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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Aye, but being melodramatic helps pass the time, this manager business is utterly boring now. I haven't really bought a gun. (or have I?) With Villa in the state they are in at the moment, it'd be a sound investment. That or some rope. The rope's easier and cheaper but limits your options. It makes it very difficult to prevent Alan Curbishley ruining the legacy of Villa after you are gone for instance. ...cheery times. :|
  2. If it's Curbishley, yourself, you;ll have nothign to live for football wise. Even if you shot him you'd still know that your club wanted to sign Alan Curbishley as manager. Sven, him, but only in the thigh to give him a warning to behave. Koeman, him, in the head, to stop him **** it all up the moment he walks in. Zola, above his head (not hard to do) to warn him off. Houllier, anywhere near him, he'll have the second heart attack he needs to retire. MacDonald, yourself probably as well, a swift Beretta blowjob. Can't think of any others off the top of my head but I suspect whatever firearm you've gone for, you may need it.
  3. Annoyingly I discovered this term a long time after I started using this username. :oops:
  4. Given the period that this is set in, and the Vietnam connection, that should be an air strike of some kind, if it's going to for a semblance of accuracy a **** huge one. Operation Rolling Thunder was an enormous sustained bombing campaign of North Vietnam, with the intention of causing such horrendous damage the North Vietnamese would be unwilling and unable to continue the conflict. Didn't work but the numbers and scale of the thing are, to be honest, obscene.
  5. My mom's apparently got a vote in this election as well, as a union member. Got a recorded phonecall yesterday about it, her union want them to go for Ed Milliband, who also had a nice recorded chat for about 3 seconds before I hung up. I doubt she'll vote/care anyway so it matters not. And frankly they're all shit anyway. I wouldn't vote for a single one of them.
  6. Although many more people, or more rather the cast majority of people, voting in this thread, seem to think he's actually rather a good player. And they're right too, IMO of course. :winkold: Lots of people believe in homeopathy. And they're not right either, imo of course.
  7. ...the condescension, it's palpable. I certainly hope that ivory tower has strong foundations.
  8. This should help, full list (with %s) for 100% completion As a stab in the dark, seems you need to do some bounties though at least.
  9. On the names we've heard so far, I'd be headed for the hemp fandango sharpish too - universally, it seems, the realistic ones are either spectacularly shite, or monumentally and perhaps fatally flawed in one way or another. Or in the particular case of Sven, with the added twist of just being incredibly unsavoury. I'd like a manager that could instill a bit of flare, or get the pulse racing, but on the bottom line I just want someone good. I don't think we're going to get someone 'good'. I'll be very surprised if we do. That's really deflating.
  10. As he read that (fantastic by the way) reply from BOF, all that will happen is his eyes will glaze over as he realises it doesn't agree with what he believes, so isn't true and isn't happening. And then we'll get a 2 page long dissertation on why Spurs are the bestest.
  11. I think you are spot on Pilchard. It seems a lot of people do not recognise that we need someone to do this role and would prefer to play two "footballers" in a CM pairing?? No, I think it's more that people understand that we need someone to do a defensive role in midfield, and indeed want it, but NRC is shit at it. I also believe we could do better, fairly easily. We just haven't. There are plenty of players around the world better at the defensive side of things in midfield than Nigel, and there are plenty of players around the world better at the all action deal in midfield, ala Essien. No, I think, all in all, you're wrong. People just think Nigel is bollocks. And they're right too, imo of course.
  12. We'd never be relegated under Curbishley. Equally we'd give up everu season once we hit 40 points. Can't see it being him thankfully though. Shame you can't say the same of most of the other candidates that we've heard of.
  13. The one by us I'm convinced can't even be arsed to announce himself, he's got it on tape I'm sure and routed through a loudspeaker.
  14. Normally I'd verge on agreeing (I do like a decent lager and I like a good cider) but it's Strongbow, it's shite. I say that as I'm halfway down the can :oops: Discovered they sell Amber Jack in our local outdoor by the way Rob, I may one day invest in a bottle
  15. Haha, no it's just one those random facts that 'everyone knows' is right but when you look into it, isn't quite.
  16. Not true. They don't have rhymes in common usage but the full English dictionary (which is enormous) has ones that rhyme with them. For example purple rhymes with curple (effectively a word for a horses arse) and silver rhymes with chilver, a word for a female lamb. I think orange and month only have half rhymes, again obscure, but still, a rhyme.
  17. The scientific term for a fart is a flatus.
  18. No surprise that you're a pheasant pluckers mate Rob . Theres some... er, vintage?... Strongbow in the fridge... I'm tempted. Knowing my luck it'll have gone off or something. Not that you'd notice with that piss.
  19. Hlebs main issue at Arsenal was he was the worst culprit in their passing syndrome. He simply would not shoot. He would get himself into great attacking positions and then have to make another pass. I remember a times it became absurd. Heres hoping he keeps it up at Small Heath.
  20. Tuborg. I'm told this stuff is brewed in the same place as Carlsberg and for intents and purposes, is the same as Carlsberg. And yet, unlike Carlsberg, it's actually drinkable. I've heard the same for Coors, and the same applies there too.
  21. Don't think we'll be seeing Glaston for a while, he'll have drowned under the sheer volume of cum he involuntarily spunked on discovering Spurs had VdV in the bag.
  22. Koeman would be horrendous. Interesting, but horrendous. Based on his treatment of David Albelda, Angulo and Canizares, he'll probably walk in and tell Petrov Carew and Friedel to **** off.
  23. It starts September 7th, and I'm also massively looking forward to it.
  24. Moyes keen on Grafite apparently. Good player. Surprised Wolfsburg would let him go to be honest.
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