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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I reckon if you got organised and got some wood, you could have No.10 and the Houses of Parliament burning before he got chance to get settled.
  2. Afghanistan isn't and never was pointless.
  3. I think 2 years is ambitious. I'd guess within a year the Tories will push for the lot. I wish there was an atheistic version of 'god help us'.
  4. I'd not recommend free rolls for developing a playing style online, more just to get used to the very idea of playing online and how the software works and what not - just because you don't want money on the line whilst you're still learning the ropes of the software. To really get used to how it works you're going to have to play in money tourneys, basically because in free rolls people play like morons. first hand all ins with rubbish, etc etc. People get through by sheer luck. But then again it's free so nothing to lose. They also tend to offer play chip tournaments which I'd forgotten about, give those a go to learn styles and get used to it. It's still not quite the same as playing for cash but it's better than the free rolls, just with nothing to really win. Good luck though, I don't think I'll ever get on with it myself but I know enough people who make decent money and they aren't all amazing players.
  5. I'm not a fan of online play, I do have a Full Tilt account and never really used it, played a couple of free rolls which are nightmares, never had the inclination to deposit properly. I'm not good enough tbh, I'm very average. If you fancied it free-rolls are decent to getting into the swing of things initially, just getting used to the software and so on, but don't expect to do well, even if you're bloody good, because people will donk and donk bad. If you are good though, or get good, online poker can be decent. I just don't really like it, I prefer having the social side of things and someone actually being sat opposite me.
  6. Curious as in rubbernecking a car crash curious - you want to know, but know you're likely not to like what you see .
  7. I'm somewhat curious as to what giving a bear tits involves. And then again I'm not.
  8. Guinness isn't actually black, it's a very dark red/brown. Large panes of flat glass are made by floating them on molten tin.
  9. A Spurs mate of mine reckoned we should ahve a cheeky bid for Berbatov. Ha.
  10. Well, the union tournament usually has rules that state in the first hour, if you go out, you can rebuy and start again with the same starting stack. However, some weeks when they expect turn out to be low, usually around essay and exam season, they mix it up to try and get the pot up by doing what they did last night, which allows you to either rebuy twice (i.e., you can go out and buy back in twice in the first hour) or rebuy and add on, if you need to. Or of course if you don't go out you can just add on. The add on is effectively buying another buy in on top of your current stack. I'm not a great fan of either. The add on whenever they do it basically means if you want to maintain your tournament position (unless you're miles ahead in the average stack race) you have to spend another fiver to have the addon to keep the status quo. And rebuys are annoying because it means for the first hour unless someone is absolutely rubbish or very unlucky, you can't get rid of anyone and start whittling tables down. On the plus side it measn you can, if you're not bad, rack up a decent stack if you get a lot of rebuys on your table putting you at a bit of advantage on the field as a whole, but still I'd rather see someone who goes out, stays out. But it makes sense for them to set it up like that on quiet weeks because they need to get the pot up.
  11. May look to get a preorder down. Sadly, it comes out right before my first exam, with my second a couple of days later... hmm.
  12. Won £25 at the Union poker tonight. Main tournament was a nightmare, made worse by being a double rebuy/rebuy-addon tournament and the absurd lack of cards I had. But a took down an 8 handed side game, wahey.
  13. Theres something about David Milliband I don't think I'll ever like. I think it's the fact he seems to have walked off the set of a gothic horror film, he's just got that vampiric look. Or maybe even an Igor (in which case he'd do well with the US 'Yeth marthter...'.
  14. On the mention of Fyfe Dangerfield, currently got the Guillemots - If the World Ends into Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Zero.
  15. When I first heard that this was statistically the best Real Madrid side ever, and they still weren't going to win the league, I could only imagine what their supporters were thinking. This is the best they've ever been and it's not good enough, mind boggling.
  16. Kangaroos cool down by licking their forearms.
  17. I will admit to having watched that film entirely for Scarlett's presence and nothing else. It is however just a brilliant film on all levels regardless.
  18. It ain't for lack of trying. I've not found a blind girl with the patience yet to put up with me. . As for POBs drowning yourself, I don't think you'd be able to consciously do it. You'd be able to do it by taking things outside of your control. For instance (Iain Banks spoilers ahoy) one of the characters drowns herself in a loch by weighing her coat down. Consciously doing it with nothing to aid you beyond your own will, nah, don't think so.
  19. Patient confidentiality and all that , it's just a thing I've had for a very long time that at times, atm a lot of the time, that makes it difficult for me to do things even such as going over onto campus, a 5 minute walk tops. If I'm out and about I'm very conscious of it constantly and it makes me somewhat anxious, it's like a constant background noise and while it previously, when it first started, made me very very hermit like, I learnt to largely deal with it, it didn't go away but wasn't as big a deal as it was then. Now it's just flared up again to a big deal again and it makes me not want to really do things. Which has begun to genuinely get me down now as well. Not sure if that is that helpful but the details I'm not sure matter. I went to a doctor about it about 6 years ago and sorta didn't get anything done about it, and he also didn't have much clue what it was. I have good luck with doctors, obviously. Aye, I'm at Aber, a lot of people get Aber fever, the remoteness gets to them, and a lot of people like it and never leave, literally. It doesn't really bother me, I quite like it here even if the winter is shite. I'm a third year anyway and we're coming into the part of year now where the town is genuinely brilliant. So I'm not sure it's the town, even if the locals are occasionally bastards and the hill is a bitch.
  20. Never have liked those kind of tests as it's pathetically easy to work out what the answers will do to the score. I get the 'possibly minor depression' on it but thats with a fairly liberal interpretation of the questions. I don't think I'm properly depressed tbf anyway, most likely nothing, just get on it and I'll be fine.
  21. Aye I know mental illness is quite common. I don't really like the term and like I said I'm not sure if I actually I am, I've always been a bit dour and melancholic, recently however my mood and nature has gone through the floor, not wanting to do things, feeling down etc, which has also coincided with another problem I've had for donkeys becoming much more annoying. I don't think I am but who knows. It might explain a few things. I'll mention it when I go to the docs next, which'll have to be soon as the other problem is now royally pissing me off. Should set my mind at ease. However my doctor in Aber is shocking. I've seen him once, needed a stitch my dentist in Brum had put in taken out. First thing he said was 'Dentist put it in, dentist take it out'. When he finally did it he went on to ask me if I smoked seeming surprised when I said I didn't, then weighed me, to which I said 'yeah, the student life's taken it's tole, need to lose a bit' jokingly, and he straight faced went 'No not a bit. A lot.'. Not sure that's a doctor patient relationship I want to blossom with 'I've had this problem for a while and I've also been feeling low'. I'm not entirely sure he'd be helpful.
  22. No one thinks you're rambling ... If you don't mind me saying you seem to have self esteem issues..and maybe that is driving the depression and the paranoi with relationships. Moving doesn't help matters.. it may do in the short term but contentment comes from inside.. Sure it's easy to be happier when things look good...but it's when the going gets tougher that our inner demons come back to haunt us.. Happiness is not dependent on our job, where we live or indeed who we're with.. it comes from US inside. and until someone learns to love themselves how can they truly love someone else? Whatever is hurting inside Chindie needs to be sorted - if it's there and it's not healed - it won't just go away on it's own. Hmm, I wouldn't say that I'm depressed as such. I mean in the medical sense of the term. Maybe I am, I've never had any discussion with a doctor or anyone really about it so maybe I am a bit. Who knows. I tend not to really show it out there in the world and will make excuses for myself if my mood or whatever means I don't wish to do something or am out of sorts. My self esteem has never been any good. But everyone I know knows that. I'll feel better tomorrow, I'll go back to how I usually am, and nothing will change. Today I just feel extraordinarily down. It's since last night was quite good all things considered, we had a laugh, it was good to have Tory love interest here and stop for a while and whatnot. I might mention it when I see my doctor next. I need this other problem sorting that's really beginning to get me down now anyway.
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