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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I've just had a look at th past papers for the exam I have tomorrow morning. ...I'm not very good at nationalism and discovered quite quickly that I didn't like the module as much as I'd hoped and didn't bothermuch with it. This decision is now going to come back to haunt me. The exam questions from previous years go right over my head. I don't think I can bullshit this one. ...Shit. Still, shouldn't matter too much.
  2. I really am not that keen on Ireland, absolutely mad and suspect attitude, I don't want the hassle, his ability isn't enough to make me think he'd be worth the hassle his head will bring with him. And I'd also suspect that Citeh wouldn't sell us a damn thing without Milner playing for them shortly so no worries there. EDIT - And these player plus cash deals everyones speculating, happen once in a blue moon (boom boom), if we were to buy from Citeh it'll be on it's own merit post a Milner transfer rather than part of the actual deal I suspect.
  3. Doesn't suit me, don't wear it. Doesn't mean you're gay either. To be honest of the blokes I've encountered who've worn something that shouts 'PINK!' at you, they've largely been the exact opposite of gay, confident straight blokes so full of themselves to the point of twattery.
  4. Got my first exam in 45 mins. Had a horrible nights sleep as well (sleep doesn't cover it really, it was essentially lying there all night). I bloody hate it when it's that muggy at night. Roll on Wednesday afternoon, when I'm done.
  5. Aye, it makes sense to do, I'd make money out there, have fun, see some of the world for the first time. The company it's with even pays for the flights dependant on how long you stay IIRC. The worrys for me would be - culture shock, I've never left the UK (I know...) and I've never had much desire to see South East Asia. I'm not a great fan of that school of food either, which I'd imagine would be pretty hard to avoid all in all. I imagine not being great with languages wouldn't help either, you'd need some knowledge of Korean to develop to get on. And I'm not sure how good I could teach anyone anything. It seems a bit daunting and I'm not sure how much I'd want to do it. But I can see a fair few benefits too.
  6. Seems I maybe checking out HTC's wares sooner than I expected - having lost my N97 the other night, assuming my insurance covers it, which it should, Orange don't seem to offer it anymore, which'll mean a vaguely equivalent selection of replacements, which will most include some of HTC's goodies. Every cloud and all that. I've had a play on a Desire recently and the difference between Nokia's UI and that's is like night and day. I love Nokia's UI but it's really, really looking old and bulky these days. Still... I come back to the problem with no QWERTY though.
  7. This thread always leads to the nagging doubt that in some far off time in the future I'll decide (or more likely be persuaded) it's a good idea to have kids. It is, on a very slight, small level, terrifying.
  8. Cheers. Saying it's guarenteed is a bit strong but basically, I can do awfully in the exams this week and still get the 2.1 so it's spectacularly likely. Aye, I know. Not a good time to be going into the job market either. Still, I'm kind of excited about it. It'll be nice to have some purpose for once. And a wage.
  9. I don't really know. I'm applying for a graduate position at a company I noticed the other day once exams are done, but I've no idea if that's going anywhere. A couple of friends want to doa small bit of travelling but no money for that. A uni mate wants me to go with him to teach English in South Korea, not terribly keen on that either though in some ways it'd be cool. Basically, I need to earn money but I'd not employ me. I'll be fine regardless, guarenteed 2.1 on my CV in a couple of months should help
  10. Cheers. I would say I'd need it but I can get a 2.1 in my degree by getting 50's across the board in my modules... which isn't happening. I'm on 30 odd in the 2 modules I have exams for anyway. And this one being pre-seen means I can cram a bit. My second and last one on Wednesday should be harder, but I don't care this time if I don't cover myself in glory. Then I'm done EDIT - Gotta love the cascade system - makes it spectacularly difficult to do badly if you maintain a decent level in the second year. Conversely if you don't ace things across the board you ain't getting a 1st, but still.
  11. Equally, the opposite is true, which you've left yourself wide open to. You can't say we won't have done better. Equally you can't say we won't have scored a penalty in every match L.Young played.
  12. Pre-seen exam paper for tomorrow morning finally been sent, woohoo, I can now cram like mad.
  13. Aye. We're not supposed to have them wedged open at any time, but fact of the matter is it's only open when I'm in the room, and if a fire suddenly sparks up I can shut it. Makes the place much less sociable and friendly when they're closed, and above all airy. But no, this clearing in the woods has had some petty revenge after thinking we're unreasonable at being pissed off he's been effectively living here rent free so whinged that some of us had our doors open so complained about that. Blokes a **** prick.
  14. I'm having to put up with not having my door open. If it was, there'd be a nice breeze going through and it'd be more homely. But no the psychotic tit **** one of my housemates decided to be a vindictive bastard and any moment our doors are wedged open we'll be reported.
  15. Aber is deep blue skys and glowing sunshine again today, thankfully theres a very light breeze too. I'd describe it as nice. Sadly I have to sit around waiting for an exam paper to arrive for tomorrow. Really should revise...
  16. I think him looking quite quick yesterday is more down to how shifty Bayerns CBs are, and also how slow and lumbering someone like Van Buyten is. Thats not to say Milito is slow as such, but pace has never been his big asset and it's never been something he's relied on. The thing that has always impressed with Milito, and that he showed perfectly last night, is that he can use small moments of skill to make big impacts. The first goal he makes an absolutely tiny feint just before shooting which helps him enormously. The second goal he turns Van Buyten inside out with a good if again simple turn. Very good striker. EDIT - Mourinho at Real will be interesting. At Real it isn't good enough to just win, you have to win well. Mourinho's teams have never been pretty, they've been effective. He won't last long there imo - They won't appreciate his style, and he won't appreciate the agendas of the likes of Perez, who chases players to fulfill his own ego. He'll most likely succeed some how though, he rarely doesn't. He'll just find out, like Capello did, that winning something isn't good enough if it wasn't pretty.
  17. I could see O'Neill being interested in Richards in any deal / looking at purchasing him in his own right. I wouldn't be myself as he's not actually learnt anything about being a defender since he came into the side, relying more on his physique when all the best defenders use their brain first. He said Carew was the hardest striker he'd ever had to defend against not long ago. Not being disrespectful to Big John (he is after all a handful for any defender), but I still maintain his difficulty with Carew was because he tried to outmuscle him rather than outplay him. And until he learns to defend with his brain he'll get nowhere. Probably the reason he looks more reliable as a RB to be honest. If he learns though, world class potentially. And right up O'Neills street - English, an athlete, and seemingly down to earth if with a bit of swagger. Perhaps Richards is exactly what O'Neill is at the moment looking for in a RB. Maybe even one he's coveted for a long time?
  18. I'm strangely unbothered by this speculation. I mean I'm all for replying to Citeh with a firm '**** off'. But the thing in the back of my mind is if he does go, it'll be for obscene money, the kind of money that added to the kitty can make big things happen to a side (even if it's spent on 3 players say). And if he doesn't, we've still got Milner, who is as far as we are aware one of the most professional players in the league. It would be an enormous surprise to find that reputation unfounded. If, for instance, we do sell him for circa £30m, we'll be ripping off Citeh. I like Milner, I like his attitude and his work rate and his ability, and I like that it's Villa that has made him come into his own. But £30m odds worth of player? Nah. Certainly he's worth more than we paid, a lot more now, but I'd figure his value straight up probably at the mid 20s. Double our outlay say. Another 5/6m on that isn't insignificant, and also is most likely an example of Villas hard ball attitude these days - you want him, you'll pay through the teeth for him. We did it with Barry, we'll do it again and again. If he does go, we'll make sure Citeh pay to our liking and not theirs. And if he doesn't... well, 20 odd million of CM with time on his side still isn't something to be sniffed at.
  19. Milito is a very, very good player. I was surprised it took this long for someone big to buy him really, he's knocked around half decent teams in Europe for most of his career, but almost always looked good. Not too much pace sadly and already 30 odd. Game was a bit of a non entity to my mind after the first goal - Inter's defence is probably one of the best in Europe right now, and Bayern were always going to struggle to score, more so with they'd conceded, and thats how it played out. Not that surprising, he's really not all that. I had to stifle a snigger when the commentary mentioned he might be German captain this summer.
  20. A max of 24 degrees in Aber, thats mad.
  21. I agree with Bicks. He's nailed it for me. He's out for tactical reasons and we, I suspect, would probably look more vulnerable with a more adventurous RB in place than Cuellar. I'd rather Young stayed but to be honest, he's not played and we've been fine, and he's not so amazingly good he's completely irreplacable.
  22. I want Bayern to win it, simply as Inter are a spectacularly unlikeable side. They won't though.
  23. Just watched Neil Young - Don't Be Denied on the iPlayer if thats what you missed, worth a watch. Nothing special but some top quality music. And funnily enough currently I'm listening to Neil Young - Don't Let It Bring You Down. and then Stephen Stills - Helplessly Hoping (Demo)
  24. I'm not a fan of being hot and my eyes have always been spectacularly sensitive to the sun meaning in good weather I end up walking round squinting a bit unless I've remember sunglasses. On the other hand, it's nice enough. I don't tan whatsoever so never have that much of a reason to do anything out in the sun, never been that outdoors-y. But it's better than most weather.
  25. From what I've seen of him, the odd couple of matches, he's never been that great and his record isn't spectacular in a weaker league. As said though, we'll see. Wenger normally has adecent eye for a player and he's been after him for donkeys.
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