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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. My dissertation was effectively a double module, lasted all year and worth the same amount of credits as 2 normal modules. Sure yours isn't similar?
  2. Just watched Harry Brown myself. Eurgh.
  3. Arsenal apparently are gunning for £60m odd, which is absurd... I can see them giving up if it goes much above £40m.
  4. Still sounds bullshit to me knowing the subject - and regardless it has a genuine political weight in raising the point in a movie. Anywho... over the last couple of days I've had a bit of a movie binge, began with Shutter Island... which could/should have been better but still a decent watch. Followed it up with 44 Inch Chest, which was alright but again, could have done with a bit more. It has some good moments but very slow. Today Zombieland finally got a full watch and whilst not thinking it was as good as everyone else seemed to, it's funny and keeps you entertained enough. Possibly the best cameo ever as well. Need to find something for tonights watch.
  5. Aye, think similar myself. Doyle does the donkey work and chips in a few, Fletcher plays off him and becomes their main scorer. Maybe. But still, not a bad partnership I'd guess. Cerainly doesn't mean we're going to be gunning for Doyle.
  6. My own recent poker exploits, on Monday night, saw me home with a tenner, came third in a side tourney. Main event had my best ever run of hands. Open the game with pocket 5s, hit trips. Follow it with a straight, then a flush, literally the first 3 hands get me up to about triple my starting stack. Went badly downhill from there. And in the first side game, well... 10 handed game, I deal the second hand of the game, look down, see Kings. Play it horribly (my instinct is always to get value and it **** me so often). I called a previous raise on the table, in the end there are 6 of us in and I'm thinking what on earth I've dealt out there... but I felt good with the kings. Board comes something like 256. Bloke to my left raises, bout a quarter of the pot. He gets 2 calls, and an all in from the initial raiser. I put him on nothing and knew he'd been playing like a donkey once his chance at winning the league went with his early exit from the main tourney, so I go all in over the top. Everyone calls, theres about 5 side pots. I still think I'm good. 2 to my left the bloke on the big blind's only called with A3 and flopped the straight. To make matters worse, I hit trips on the river, not that it matters, and he's got us all covered. Mad.
  7. Yes, which is exactly why I said unable. >_> <_<
  8. If King Kong were real, it would have been unable to realistically move, the strength of it's bones being unable to support the enormous weight without snapping.
  9. The golden rule (after '...pics?') is of course the half +7. It's just right. Their are exceptions of course but at the time of your life your off nailing things left right and centre, it's perfect.
  10. This is starting to sound like a really shit soap opera plot It's probably more complicated than that even. I thought the idea was stupid but i kinda saw the logic of it, i don't think I'd want to live with my ex and know she was off being pounded by other blokes a wall away. Still, it was never going to be a great thing, the situation was stupid and we all told him so (I told more often than once that he was batting way above his average and I'd cling on for dear life, he instead accepted the relationship was basically dead but for the convenience kept this up). Secondly, Johns gf has, even by her admittance, gone off sex and such, since her mom died she's apparently had a problem with intimacy and doesn't want to do anything like that. I know she wasn't entirely for the idea but she seemed fairly happy with it. I don't think she has any problem with feeling wanted... she did have a whinge at me the other day that she was annoyed she has had a relationship for her entire uni career. Either way, it's ball ache for me, it's ruined this week, and potentially a friendship I wanted to last and made uni end on a sour note. **** selfish words removed.
  11. As I said, Johns relationship is more or less of convenience for them both, they were living together and didn't think either could take knowing the other, in the room next door, was shagging someone else, and by staying together they could do shit and get along and so on. Saved a lot of hassle for all involved. John especially said that if they'd have broken up for absolutely definite, full stop they're done, he'd have moved out. They stuck to it and I know for a fact John has been straight as a die with the arrangement, he's not been involved with anyone else and hasn't even looked. I also know that his girlfriend would have preferred it if they'd just cut off but she knew they couldn't really and agreed with it for the greater good. They were still close friends, they'd been together since before uni. To be honest, in my book, it doesn't make a difference if they're together in name or not... you just don't go behind your mates back and gun for his ex/missus. It's just not done. I'd be pissed off if a close mate of mine was after my ex and I split up from the last 2 years ago. You just don't do it. My reaction earlier when speaking with John about it was to more or less instantly say 'Depending on what you tell me now, I'm basically done with Nick'. John's completely done with him, obviously. I've suggested that I might go and see Nick (I need to anyway, he owes me money and we need to each get a few things from each other) and talk to him about what the **** is going through his head. I've said to John that I side with him but I'm not getting involved as it's not my business but he's got my moral support, and the only thing I'm going to be doing is seeing to my own house - that is finding out if Nick is worth my time now.
  12. I'm trying not to get involved but at the same time, it's hard not to. John as I said is my best mate here, and will still be one of my best mates after uni, I've lived with him for 2 years and he basically got me out of a really nasty situation in my first year when it turned out all of my friends at the time were words removed who decided to make my life hell. Meeting him through seminars and what not and going out for drinks and having a laugh lead to meet a lot of other friends andbasically set up my social life. I know Nick through John. I feel I sorta owe him for that, and thats without considering he's my best mate. And I also just don't believe you should ever be going for a friends ex, no matter what. And she isn't John's ex yet really. Nick was straight up with John that he intended to **** his girlfriend, apparently. That sits very uneasily with me, especially now I realise he's pretty clearly been considering it for a while. I feel I should just have nothing more to do with Nick than I have to. But then Nicks a good mate too, especially this year we've done shitloads together and had some great times. I just can't believe he'd be so stupid and so **** selfish too. He must know it's wrong, he must know it'd piss off one of his good friends, and probably alienate a lot of people he knows as well (for example me, a friend of Johns who is dating a mutual friend of all 3 of us, etc etc). And I don't think I could ever quite trust him anymore. More than anything it's annoying that it a)ends the year, my final year, on a proper downer for all of us, and b)means I'm probably gonna lose out on a friendship that I don't think I can keep going after this, despite liking the guy.
  13. The final week of my uni life has been, potentially, ruined. I live with my best mate at uni, John we'll call him, and his girlfriend, amongst others. Their relationship is complicated, they basically are together in name only, for the sake of ease of living together and being able to have social lives. But they're still an item and would be breaking up for sure in the next couple of weeks as the need for such an arrangement ends. That'll mark the end of 3 years for them and neither has strayed in that time at all, and they still do couple-y things, they go for meals out, the cinema, whatnot. Today my mate is headed out, and asks for me to play in a poker tourney he was deep into and didn't want to just walk away from. I do so, and he goes off to tell his girlfriend he's ready to leave. A minute later he storms back in and says 'Do you know...?'. I ain't got a clue what he's talking about. He storms back out. A minute later he comes back, with her in tow, and says to me 'Can you leave?'. I do so. It turns out my other closest mate, lets call him Nick, whose missus of a good couple of years left him at Easter, has been conveting John's girlfriend. They've been texting, and the other night, the night we all went out for John's birthday, had them both share a kiss. My mate discovered this when he left the room to tell her he was ready, he checked the time on her phone and discovered it said 'Sent message to Nick'. She grabs the phone guiltily. He demands to know what it has said. It said 'I don't want John getting suspicious'. They were apparently off to meet today, she swears it was just them meeting up, nothing more (though she didn't deny she was interested). On speaking to him my best mate discovers he was well interested in more. I had actually spoken to her earlier and she simply told me she was off for a walk later, nothing more. I've not mentioned this to my mate, I'm not sure how important it is. I've also not mentioned that twice, after a couple of drinks in the last month or so, Nick has asked me about Johns relationship, how it is, how things are, and both times I've not said much, once basically telling him it wasn't my place to say, straight up. I'm now caught between my 2 best mates. As far as I'm concerned, what was going to be going on, isn't on at all - you just don't do it with a friends ex, you don't chase them, you don't anything, and I don't think I can really have anything to do with the guy any more. On the other hand, Nick and John are both good mates and I was lookign forward to doing stuff with the both of them over this week, and realisitcally, keeping in contact and seeing each other for the rest of our lives. I've been thinking about doing stuff in the near future with both of them, travelling and whatnot. Now I'm left in the middle, the atmosphere of this place is going to go even further down the swanny now 2 of the only 3 people that talk to each other really are not going to be on great terms... Great.
  14. Apart from the fact that the exact situation the film puts forward has been used by politicians before now to justify the scenario, which is called the ticking time bomb scenario, and the flaw of the idea is that it's never happened. ...And that torture doesn't work. As I said, I'd raised it here before (search for torture and it should come up) and it's not a issue that really has any basis worth talking about whatsoever really, once you udnerstand what it entails it's dead in the water.
  15. watched this, very good. raises some interesting points which will no doubt be argued over on here some time I was absolutely shocked at the suggestion that the americans would not use such tactics whenever it suited. But no spoiler, well worth a watch. Having read the plot synopsis, I've raised the debate before now on here. Tis interesting but from what the film's synopsis says it's about... I'm iffy on what it seems to suggest.
  16. The lesbo action is yet another reason to watch it. Mmm... Naomi Watts.
  17. Memento is worth a look too, if you've not seen that. A bit different again.
  18. If you do watch Mulholland Drive, I'll warn you, if you want something with a definitive plot, and a definite meaning and ending... you ain't gonna like it. But if you're ok with something that'll make you really have to consider whats going on and keeps you going down different routes, it's brilliant. I watched it with a mate earlier this year and while wathcing it we had about 5 different theories to what was going on as we watched, and I still couldn't tell you now what it's actually about with no doubt whatsoever. But regardless... it's class. Wiki describes it as a 'neo-noir psychological thriller', which is pretty accurate.
  19. Mulholland Drive will keep you guessing, assuming you make sense of it at all. Great film.
  20. Just watched Shutter Island myself. It's good, well made as you'd expect from Scorsese and generally good fun however... SPOILERS ...I worried when I saw the trailer for it that it had the most predictable plot imaginable. It does. You can guess exactly where it's going from the word go. If you've watched the trailer, you don't even need to guess, you already know. I hoped that that plot was going to be a red herring for something a bit more original. It's made a good film a bit of a let down for me. I'd still recommend it but any film with that thriller/mystery vibe keeps you guessing and needs to to work, and this being so predictable loses some of the pay off for me. /SPOILERS
  21. You're probably right LL. But it is annoying when everything else is shut and we're still doing crap. Saying that, it doesn't effect me anymore, so woop. Won the quiz again last night, last one we'll do, prize was 2 crates, 1 of Coors and 1 of Bulmers. I normally don't mind Coors but the plastic bottle ones are **** horrible. Still, it was free.
  22. Wanting to listen to some pretty crap rock... Disturbed - Indestructible
  23. On the Bank Holiday front, try this one for size - we get a reminder email fairly often at Aber informing us that we don't recognise Bank Holidays and if you've got lectures etc on a Bank Holiday Monday, they're still on. Some poor bastards have exams on it today.
  24. I'm quite quite hung over. Kegs are shit btw.
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