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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. He has a half decent shot in the right position as well. I'm looking forward to seeing him on top form, and I think this season might be the chance for him to show it, as BOF says he spent last season trying to bed in and catch upto fitness. Really looking forward to seeing him play if he can get his crossing consistant - he put in some sublime crosses at times last season, often better than Ash could manage in the same game imo, but there was no middle ground with them, they were either peaches or absolutely dire. But if he nails them, he'll be an enormous asset.
  2. Chindie

    Do you read?

    *high five* Just announced his next one, a Watch novel with the working title Snuff.
  3. I think thats being spectacularly kind to the Mexican. Done sod all.
  4. Your sentence suggests I'm someone who has cheated my way through life, and continues to do so.
  5. ...I sincerely hope you've something to back that one up.
  6. Pop it, and then don't let the golf spoil a good walk.
  7. Why is there a stylised 3D cube on the back...?
  8. Sturggling students will sell their grannys to cheat rather than get exposed it seems.
  9. Having a sense of right and wrong is now stuck up. Absolute gold. **** you, and **** your God, as Maynard would say.
  10. I daresay eagles care little of ants either.
  11. No I can't be arsed to converse with with someone who's opinion I now value as slightly lower than pondlife. I'm just glad some people see the need in not being so shamefully selfish and lacking morality.
  12. Its in my interest for my future to, when I go and sign on, lie and say I have an illness that prevents me working. Something I can fake quite easily at a doctor. It's good for me because I'll be paid a shitload to sit on my arse and do nothing, and never have to work. I don't do it though. I daresay 'disgraceofbrum' would say I should. EDIT - or better, to lie on my CV. Of course I have lots of experience, Mr Soon-to-Boss. And that degree I took, no, not in Political Studies, it was in biology. Or English. Or whatever you want it to be in, sir, to let me have this job.
  13. I don't give a shit if it's popular, its wrong. That paper comes up on the net, I don't look. You put your place at uni at risk by not putting in enough effort, or not being good enough. Thats the legitimate way. Not cheating and defrauding the entire process because it's Good For You. You accept the consequences of your failure and you learn from it. You need to get a grip I think you'll find, you're trying to justify the unjustifiable. 'Oh, everyone would do it' is not a justification for a wrongdoing, get that into your thick (seemingly in every sense of the word) skull. It's the kind of logic that says this is okay that opens up all kinds of wrongs. This whole attitude angers me fundamentally. I do hope you and your friend fail, thats the vindictive side of me that hates this line of thinking coming through. It'll be no less than either of you deserve in my book.
  14. The poll is reading. 12 - Yes. 1 - No. 92% of people so far would look at a paper before their exam. I think you have to be in the situation we are in now to make a proper decision. It's easy to say once you've done the exams normally to say "No I wouldn't of" but at the time.... ...just because lots think it's OK doesn't mean it is... I was in your position not too long ago, if I'd have cheated I would have done much much better than I did - I gave up in A Levels, got cocky and lazy and decided I couldn't be ****. I still wouldn't have cheated then, because I knew my effort wouldn't have warranted those results had I cheated (I had no opportunity to cheat regardless but I wouldn't have, I have a moral compass that actually works). I respected the people who did well and did put in the effort enough to know that I wouldn't.
  15. Intent was there from you and him, struck off of the exam and a 0 in my world (vote for me in future people, I'll put that politics degree to good use). I despise this attitude of 'as long as I'm alright Jack' which is personified wholeheartedly in this debate, and because of that, yeah I probably would at the very least have a stern word with anyone who thinks '**** it, **** the rules, **** the morality, it's doing me good, screw it, I'm owed doing well no matter what'. Your spelling and grammar is probably indicative of the need to cheat to be frank.
  16. Cheating is lower than a snakes belly, as I said before, and also as I said before, I hope you and your cheating friends fail miserably. Your friend you helped cheat, should he be going to university, has almost certainly done someone else out a place they probably deserve. Disgraceful.
  17. avfc89, I've done all the stats before - he adds little that Petrov doesn't do better, is what I found with that, other than 'trying' and 'effort'. Nothings based on imagination, myth or otherwise, do a search you'll find something I spent hours doing, around Christmas time I think. Don't assume I'm based something on nothing, when I'm not, it makes you look foolish. And indeed, lets waste no more on this waste of a wage.
  18. What is total rubbish? He claims, self avowed, to be a box to box player and thats what he wishes to be. We do often have this debate, and it does indeed add to my desire to get rid of him, because it's **** tiresome. So that's not rubbish either. Nothing player? Well, thats my opinion of him. Good engine, good athlete, can tackle. Passing problem is overplayed but it's hardly his strong point, technically dire, touch that would embarrass a sex offender... etc etc etc. Martyrdom if we do rightly ditch him? I think you'll find thats speculation with, imo, some warrant given the clamour by some that he is some saviour that would improve us no end, but regardless as speculation struggles to be wholeheartedly 'rubbish'. You say yourself we've been over this before so I'll not waste my or anyone elses time debating such a run of the mill athlete, and because of those previous debates I shouldn;t really need to reiterate that I think he's a resoundingly poor player who's use for Aston Villa has passed. Edit for some speeling.
  19. ...indeed. Being honest, the fact we discuss at length such a complete nothing player like NRC just adds to my desire to get shot of him. I only fear he'll become the martyr his, in somes eyes, sainted status might warrant of that happens.
  20. Why? I think NRC still has a future at the club, MON needs to use him more and make his ability count. I don't think he's much cop in no uncertain terms and want him out, while we still have the chance to rip someone off for him and so he doesn't have to linger on for another year. Been over more precisely why too many times before and it's tiresome. Just like having him as an Aston Villa player is for me.
  21. If we can't get shot of NRC I hope we can do something interesting with him... like get shot of him in another way, a literal way. Using a cannon.
  22. Disintegration is often considered Robert Smith's magnus opus, dark album mind and can be hard to get into, but got some great songs. It was their return to their darker earlier sound after having done a few more pop-y records. I'd recommend looking at the albums Seventeen Seconds, Faith, Pornography, the Head on the Door and Disintegration. That ignores msost of their more popular pop style stuff, like Friday I'm in Love, and sticks to mostly their darker stuff. Don't be surprised if you like the odd song off each album rather than the entirety, thats more or less what happened to me. They do have some cracking songs though.
  23. Enormous gimmick and waste of time.
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