NEwcastle will demand top dollar for him this winter and he also knows few clubs will pay that price. Wind the contract down, bugger off in the summer.
  10. Having thought a bit more about this, I can't see Owen happening. I can't see Owen and Gabby happening as a partnership at all really, Owen these days needs a partner ideally in my opinion and Gabby isn't the type he'd do well from imo, needs the big hold up man. I also can't see Gabby as benchable now. I can't see Owen coming here without assurances that he'll be a starter, which he wouldn't be and wouldn't get from MON. And he'll want paying an incredible amount. Those are without considering Carew as well. It'd be brilliant to have him here, absolutely so. He's a great finisher and would get us goals. But I don't think he'd be a realistic acquistion right now, for all of the above. If he was willing to accept that he simply wouldn't be first choice and would have to accept oppurtunites as they come, then I'd bring him in all day long, especially if we had Heskey along for the ride too, and if we could maintain his fitness. It'd certainly be a gauntlet thrown down to the league. I think that might all be a bit too much to ask though.
  11. Is Notmentionedyet any good? On a serious note, Ian, I'm not sure if you've somehow worked out that we are going to be linked to a player who will be slightly harder to get than Doyle, but easier than Ashton, or you have someone in mind who you think we've yet to be linked to. If it's the former, that's ridiculous. If it's the later, who?
  12. Black Label Society - Fire It Up I can't get over the fact that it's nothing special at all, but it has that attitude.
  13. This is interesting. As most people are probably aware, Christmas isn't a Christian festival at all, it's just been hijacked. Traditions like Christmas trees are pagan rituals (indeed in the Bible God forbids his people to cut down trees and decorate them with silver and gold, apparently). It really isn't a Christian holiday at all.
  14. Not at all religious so I won't. My na went to midnight mass a couple of times, but I think that was more to do with a friend of hers always going than anything.
  15. In a related note, Terry Pratchett is the countries most stolen author, to the extent that some bookshops no longer place his novels on the shelves, instead having to ask for them. I didn;t believe that when I first read it, till I walked into a WHSmith in St. Austell and indeed, there was a sign up saying all his books had to be requested at the till, because they kept getting nicked.
  16. Carew covers loads of ground, he's ( cliche coming) surprisingly nippy for a big bloke
  17. Rather than start a new thread... Is Gatecrasher any good? I've not been since I've been away at uni, but it's on the cards for this weekend, possibly tomorrow night for the indie night. I've heard good things from mates at uni about the Bristol one, but know nothing of this one. Had a mooch on the site and it looks alright, even if it has the most pretentious dress code ruling I've ever seen, but I've got the fear that since it's newish still, and looks to be alright as far as Broad Street goes, it'll be chocka and require you to take a loan out before entering. I've also read in reviews from another topic that the door staff are a bit... iffy on letting people in (the cynic in me immediately points me to the stupid dress code rule, which I'm sure is an easy excuse to turn punters away hidden as an example of the club being down with the kids)
  18. Chindie

    Am i a clown?

    I once drunkenly bought a tramp in Sutton a burger. Even stood in the queue with him chatting, nice chap really, very well spoken.
  19. I think we've gathered someone doesn't like Heskey. Heskey makes sense you know.
  20. Between Ashton, Heskey and Owen for me. Ashton would be an incredible player for us, if fit, and I'm not sure even we could keep him fully fit. Same is true of Owen and I'm unsure how well he could work with Gabby, who I don't think is realistically benchable these days, though I do think Owen would be a great striker to have as well. Heskey isn't glamourous and would piss an awful lot of people off, but he's a good striker to work off for Gabby, wouldn't be too expensive, would be capable of doing Carews job when he's injured, and is benchable I suppose. Doesn't score too many himself and would not fulfill the hopes of anyone expecting the very best. Purely because I think he's the most realistic one, Heskey. Though any of em wouldn't piss me off too much.
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