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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. That's hardly a loving attitude. I read it as 'Look forward to burning ****' myself. Thank Satan it's all bullshit.
  2. Really? Why do you think that? I'm glad I've touched a nerve. It's made you fall into the trap of losing a foundation of argument for a glib response.
  3. Really? Where am I wrong? No, we won't find out the answers, we'll be dead, and that will be that.
  4. He's using it in the sense that its some sort of force behind religion though. No I'm not.
  5. You're saying if I live my life by the New Testament I'm doing evil? You're admiting such a thing as "evil" exists???? I'm saying that religion is an evil. It encourages idiocy, and fear, controls people, and so on. I'm afraid thats no good thing to my mind. It is an evil, imo. Evil isn't a religious thing I'm sorry to tell you. It simply means, to me, something particularly abhorrent.
  6. I can undermine the "evidence" for existance to the point it is foolish to think otherwise. You paste lies on things by claiming what was written by people ignorant of what we know today explains the world. To look at the beauty of the universe and go 'Ah, God did that, look this book tells me so' is to paste lies on that beauty to me. Well, the people that actually write things tend to be called authors, so it was written by men over a period of hundred of years, has been translated into language upon language, has pieces removed from it and added to it over those years, and claims things that are now patent bollocks. I don't see why some imaginary friend being named by people that believe it exists being called 'causes to become' is evidence for anything other nutjobs who could speak Hebrew. It certainly doesn't mean he exists. I can do what humans do and look at the logical ends of evidence and say yeah, barring miracles, it's a lie. Certainly, lots and lots of the Bible is lies, proven lies. Why believe the rest that has even a modicum of chance of being truthful? No, they don't swallow bollocks, they're obviously intelligent enough. I tend to be an antitheist because, well... it's all bullshit to my mind and I took the step further than just saying 'Nah, I don't believe it, but who knows', into 'This is clearly arse gravy and we're beyond this now, lets rid ourselves of this evil for simple people, and go on and be something better now we know better'.
  7. Some sects of Buddhism are the most obvious example. They don't have a belief in a god.
  8. No it isn't silly nit-picking, it fundamentally changes the nature of what it describes. Anyone that says it's the belief that there is no god is wrong, plain and simple. It's an absence of belief in a God. Theres an enormous difference.
  9. It simply means the absence of belief. Lots of people are atheistic agnostics, it means they don't believe but don't claim to know if a higher being exists or not. TheDon was simply saying that lots of atheists are also agnostic. I'm not one of them, I'll happily say theres no God. But then I'm an antitheist.
  10. You mean Stephen Hawkings the agnostic? The man who hasnt ruled out the possibility of there being a God? That bloke? Everyone is agnostic, unless you're an idiot. So all athiests are idiots. Least we agree on something! You clearly don't know what atheist means.
  11. Yes. And an infinite number of them will have the same life as you.
  12. Has there ever been offered up 100% concrete proof that god doesn't exist ? Now , one can be fairly sure there isn't a man with a beard living in the clouds but non the less the non-existence of God cannot be proven so why is it ignorance to have a view that he / she /it is real ? It ignores the stacks of evidence that suggests it isn't the case. The idea of 100% certitude in anything isn't possible, but the way we live dictates that we have to take our chances. Crossing a road is a simple example of that. It's never certain you won't get run over but you still cross the road. I therefore thinks it's fair enough to say anyone happy to look at all the evidence that says God is a fairy story for simple people, and rejects it, despite the evidence using technique, understanding, and knowledge that is used in numerous other fields that allows our world to exist as we know it in the modern age, is ignorant. Of course you can argue that the unknown in the beginnings of our universe could be called God. I think it's fairly safe to assume that that is, firstly, a sop to religious feeling, and secondly, isn't what the resident Christians are thinking of.
  13. We see reality and the beauty it brings, you see reality and paste lies all over it and call that beauty I would say is more accurate.
  14. They appear to have had some affect though as you're biting back.
  15. If you're offended you should probably stop having such stupid views. Science allows you to live your life. If you wish to chuck away parts of it hook line and sinker I'd almost advocate, like a friend of mine does, you get everything it's given taken away from you. I believe that'd put you somewhere back in the stone age, animal hides and sticks ahoy. The big beard in the sky might gift you fire at some point.
  16. Assuming we do eventually discover new lifeforms, what might the impact of that be? If it was far enough off, very primitive, and not contactable I suppose it'd amount to 'ooh thats interesting...' (being flippant of course). But if we could contact it and it had a modicum of intelligence, can you imagine the immense change that could lead to in the scale of things?
  17. But to be a "garden" someone had to take the time to plant that garden...it had a maker, a designer. It didn't JUST happen! That isn't the point. You could replace 'garden' with anything. Field, ocean, cliff-face... whatever. It happened, on it's own. the only designers involved were chemistry, physics, and time.
  18. Everything is wrong about it, from the basis of the idea (it wasn't created, I'm not sorry to tell you), to the lack of understanding it shows, to the sheer ignorance of it. Aa theDon has said above, is it not enough to see the beauty of the world without thinking there is something higher behind it? We live in a complex machine effectively, interacting and moving and creating and changing. It doesn't need an engineer. It absolutely astounds me people don't accept this and don't get the appreciate the wonders of nature properly.
  19. It's deeply sad that people are happy to accept ignorance in something so important and vital to the nature of our world. You don't see an intelligent designer or an architect, you see the wonders of physics and chemistry and time. It doesn't stop being any less wonderous. Indeed you might even say it's more wonderous and enticing and interesting and fulfilling. This all ties back into the idea of more life in the universe... is it not amazing that we know that there is so much out there that we don't know, there has to be other life forms somewhere? That's simply awe-inspiring.
  20. :| So you were told in School that God doesnt exist were you? Must have missed that. I'm pretty sure I was told to make up my own mind. No, I wasn't. However in making up my own mind I realised like most right thinking people that hey, this stuff is evidenced... and this stuff isn't. I honestly believe anyone who couldn't make that same judgement, is either stupid, gullible, or wasn't paying enough attention. Sorry if that's harsh or offensive.
  21. You obviously weren't paying enough attention if you still believe in fairy stories.
  22. If this guy was really, really young and was basically a youth player, I'd say that they had a point. But he's not. He's 23, he's part of their squad, he's their third choice as things stand. They should have to use him and have a youth player be their sub imo.
  23. If you believe we were created you're in desperate need of education.
  24. There is a logical end to saying it though Julie. Our understanding of the universe is that is so absolutely enormously vast, far far more vast that we can even see from where we are, that purely on the logic of chance, there has to be other life out there. The universe's nature as infinite means that everything that is possible, exists. The rest of what you put is claptrap, sorry.
  25. There has to be. However, I would imagine the chances of us encountering them are slim, given the difficulties of space travel, such as the immense distances required. You'd think the Bible would mention aliens.
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