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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I used to live in Wigan near the hospital. You have my deepest condolences and commiserations. I'd offer you my deepest condolences and commiserations for supporting Citeh, but I couldn't do it sincerely.
  2. Chindie

    Top Gear

    I enjoyed last nights one but for me it was split pretty much down middle between good segments and pretty weak ones. The Touareg bit was pretty weak. The news skit wasn't the best. Veyron bit was pretty damn good. Star in Reasonably Priced Car is almost universally fairly shit with a couple of decent ones, but this weaks was pathetic. The fawning was cringeworthy, the sheer fakeness of Cruis and Diaz was vomit worthy, eurgh. And the Senna bit was great. Last weeks was better imo, even just for the motorhome skits. The sight of the Citreon tower block swaying had me in stitches, Clarkson's cries just made it funnier. And Mays laughing hysterically while behind him, brilliant.
  3. Heart condition, exceptionally unlikely he'll play again. He hasn't since October 08. He's not officially retired yet.
  4. Since most of their players are Ukrainian, I'm sure the weather isn't too much of a problem, and if it is they're rather used to it by now. The majority of their Brazilian players have been there for quite a while now (apart from a couple who just got there), and I'm sure the wages they're picking up more than make up for the difference in weather. Elano was picked up before Citeh was mega money, yes, but they were still paying him a pretty decent wedge IIRC, it was under Shinawatra was it not, who they splashed some cash under. With us, the fact of the matter is this - we can't afford to pay the kind of money Shaktar will, and we don't offer CL football, and we can't offer the kind of money that will, for Shaktars top players, interest them. And if we could, because the budget isn't unlimited, the risk would be enormous on any signing. We may offer a bit better weather and a better league but, really... are you gonna care that much when you're being paid silly money and know that if you perform well enough, eventually a big team will come sniffing and you'll step up to a better league and more money and better weather? Why go to Aston Villa unless they're offering significantly better than you're already getting? Which we can't/won't.
  5. Shaktar Donetsk are owned by the richest man in Europe and I'm lead to believe pay rather nice wages, I don't think we'd be in the market for their players. They get a few cherry picked by the elite once in a while.
  6. Er, yeah you know, Jimmy Milner is a good playa and all that, you know, be happy to have 'ere at Tot'num but er you know e's an Villa playa and thats their perogative kinda fing *twitch*, but e'd be something we might've liked you know, which is why I'm torkin' to ya now kinda fing, but he's not coming to Laaaahndan, which, you know, he might like kinda fing *twitch* but to be honest ya just can't get braaaan paper bags big enough for the kinda deals you see today, an o'course it's just not the same when you have to rock up wiv tha marney in a wheelbarra, it's not the same kinda fing as it was back when I wuz at Bornmuff, sheepskin, tap on the shoulda, hand behind the back, nod and wink, and Roberts your unkle. Couldn't do that wiv a Milner deal. Just couldn't. I'd like to though, and deep daarn, I'm sure Jimmy would to... see wouldn't need the braan envelope for him, carrier bag'd do, prefeably Sainsburys as Chaz an' Dave'd tell ya, kinda fing
  7. Talk that personal terms have been agreed between Fabregas and Barca. Currently only on (snigger) Goal.com, so likely to be rubbish, but who knows. It almost wouldn't surprise me.
  8. Bingo. If we were making more money, this discussion wouldn't be being had.
  9. Took me 3 tries to get that pic to work, don't like Googles new image search... Further embaracing my inner geek... Pacman was released originally in Japan as Puckman. When the game was sold to the US, the name was changed to Pacman to prevent vandals renaming the game themselves to Fuckman. And it's also a game that was, at least in it's original format, impossible to beat. If you made it to the 256th level, the game had a bug that made it unbeatable.
  10. ... I thought the 'youngstas' should know the actual facts of the matter. Never know the life or death situations they might get into where they need to know the exact answer to the original format of Donkey Kong... Another Donkey Kong one. No-one is quite sure why he's called Donkey Kong. There are a couple of stories about. The most well known suggests that they wanted to call him 'Monkey Kong', but thanks to bad phoneline, he ended up being called Donkey instead. A similar thing is 'alledged' to have happened to (rather crap) 80s Japanese sports car the Mitsubishi Starrion, although that was perhaps more down to the Japanese trouble with Ls.
  11. DK was originally released on an arcade cabinet, the Game&Watch version followed a year later .
  12. On the gaming theme actually... Donkey Kong, the famous game that launched Mario (then called Jumpman) and Donkey Kong himself as Nintendo staples, was the subject of a law suit by MCA Universal on it's release, claiming it ripped off King Kong. Nintendo won the case when it was discovered that MCA Universal had no claim to own the rights to King Kong, and had in fact actually previously won a law suit itself that placed King Kong in the public domain. And for a couple of other completely useless bits of gaming trivia... Mario is named after the landlord of a warehouse Nintendo of America was renting in 1980, Mario Segale. He had a heated argument over late rent payments with the then President of the company, and the staff chose to rename 'Jumpman' after him. Also, the reason Mario has a moustache is because of the limitations, at that time, of making a character look human with a defined face. Giving him a moustache created the illusion of a much more defined face than a pink blob with a nose would.
  13. A number of FPS games, perhaps most well known of which is the seminal Goldeneye on the N64, make a fundamental flaw with the nature of their representations of firearms for the sake of aesthetics. They have spent catridges ejecting from the gun towards the centre of the screen. This is unrealistic because it would mean anyone firing the gun would be constantly being hit by very hot pieces of brass - all right hand operated guns eject to the right to prevent this. Thus, it was either a conscious design choice to look cool, or perhaps in the world of the FPS, an awful lot of people have left hand set up guns and the likes of James Bond just can't get a break. This is also undoubtedly the most useless thing I know. And maybe the geekiest.
  14. Free - All Right Now. Can't beat a classic once in a while.
  15. Got it all from wiki - admittedly he doesn't appear to be important squad member for City, but he has made 49 appearances for them. No, no he hasn't. Unless Citeh have been fielding 2 GKs since January and magically making a lot of new fixtures appear since then too.
  16. Bluenose, has really, really objectionable ideas for the league, general air of twattishness. I wonder if this is how Glaston started out.
  17. ...who'd have thunk you could ferment and bottle Joy Divisions bassist?! May be on a couple of Red Stripe later myself.
  18. Yourcodenameis:milo - All That Was Missing.
  19. Really couldn't care less.
  20. Tremors. It's stupid. But its a cult classic for a reason, and stupid as it may be, and rubbish as some of the effects might be, it's great fun and has some genuine laugh moments. And it gave the world the character of Burt, who is worth watching the film for alone.
  21. Chelsea apparently close to signing Ramires, Brazilian at Benfica who featured a bit at the World Cup. You remember him because he had a face like a slapped arse/ a dog sucking a piss stained wasp. May even be signing tomorrow. Almost certainly will have next week.
  22. Rifling shouldn't make a difference - all that does is impart spin on the bullet making it more accurate/stable - the point of this experiment is that gravity effects all things regardless of their own movement. The fired bullet will be effected by gravity in the exact same way as the dropped one, it will just be travelling laterally as it is. It will drop the same distance in the same time. Of course this assumes that nothing effects the bullets in travel, like wind which could cause it drop faster or slower for instance, but the theory is still the same.
  23. And pure water doesn't boil at 100 degrees C (nor freeze at 0)
  24. Nope, I mean parallel. Perpendicular the one being dropped would hit the ground first by miles, because the bullet, (assuming you made the gun perpendicular to the ground facing up) would be accelerating away from the ground for a while. Gun (and bullet to be dropped) --------------------------------------> Ground _________________________________________ You drop a bullet from the same height as the gun as you fire it, the bullets will both hit the ground at the same time.
  25. I knew about that one before QI even started screening I'm afraid. I didn't even know they'd had it on there.
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