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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I can't see the Labour allowing an election if they replace Brown. Partly because they'd need to use the bloke to campaign for a bit first. And partly because they don't have to, we vote for a party not a leader. Stick by what I said at the start of this thread, whoever gets the job is gonna need some luck, hell, he'd need a miracle.
  2. I'm just watching last weeks Question Time on iPlayer, dear me Nigel Farage is a **** annoying bastard. Even though I'm pro-Europe, more or less, if I wasn't I don't think I could vote UKIP because he's such a clearing in the woods.
  3. Regardless of whether all members are racist, they side with a party that is inherently racist. And by voting for them, so have you. Unexcusable to most, I'd imagine. They might have been the only party to come to your door, sure. Theres a reason for that I'd imagine. They're on the PR offensive, they need it, and they feel at the mo they can take advantage of the situation. Sadly this is also a party that wants rid of people from this country, not realising or perhaps accepting how important they are to us, thanks to their ethnicity. Disgusting. You might agree with some of their policies, I'm sure they've some good ones. But a party whose foundations are hate, any reasonable person cannot vote for, even as a protest, you can protest vote for anyone else, you can protest vote Lib Dem for pitys sake.
  4. Not able to vote myself since I'm in Aber and not registered to vote here, but if I could have voted I'd almost certainly have voted for an independant or spoilt my ballot. Anyone voting for the BNP disgusts me. Scum. You can protest vote for any other party, chosing them is a vote for fascism and hate.
  5. It was uncharacteristically gutless performance, lacking pretty much any drive. Barca barely broke a sweat
  6. Cat Stevens. My dad always used to play his albums when we went to Cornwall for our summer holidays, and I always associate his music with driving on a sunny morning, at about 8am and seeing the sea between the hills. Subsequently became one of my favourite artists but always one of those I don't admit to listening to, and I've no idea why. I even like the more religious stylings he had, and thats as someone who hates anything religious with a passion.
  7. Same again and I'll be happy. I think 4th will be something we'll be waiting some time for. A trophy would be nice, or a half decent cup run, but the randomness of the cups means I'm not going to demand a run/a win to be happy, just that if we did pull it off I'd thinka bit more of the season.
  8. No, never. I'd be surprised anyone said yes.
  9. Coming upto 2 months I'd imagine. Sigh. Once exams are out the way (a week, woo...) I've got a few weeks of absolutely nothing to do, so essentially I'll be on the warpath. Prospects have been slim this year and damnit I'm not watsing uni time. Unfortunately I'm also utterly shite at pulling, so hey ho.
  10. 2 Becks and 2 Tuborg kept me sane this evening, and sadly I wish I could justify drinking more, but I'll save them for a later night. I.e. tomorrow.
  11. After much not terribly well hidden flirting, Rob and Gingerlad finally conceive a child
  12. Just stuck Chelsea in the sat nav. Reckon's it's only 2 minutes from Rome.
  13. I'd gone into tonight wanting only 1 thing, and that was a Barcalona win. How they got it, whether they spanked Chelsea or nicked it, I didn't give a damn. I'd been saying it to friends for weeks, I don't want to see London pick up a European Cup, and thats all my reasoning. But knowing I was going to see the match tonight, and knowing I had a niggling feeling Chelsea would nick it, I decided the only sensible course of action was to place bets against my hopes, so if it all went tits up I'd be in the money. So on went bets for Chelsea to win, with a 2-1 scoreline, seeing Drogba Lampard and Messia score. In the unlikely event that happened, I'd have netted about £80 quid. My mate decided he'd back against my bets, more or less out of spite for being a London boy. So in we walk into Aberystwyths Academy, settle down, and discover to our right, a bunch of Chelsea 'fans' to our right. And about 12 Spanish fellas in front of us. The game goes on and I rapidly realise that the Barca bets won't stand. Barca had no idea how to break Chelsea down, and Chelsea knew it, Messi was anonymous, Eto'o worse, it was a horror show. The ref was awful, even if I felt a few of those decisions I could see (Drogba's reputation preceeds him, he's have needed to be shot by a Barca player in the box to have got a pen, and then it'd have needed a clear view. Malouda's one wasn't helped by his histrionics either). I was sat watching it thinking 'Well, Barca are stuffed here so hopefully the bets come in'. Then Drogba limps off. And Lampard stops running. And then that goal. I've never seen a reaction like it. Hell I was off with it too. I'd lost myself a few quid and I didn't give a damn, the Spanish fans went apeshit, everyone who hated Chelsea went mad, it was glorious. Especially as the Chelsea 'fans' to our right had given it the big un all night, the kind of fan that thinks anything his team does wrong is obviously a refereeing error. Glorious. I didn't care about the money, I didn't care about the fact Chelsea were robbed, it was purely elation at seeing them out. Drogba's madness post match added the cherry on top. A great match, and an albeit rather dirty victory for football. Chelsea did exactly what Barca hoped they couldn't, which was hold out for a nicked goal, and Barca looked hopeless to it. But I don't think I've ever been so happy at an injustice. Even one that hit my pocket!
  14. Sounds like you care quite alot about what happens then... You know what I mean .
  15. So long as the final is United Barca I don't really care what happens in this competition. I've got a horrible feeling that Chelsea will beat Barca though. I'm thinking that Barca's style will suit them better away, they'll be able to take greater advantage of their ability to counter attack, but I can't shake this worrying feeling that Chelsea will nick it. Like Trent I really, really don't want to see Chelsea or Arsenal win the Champions League.
  16. Aye don't get me wrong I'm not happy at seeing the club losing good players. But I think losing him could be a watershed in how we play, for the better. The worst thing we could do, that we might, IMO, is pick up a replacement that is more or less the same as Barry. We'd have achieved nothin then if we replace him with a similar player, we need to get someone that can run on the ball and have a crack at goal. For instance I'd be disappointed if we brought in Huddlestone as his replacement. I reckon he's a decent player, and I'd happily have him at the club, but not to replace Barry. All we'd have got is another slightly less versatile Barry with a slightly better shot, and it'd be the same old static central midfield. Unless we decide to start playing differently, going back to central 3, then it may work. But it'd still be a bit limited in it's scope. I mean... if we kept Barry, and bought in a good box to box player (or hell, even Sidwell finding his feet) and played like this --------Petrov--------Barry ---------------Sidwell/another Young------------------------Milner I could see us getting the best out of Barry, or a similar replacement. But while that might work, we start getting interesting situations with the strikers and it's a bit limited in scope I think. Plus if we decided to stick to 442, it'd just lead to the problems we've got now. It's going to be an interesting situation. I genuinely believe this issue, and who we buy to replace him, will say a lot baout how we intend to play in coming seasons.
  17. He's a good player, undoubtedly. But I've said it many times now, I think we could almost benefit from not having him here. He limits the way the team plays because he's too good not to play but he's not a player that'll do what the really top class CMs in this league will do, Gerrard, Lampard, etc etc. He's not that big of a goal threat, he's capable of playing good cutting balls but almost never does. He's not defensive enough to tackle and go to be an out and out DM, he needs someone next to him doing some of that work. He's got a great pass and can link up fairly well with everyone else in the team. He's the kind of player that with a bloke next to him doing alot of the donkey work, and a guy just in front of him who can score a few he could link with would thrive. He's just awkward to really get the best out of imo. But because he's good enough, you've got to play him and it limits the way you have to play. I can't help thinking that if he left, yes we'd lose a very good player, but we'd not feel that need to have to play this way. Petrov can do everything Barry can I reckon, and if we had someone else in the centre that knew how to go forward and score a few and link up with the front men, we'd be a completely different prospect. Barry doesn't play that way (arguably I'd say can't, not fast enough or tricky enough and his shot's not good enough), so we get left with Barry spraying a few balls round, inevitably to Ashley Young, and not really achieving a whole lot with nothing coming from the CM to threaten goal.
  18. Todays appearance in the Welsh Cup Final is only Aberystwyth Towns second in the history of the competition. The last time they made it to the final, they won. But it was in 1900. Hundred years between finals, grim.
  19. I'll be having another Rochefort tonight provided the pub has em still. Bloody gorgeous, if a bit heavy.
  20. Sadly it is straightners, but I like to think I maintain my masculinity somehow through the rugged good looks. Only a cheap crappy pair but they do the job. A bit of time with a hair dryer and brush after it's still just lightly damp does most of the work, my hair goes mad when it's washed so I need something to tame it (or a hat). On that particular night it'd been blown about a bit as well, I was just lucky it stayed down I guess.
  21. I have done and would do again, but the ladies ain't so keen. And I need all the help I can there .
  22. I look about 10 if I shave. Plus I like having the stubble, even if it's actually more hassle to maintain than just going clean shaven.
  23. Sensitive hair stage. But possibly the best photo anyones took of me in the last couple of years. Gets my good side, can't see the busted nose.
  24. There's only 1 natural body of water in Scotland called a lake, the Lake of Menteith. Or so a friends dad told whilst driving past it last week. All the others are called lochs, or are artificial.
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