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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. It's impossible to have a welfare system that doesn't have someone find a loophole or abuse it somehow. The nature of the beast is such that you either legislate against severe abuses of it, or things like this you end up accepting. The fact of the matter is thus - it's a rarity. Which is why the outrage spouted by newspapers like the above has to be so, to make it appear considerably worse than it is. EDIT - I don't condone what they're doing obviously, and they don't sound like terribly endearing people, and nor would I condone anyone having that many children, as I'd feel it would be a detriment to the children themselves.
  2. Lots of people liking something doesn't mean it's any less of a gimmick.
  3. I despise all of them, but the ones I despise the most, I don't think I'm in the position to be buggering off . And I;d say if they qualify to receive legal aid, they can have it.
  4. Bjork - Pagan Poetry. The video for which involves, amongst other things, fellatio.
  5. Purgatory's like the in-betweeny one. You weren't really shit but you weren't all that great either. Like Tottenham.
  6. As far as I'm aware only 1 film has been filmed specifically with 3d in mind, that it is it was framed for 3d, and that is Avatar. And not everyone was convinced by that. I've heard many people say that, for films, the 3d effect, which is supposed to be more immersive, actually breaks the immersive quality of a good film because you suddenly have things poking out at you that breaks the suspension of disbelief, and actively makes you aware you're watching something rather than being involved.
  7. what exactly do you think a 1% rise in NI is ? ...something proposed by Labour, and not the Tories, who hate taxes? (apologies if they've u-turned and decided a NI rise is a good thing in the lasty couple of days, I've been too busy to watch people lie to me).
  8. Gimmick added to justify higher prices and combat piracy (a misguided attempt as anyone who's ever acquired a film that way in the name of research will discover that there's a lot more than just blokes with a camcorder under their jacket out there).
  9. sorry but what a load of Bollocks (no malice intended guys ) Fine if you throw that accusations at all parties but to single it out on the Tory party is so outdated as to make me wonder if you aren't both living in 1927 or something Labour represent the interests of many ..don't make me laugh .. it's conveniently forgotten that labour courted business , bankers the media and sold their souls to the highest bidder to gain power .. but suddenly now that they've lost all that backing they are trying to make out that these people are bad and cronies of the Tories ... Was chatting to a mate of mine on Sat , he's actually one of the few people I've met who is what you would call a floating voter ..he was a Tory but switched to voting Labour and Lib dem the past couple of elections ..He doesn't know how he will vote in May but he was saying in any real sense the public should be doing what they can to get rid of Labour .. and yet here we are where have the possibility , sown by Labour in to the public's mind , to vote tactically to stop the Tories from winning :shock: .. seriously at the election they should have a stock pile of straight jackets and the second you put an X in the Labour box you should be put in one and be taken away .. but anyway for Trent and Chindie :winkold: ,in today's other news .... Charles Lindbergh has just made the first solo non-stop trans-Atlantic flight from New York to Paris.....Babe Ruth has become the first baseball player to hit 60 home-runs in a season and Mae West has been sentenced to 10 days in prison for obscenity You seem to have forgotten that I don't like any of the parties. I won't vote for any of them. But at the bottom of the pile are the Tories. I don't care that Labour did shed what they once stood for and followed the well trodden path of Conservatism to court the middle class. I do care that the Tories had a woman in charge, before I was born admittedly, that said there is no such thing as society, and all that entails. Me me me, I'm alright jack. I don't like that. I believe it's something the Tories still rather like but they know they can't win an election by pissing on the poor. The tenets of conservatism do no favours for the majority. They value money more than people. And they value those who make a lot of it more than those who would need it to be spent. The underlying basis of conservatism is based on lowering costs, small government, etc etc, are they not? While that's not necessarily a bad thing, it is when it comes at the cost of the people the government, the state, owes help to. Which it almost inevitably will do to my mind. While Labour these days, as Mike says, are no better, having gotten power through slick ability and carefully orchestrated courting of the money, they still have made improvements to this country, I don't buy this idea that they did no good and screwed us all for all it's worth. The NHS is the easiest example - it's better now than before to my mind. It's gained new flaws, like the waste of money on bureaucracy and far too much cash on admin, but at the frontline, straight up healthcare, it's better than it's been. Would the Tories have done that? Well, it'd mean paying for it and that means money and that means, god forbid, taxes. The lack of a social conscience in what conservatism is disgusts me. And I'm glad people like Trent, who probably would have benefitted from the Tories taking less of his wage packet, are willing to take a sacrifice personally to ensure the good of the people as far as possible.
  10. Any party who's defining character uttered the infamous words 'theres no such thing as society' can go swing. Thats to me what underpins why they're the nasty party - they don't give a shit about people. Which is fine if you've got money and have no concept of empathy.
  11. My eye tunes seems to be having a Metallica mood. Always loved the driving riff on this.
  12. Metallica - Outlaw Torn S+M Brilliant song.
  13. It would take a **** miracle for my mind to change.
  14. Someone at the FA had a few grand on 3-0 and Webb's nuts were up for a malletting if he didn't let them have every opportunity for 3.
  15. I'm not surprised we lost at all. I'm happy that we played pretty damn well. But attacking wise we could have crossed all day and not scored, just wasn't going to happen. Which makes the good performances otherwise that much more annoying. Young gets most of ire today. Why is his crossing these days so poor? It's incredibly frustrating to watch. Even if he puts in a good one it appears to be nowhere near anyone half the time. Sigh. It's just all a bit gutting really. We played much better than I'd expected but I knew regardless we'd struggle to score. I'm praying for that striker to come.
  16. You're going to have your socks blown off when you see Messi.
  17. Good half. We're the better side, working hard, organised. But we're not scoring from a cross here, Alex and Terry have had them pretty much all covered, it'll take a miracle or a **** up for us to get ahead that way. And I sincerely hope that Webb is flogged by a baying mob at full time. I still reckon we'll lose this, Chelsea have a lot more in the tank than that and will probably pinch one sooner or later. But come on Villa, prove me wrong, the performance is there.
  18. Talk Talk - The Rainbow into Godspeed You Black Emperor! - The Dead Flag Blues.
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