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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I kinda hope I'll outlive the stuff. The people who drink it die out or something and they go bust. Something anyway to stop it lasting.
  2. I don't think about retirement. To be honest I don't think that far ahead with anything. I'm not a planner. I take things as they come. Edit - I guess I consider what may come. But I don't specifically plan out my life or have any real overarching aims. There are dreams I guess, but I know I probably will never attain them. I have a friend who has a kind of ideal scenario life plan. Lots of people do I guess but she is doing everything now to try to achieve it. Fair play to her. I just couldn't do it. She wants the usual things, the husband the children the house etc... but she has them detailed to degrees that seem almost ridiculous. She has a specific number of children she wants, she has a specfic career path, she has a specific period in which she wants to push away from the career and take to being a mother, she has an overarching aim of doing good in the world for those poorest in a myriad of very specific and considered ways (she's genuinely researched these ideas, they slip my mind recently but she could reel off the facts and figures and how she could help and so on). I'm talking stuff like running a school in a Third World country. I couldn't do that. I don't wish to regiment my life into a life plan, even an idealised one like my friend. I've been thinking about these kind of things recently just because I'm now finally in the real world and the first footsteps to my life are tentatively taking place now. Retirement is a far off distanced land that I can barely comprehend. The only thing I do know from that future is that Bulmers will still be shite.
  3. Sparklehorse - Wish You Were Here. ...feelin reflective.
  4. Cheers Rev. It's strange, generally in this I'm a pretty decent shot, but the disarming people thing seems to elude me. I'm sure I'll get it, I've barely needed to use the technique upto now really. Similarly it's only in the last couple of days play I've really started using the Dead Eye. Makes the legendary animals piss easy. Unusually as well, I found the kill a beer with a knife challenge much, much easier than the kill a cougar with a knife challenge. The bear was piss, charge sidestep slash away. The cougar was a proper pain in the arse, even when softening it up with a pistol the thing would fly off like no-ones business..
  5. Hunting challenge? Done. Treasure hunting? Done. Survivalist? Done. Just working on my sharpshooting now, 2 hats and 2 disarms... got the 2 hats, the disarms I seem more able to do by mistake.
  6. Not quite true. The 'lose' situation will occur if the issue drags on for a long time without being resolved one way or the other. If this happens then the bulk of your transfer activities will be frozen in place and beset by confusion and uncertainty: you'll be left not knowing whether or not Milner needs to be replaced and in the meantime, with time running out in the transfer window, you won't know how much cash you'll have to spend on a Milner-replacement and/or other players. In other words, unless it's resolved early it'll be hard to make transfer plans: set a budget, choose target players and have enough time to allow for unhurried negotiations. I'm not convinced we'll allow that to happen. I suspect we already have plans in place for any money brought in should he be sold, especially regarding replacements. I don't think we're quite that incompetent. Editted, on consideration.
  7. The term 'bed artistry' not only makes me smile, it's being eagerly added to my vocabularly. For the record, no. I can think of better things to spend big money on. I did do the whole lapdance thing once, that got expensive, but purely because '...One more?' in strong Eastern European mumble sounded like '...mmmmhmmmohohmmmm' to me at the time, and I have a habit of saying 'Yes' when I've not understood something just out of a desire to be positive and helpful.
  8. Still unbothered. Shitloads of cash or keeping a good player. No lose situtation for us.
  9. ...only thing I have to do with the privileged is occasionally sleeping with their daughters (it sometimes pays to be just rough enough to not scare them off but make them feel rebellious... not so much these days being honest but still). Croquet?! The only thing I'll play with a mallet is a game called 'Carpentry' .
  10. Hmm... Can't stand the stuff. Partly it's the trying to drink through a fruit salad side of things, partly the taste, and mostly the fact drinking it makes me almost feel the silver spoon up the arse of whoever made it and it's traditional clientele. If it's free I suppose it's allowable, it's a shame to let any alcohol go to waste. ...better I think my tipple tonight will be a few Becks if we stop at mine. Or maybe I'll shove those De'els toilet water plastic Bulmers in the freezer, ala Rob.
  11. I'll buy him for £35, I reckon I could make a swift profit.
  12. Darren, for shame! Pimms?! Anything that is improved, especially drinks wise, by having cucumber in it is not worth the time of day My tipple tonight depends on what happens tonight. Mate of mine is finally back from uni and wants to do something, dependant on what he suggests affects my drinks choice. Frankly, I hope he fancies a few drinks at mine so I can just grab some beers.
  13. There are genetic traits in some Jewish ethnicities. In some cases they are fairly obvious (as racist as it sounds, in some cases people 'look Jewish'), in others they are genetic, in others they basically are exactly the same as any other Caucasian person. The problem is further exacerabted because the Jewish ethnicities have often crossed over with other ethnicities and diluted the genetic pool to the point that the racial characteristics have become pretty much moot in many cases. But there do exist Jewish races. Then you just have to ask whether those disperate ethnicities are different enough to classify a different race in the more common perception of races. Thats why they are considered an ethnoreligious group, because they defy pretty much any definition in it's entirety. The other option that more or less fits is the true definition of nation, which basically encompasses all of the above.
  14. It's considered ethnoreligious. You can become a Jew on religious grounds solely, but there are also some ethnic dimensions to the religion. However that part of it is spectacularly complicated, it's not just a straight up 'Jewish' race, there are subdivisions of that and so on. It's partly what causes the Jewish faith to be a bit difficult to wholly tie down, for people who have converted it's simply a faith, for people born into it it can be a helluva lot more.
  15. I think it's both officially.
  16. Skunks and raccoons where both night spawns IIRC, certainly haven't seen many of either during the day. I'm expecting the elk and big horn to be piss easy as it's a simple task to find them and I'm a pretty good shot so I'm not too afraid of the bears. Buffalo rifle between the eyes seems to put them down . Think I'll move onto treasure hunting after the hunt challenges, put the story missions on hold again.
  17. Put it like this, on HIGNFY, on the missing words round, he read out the headlines in a booming near shout with exagerrated anger and dismay, and it was hilarious. EDIT - 'PETROL!!! ARE WE RUNNING OUT?!!!!!'
  18. Just did the fox raccoon skunk challenge. Trying to find a raccoon or skunk when you really want to is a bit of a pig, even if you know the areas they spawn they just don't seem to be about. I pretty much stumbled on them. Elk and big horn next, at least that one should be piss.
  19. The episode of Have I Got News For You that Brian Blessed hosted had me in stitches, the blokes a walking caricature. Can barely believe he was a Shakespearean actor.
  20. Rooney being unable to control a ball v Algeria still irks me fundamentally.
  21. Here Ah, Sky Sports... Quality research, proofreading, and all round journalism.
  22. Until about six months ago wouldn't people have said the same thing about Jon Venables? Yes, but thats why they're on a life license.
  23. Terrible song. It's been so hot today that opening the kitchen door and the door through to the hall, let so much heat out from the conservatory in our house the fire alarm goes off.
  24. I think it's **** awful.
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