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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Chindie

    Top Gear

    I'm not sure the Ferraris time should count... is it strictly a road car?
  2. Chindie

    Top Gear

    Ben Collins'll be sleeping sound tonight, his secret still being... well, open.
  3. Nedved has unique kneecaps. Instead of having his kneecaps made of a single part, his are in 3 bits, which is why he runs in a slightly funny fashion.
  4. BOF, what's an office junior? Fancy name for a tea boy?
  5. Greatest game ever. Indeed. And inb4someonesaysFFVII. Recently I finally got Crackdown done, storywise anyway. Still about 30 agility orbs to find, and really annoyingly 3 hidden orbs. I got to about 10 left to find and used a guide, and now I'm left with 3 I was sure I had already found, and I cant be arsed using the guide to go and do all 300 again just to find 3. I could probably polish off Far Cry 2 fairly easily as well, but my patience for that game has died a death.
  6. Chindie


    I might take up some HIIT running over the summer, could do with losing some weight, the uni lifestyle is murder for your waistband. Of course, I say I will, but I bet I don't.
  7. Funnily enough, we had amongst the least strict measures on immigration from the Eastern European states when they joined, and we did amongst the best out of it, they became fairly vital to our economy (I've got the exact figures around somewhere, had it for an essay). And also funnily enough, the vast majority of them seem to be doing jobs that no-one else wants to do, like cleaning. As well as that, I seem to remember reading a journal that claimed that the numbers that came over were nowhere near as bad as expected, and better yet, thanks to EU law, you're perfectly at rights to bugger off to some other EU nation if you don't like it here and work there.
  8. If you're trying to suggest that the BNP are changing the ways, in the same way that other people in politics reinvent themselves, you'd be wrong. All they've done is hidden what they stand for beneath a suit and whacked anti-immigration to the fore of their policies, preying on the ill feeling of the common man, along with rampant islamophobia. Look beyond the PR crap, beyond the leaflets and the speeches you hear about, and it's the same old racist nationalists, all used to be in the NF, all still believe it. And if you vote for them, you vote for fascism, and racism, and everything they stand for. Don't be fooled into thinking they've changed, they've not. They've just got better at the publicity game and taken advantage of other parties letting them have an easy ride to power. I don't think any party has ever stopped you being proud of being a white British man, and I don't think the 'Loony left' minds if you feel that way either, by the way.
  9. Well, after having let it sink in, I'm still ashamed to be British. Racist, fascist, holocaust deniers now in part represent this nation to Europe. It's disgusting. All because people wouldn't vote, or chose to 'protest vote' (I ain't falling for that one chaps, you voted for them, you're scum). I suppose it's a shame that the Lib Dems are so pro-Europe, I think they might have done better had that not been such a key part of their policy, and if they'd really gone for it more. Still, we get UKIP and, on a slightly less sour note, the Tories. We can't draw any hard and fast conclusions from this for a general election, but on that showing even with greater turn out I think Labour might be struggling. A lot of their traditional support seems to have chosen not to vote in the main, but the massive gains on the part of the Tories might just prove too much were they to be repeated in a general election imo.
  10. A man that denies the Holocaust now represents part of this nation to Europe. Shameful really.
  11. Rumoured that Griffin has taken a seat. Fingers crossed he hasn't but wouldn't surprise me.
  12. I'll be adding Hannan to the nob list with Farage.
  13. BBC letting Nick **** Griffin spout hate. Dimbleby clearly not keen on the fella.
  14. I think it's more an athapy with the whole thing, than anything else. That and maybe a case of people just simply not understanding. Which isn't that big of a surprise since the EU itself doesn't have the greatest idea of what it wishes to do, ultimately. Tories in Wales is a novel thing .
  15. BNP gain their first seat from Yorkshire and the Humber. Fair few morons up there, obviously.
  16. Results coming in now. Seems the general expected results is that the centre left is going to take a bit of a battering, and the right (and so far, apparently in France the extreme left too) are picking up the pieces. Very few results come through from the UK thus far though.
  17. Well in the case of the BNP, I'd imagine the fact that they want Britain white and British, they'd tell them to sling their hook.
  18. Hearing the report from Nick Robinson that the general feeling of the Labour Party seems to be sack him now and die quickly, or leave him be and die slowly over the next year, was an interesting moment. I'm not sure whether it's worrying, sad, pitiful, or simply completely apathetic. Either way, I don't think the red corner will be crowing much over the next few years.
  19. unfortunately for us all they also have some ideals that in the right hands would actually work and make this country better but the pc brigade also too happily tarnish anyone who thinks it with the same racist brush, meaning that our frankly ridiculous immigration policy will never be ammended It's because they are bloody racist! The guy that runs the bloody thing is a Holocaust denier! They want rid of all foreigners, the NHS would die on it's arse instantly! And thats just the start. How any right minded person can vote for them is beyond me, unless they are exceptionally naive or, more likely, racist themselves.
  20. ‽‽ Having got to the end of last weeks QT now, my hate for Farage is cemented in place. He's a knob.
  21. Fair enough Snowy. I think you'd probably know that the international side of things is more forte . The stuff recently just makes my disinterest in the domestic side of things grow.
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