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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Finally. Now, lets see what he does. Forgive me if I'm not waiting with baited breath.
  2. In honourable Aston Villa world maybe. Huh? What don't you get? If the club says no, you talk to them anyway. Unless of course you can't really afford the manager in question in the first place. That's the worry. Surely money can't be that tight for Randolph to not be willing to pay a few mill to get the right man by way of compo? Its the elephant in the room.
  3. Second ep of This is England was decent. Could be subtitled the Sex Episode. Funnier than last weeks as well, if also still pretty bleak at times.
  4. If he could resign, and take over immediately, and he hasn't, that is horrendous.
  5. I 'eard it'd all be ovah by Christmus! We 'ope.
  6. The commentary from the match mentioned that his commitment to the FFF involved him having to attend some sort of manager award show in France last night. Sounds like an absolutely unmissable engagement. This is becoming increasingly ridiculous. As Bicks alludes to on the previous page, what would Houllier/us really lose for him straight up breaking the contract?
  7. Someone has to say it, so, share the wealth. Not the ones of you >_>. As for the query... are you single? Is said hot girl something you'd nail? Is it likely to come back and bite you on the arse?
  8. What a crap day today has been. Had an awful nights sleep, leaving me knackered and irritable, then up early to go to this job vacancy open day. Turn up at the pub, at the time for the open day, it's shut. Hang around for a couple of minutes hoping they're just running late, nothing. No problem, head to the other location for this open day. Thats being done up, builders everywhere and closed to the public. Ok, head across the road for the third location mentioned in the vacancy, a church centre thing. Shut. I pride myself on always being punctual and I was at each of these locations at the times advertised. Nothing. Arseholes.
  9. Well, I guess we'll see if I was born a barman tomorrow. I reckon I'd take to it fairly well. I don't think I'll be playing up the graduate status. If anything, I'll be playing it down/ignoring it.
  10. Off to an open day for a job tomorrow. Bar work. Having an open day just seems bizarre, especially as the open day is at a completely different pub. Oh well. How hard can it be?
  11. Welcome torie6. I'm sure a couple of members would love a good chat with you.
  12. I do remember seeing a poll a week or so ago that said that not only was there not much support for his visit, tere was even more pathetic amount of genuine interest. I can only hope, for the sheer joy it would bring me, that he gets embarassingly piffling crowds. Sadly, even if they don't sell as many tickets as they hope, as the hoardes of nutters who turned up for a box of bones a while back in Liverpool showed, the living bones of this evil little man will bring out enough not to embarass him.
  13. It should also be mentioned that it's not just Cofton Park that he'll be causing havoc at. The end of his trip sees him visit St Mary's College Oscott, which is leading to havoc around that area. My brother lives right near one of the main roads affected by that aspect of the trip and is dreading it, it's going to be hell.
  14. Snap. He shouldn't be allowed into the country. When he is, he should arrested for crimes against humanity. We certainly shouldn't be paying for it. This isn't a Catholic country. Nor is Catholicism a particularly prevalent, at 8%. If this 8% want to see the evil bastard, they should go and visit him themselves, and not cause the rest of us to be pay for their priviledge. If he must go on his jollies, let him do it off his own back, and let him pay for his bloody security, and let him recompense the nation for the sheer chaos it'll cause. ...the whole thing has made me rather angry.
  15. General You said yourself tin this thread that, as a former Marine and fan, you valued loyalty in any appointment we made (to which it can be infered that you would prefer a man that was available as opposed to a man who drop everything for a bigger pay packet) and would not feel comfortable with a man appointed who was to have dropped his former employers at the drop of a hat. Given that our eventual manager is someone who was, quite obviously, and still is, in employment, what is your feeling on that?
  16. If we are being honest, difficult as it is to accept, Liverpool have had better success in the last forty five years than ourselves. I still believe we've got great potential to become a massive club, and I hope this cause is aided by GH's management. Although, I will say it isn't advisable to make a statement such as this when first appointed at a new football club. I don't care about the Liverpool being a massive club bit, that's blindingly obvious. I care about that 7th to 12th bit. Not only is that entirely wrong, it's probably the grouping of positions we least belong in, why the **** would you say that about that club you've just took over? A moronic statement.
  17. I never appreciate the brown nosing that any new appointment at a football club does, whoever, I also don't appreciate our new manager playing down the club with a downright lie. Idiot.
  18. I don't get your point. You're saying it's fake but also calling him a mong. If he was an actor then maybe he acted like a mong. On the flip side if it's fake, they'd have made sure the actor wore the proper attire. I don't see what the issue was, all he did was take a loser and give him confidence by subliminal methods. People watching saying 'OMG FAKE' are implying DB has done something amazing, whereas I found it quite dull, nowhere near as impressive as The Heist and other stuff he's done. FYI I'm pretty sure parts of the show were embellished, edited a certain way or re-shot, like most shows, but don'tthink the whole thing was a set up, what'd be the point? Nowhere near as impressive as predicting the lottery or playing Russian roulette (both of which were fake, at least the former) The guy involved, Matt, I was just saying was hilarious. If, as I suspect, he was an actor, it wouldn't surprise me if they made him dress like that to make it all the more believable that this bloke was that dull. I'm fairly sure it was all fake as hell, the holes you can pick in it are obscene. The bit with the alligator, at one point it starts pissing it down while Derren is speaking to him, yet only Derren gets wet, all the cut backs to Matt show him dry as a bone. And as they walked off with the shot above them after that, they're both dry. No simulator has graphics convincing enough to be reality. No-one, on hearing a voice in their room, goes out to the garden. No-one randomly walks into a house and watches a guys TV. I guess the whole thing took the suspension of disbelief well beyond where it holds up. And neither, as you say, was it interesting, at all. He's done so much better than this, even the more blatently fake stuff (the zombie game) was at least interesting, this was almost like he wasn't trying.
  19. Job centre wasn't too bad in the end, ended up being sent to the one in Perry Barr but will have to sign on at a different one, apparently. Can't say I'm terribly keen to be doing it once a fortnight regardless, too much waiting around and hassle getting there and back for my liking. Still, fingers crossed won't have to.
  20. The guy involved, was at times unintentially hilarious. He was... well, mongy is probably the best term I've heard. Who goes to work (as an insurance advisor) in a pair of fashion boots, G-Star beanie and dungarees?
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