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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. He's a wind up merchant, made worse for being one that is paid.
  2. Best beer the union bar had on tap. Don't mind it really, but I do know what you're saying. It makes you properly gormless if you have a load.
  3. Had a couple of Grolsch earlier. Not bad.
  4. Theres definitely some Caroline Quentin there, I hate to say
  5. France win. Great match, and thats speaking as someone who doesn't often watch rugby. France the better side, especially second half.
  6. BRMC, underrated band. Having a bit of Tool moment, having finally got hold of Ænima. So Ænema into Message to Harry Manback into The Grudge into Rosetta Stoned.
  7. Lose in the semis for me too. A fair few more games, hopefully get them distracted, and knacker them.
  8. Jesu - Dead Eyes. Great song for when you've got a brooding anger about you.
  9. I'm curious as to why Jondaken thinks we're an exceptional case as far as evolution goes, when all the evidence suggests that at our basis... we're made of the same stuff as everything else that in Jondakens own view, is evolved. Why aren't we then? God skip the queue and go for express delivery on us or something? Because when you can say, I dunno, pigs evolved, and then look at the very basis of their bodys, in cells and DNA, it's the same stuff as us, but then conclude we're different, is so illoogical as to be laughable. I understand the answer is going to be (to paraphrase) 'Because God did it', or the Bible said so... but come on, think about what you're saying.
  10. Having a bit of dance moment Trekka? Both of them are on my pre clubbing sesh playlist. Always was more of a euphoria man though. and funnily enough, my current song is on similar lines. Olive - You're Not Alone.
  11. I think you've misunderstood what is meant by chimps being more evolved than humans. It's possible for chimps to have evolved further along their branch of the tree, so to speak, but not to have gained anymore than us, and indeed they may never do. Evolution is random. We have achieved our current level of evolution in less time (or steps, if you want) than chimps, but chimps have moved on less but with more evolution from their original start point. Thus while we are a 'higher' being than chimps, they can still have evolved further from their basis than us. It just so happens that our evolution did more to our benefit than them. If that makes sense... EDIT - Of course directed at Jondaken.
  12. The Bible is an interesting thing. A mate of mine at uni uses his for 2 things - he keeps money in it, and he also, when pissed and looking for something to get people chuckling, will dig out some of the barking mad stuff in it. A few weeks ago he read out some part about not allowing bald men to have sex, and not allowing sideburns. I dunno the sextion exactly (I suspect Leviticus), but it was definitely gospel, so to speak.
  13. Chelsea win for me. They are a better team than us (and that doesn't make me less of a Villa fan for saying it), thats fairly clear to me, they have simply stuggled under a manager who lost the plot from the word go, however saying that they are still a very good side, and have a bit more about them than us. Had Scolari not kicked the bucket, I'd have more confidence in this match because it was pretty clear morale was taking a dive in the Chelsea ranks and they were becoming a bit headless. However, they've now got Hiddinkl, who's a great manager and of course there'll be the typical 'New manager syndrome'. I think we're going to lose this one, and it'll be no great disgrace. It'll certainly make things a bit harder for us, but that's what we're gonna have to deal with. For what it's worth, I think this will the beginning of the point we start to wobble, a number of hard fixtures in quick succession making us lose our steam and our stride.
  14. think of the potential for the head stone though?! Especially if you were a bit a bastard in later life. 'He was a rocket polisher to his last'. At least it'd make people chuckle while they were standing on you.
  15. Darwin also didn't repent on his deathbed.
  16. Ugh. Not directed at you, Rev, but that kinda things just highlights ignorance, thats ridiculously simplified, and worse, people will take it as (heh) gospel. But yes, it's a counter to this, for anyone who's unaware... Which is nearly as bad.
  17. I hate that term, 'saved'. It has that high and mighty, 'I'm right and you're wrong, burn ****' inflection to it. I may have to stop looking at this thread, it'll make me angry. Bad enough when I'm told by someone they're gonna pray for me lest they can't convert me. EDIT - I would also like to raise LondonLax's point above.
  18. Also, I would ask Jondaken this - What religion are you, and why are you right but all the other religions, that essentially amount to similar things when you get down to it (incomprehensible being(s) making the world and so on), are wrong? Is it because you just so happened to be brought up in a '________' household? Married into it? etc etc.
  19. I'm an atheist. Im see no reason for a god, I find religion somewhat repulsive. As someone who has a slight interest in science, to see some of the denials of evolution that are around with 5 minutes of googling will make your blood boil. Simply, the entire idea is to me at least, utterly ridiculous. If it were not for my beliefs in people can believe whatever they want to, I'd ridicule those who chose to worship (to quote Dawkins here) a being who ' is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction : jealous, and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak; a vindictive, blood thirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully', who allegedly loves us all but will happily let us fry if we don't give him a ego boost, can **** right off. If I were to be religious, I think I'd side somewhat with Blake, a man who whole heartedly believed in an all mighty, but also believed his mortal underlings in the church were inherently disgusting. I take issue with the idea of god, and I'd never believe it, but if I were to be that way inclined, I'd wonder about all these little helpers running around interpretting what he said and telling what we should and should not do. Especially when it's in their interest to do so. I thoroughly recommend the God Delusion by the way, working my way through it, Dawkins is preaching to the converted to be honest (I've never believed, and I remember being emotionally hurt when my nan died and the subsequent funeral harping on about her going to be a better place. It disgusted me, lies), but still is points are brilliant. EDIT - apologies if the tone is a bit off there, it's late and I've had a couple, and this topic annoys me immensely.
  20. I'm in a Welsh town. I'm probably gonna head into town in a bit to catch the match with some friends in a pub, one of which is Scottish. I hope we win, but the fall out from an England win here would probably be worse than the pisstaking from the Welsh who seem to have in built 'Not from the Valleys' radar. Plus the wins pretty bloody unlikely.
  21. One of these. 6 bedroom house, but each room is effectively it's own residence. So I'm not sure what it is. I wouldn't call it a flat, but it's not quite a house either. In terraces of 4 too. So I think that might be other then... Back home it's a 3 bed semi.
  22. Chindie

    school days

    I've had mixed experiences of it, more down to my own failings I guess. Primary school I by and large enjoyed. I was the smartest in the class, had a little group of mates who all had their areas of expertise (the sporty one, the joker, etc etc, if it wasn't real it'd be be clichéd) and we were a tight nit group, we'd have a scuffle and later on be messing about. I was crap at every sport around except rounders, but played with a half arsed interest. I remember that I could never take being wrong and it would actually upset me if I was. Then of course there are the stories, the teacher who went mental one day after being in the wrong and had a subsequent breakdown, we were a well behaved class but if we wanted to could be evil. The supply teacher who gave us all a creepy feeling that, with our innocence gone in later years we were convinced was probably a kiddie fiddler. Taking up cross country running and finishing 92nd (of 92) and never running again... good times all the same. Secondary school was different. I was one of the only people from my class to go to Great Barr, everyone else buggered off to Streetly and Barr Beacon. I was still amongst the smartest and developed new friendships that last till this day, though not so close anymore, but it was a harder time too. I was too straight laced for my own good, I'd desperately avoid trouble and still endeavoured to be the best in the class at everything bar sports, promptly being lumped into group 3 for PE, the group for the people who are crap but will try and never succeed to achieve anything. Tried to keep my head down mostly, my mates were very much 'school' mates, outside of that I barely saw them till Year 10 or so, which stopped me being quite so close to them as I might have been. I was never actually bullied, though there were times where I was really down. Still, I had fun, and as I got towards the end of it I got more defiant and had the ability to feign confidence that served me well enough. 6th form was great. I was someone who got on with everyone, we were fairly close and while people still had their circle of friends, their borders broke and became less defined, more free time together. Table football every free (sorry study )period, becoming the master of the angled shot, football on the field, messabout cricket, it was great. I had times were I wondered if it was really for me, my efforts droppd off and at times I could have walked out of the place and not come back because it just seemed pointless. I didn't know if I wanted to go to uni, I couldn't be that bothered doing work outside of lessons besides essays and coursework, and I was a lot more interested in my social life. Stopped caring a bit really. But a really good time. My results weren't great. I think this time is probably whats defined me most as person, I stopped being the best and stopped really wanting to be, and I grew into someone who was more easy going but also less of a push over. A history teacher once said of me, not thinking it'd get to me from the confines of the staff room, I was 'an angry young man', and while thats not a nice thing to say and wrong to boot, I took some pride in the fact I wasn't the simpering lifeless swot I once was anymore. Uni has been a laugh, I'm still not doing as much work as I should do and I'm still not 100% commited to making every lecture and so on. But still, I'm doing well and I'm enjoying it, my social life is great, my love life is awful and every now and then I get very down about it, but we've had some great times in the year and a half so far. Worst period was in the first year, I fell out with everyone I had got close to in my flat and was, for a good month or so, just left to myself. Horrible month, I wanted to leave desperately. But then met a girl, had a brief but fun relationship, and met some of the best mates I've ever had. The end of the first year was an incredible month or so, kinda summed up by a day we all decided to climb up to a rocky outcrop on the hill that bookends the town and just sat up there in the sun looking out to see and watching the beach, it was surreal, one of those moments that will just sit in my mind forever. The place has made me grow up, it's revealed some of my worst features and my best (I still can't take being wrong, and I can't take regret, it makes me feel awful), I still get quite down sometimes, but the great times are so much better. I think the 3 years from 17 to now will be the ones I look back on in a few years and think thats the time that made me and I enjoyed the most. Your school days are the better ones of your life, I reckon, but we forget that at times, they were horrible. I'm only 20 and I can sometimes look back with nostaliga at stuff... 5 years ago, and think they were better than they were. At times I was a wreck, with worry and stress. But I'll forget those, because the good times and the stories ('that time so and so did this or that') were great. the years before 17 I think wasted a lot, for fear of stepping out of line. But these last 3 years have been near perfect and made me who I am. If only I knew where it was taking me.
  23. Chindie

    Ads on VT

    I thought the clicking the ads getting money for the site was a myth? Sure I read limpid say that a good while back now. I never click em anyway, never interest me and most of the time I don't really notice em.
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