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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Assuming those blokes were planning something (which currently seems rather unlikely), surely the Pope should be mildly pissed off they were stopped. I mean, if anyone's off to the (snigger) Good Place, it's him, god's number one arse kisser and PR man?
  2. The one I was listening to earlier has Rush's guitarist foa solo in the first section... it's not a massive part of the whole thing since it's 18mins long but still, it's Rush, you should be all over that solo like a Catholic priest on a particularly pretty and vulnerable young boy Levi! Tisn't a bad song to be fair either. Definely will investigate Porcupine Tree further.
  3. Porcupine Tree - Anesthetize I got recommended to listen to Porcupine Tree by a girl once, can't rmember which now which is kind of annoying and I dismissed them out of hand and didn't bother. Listening to this is making me think I was a bit quick to judge the band when I had so little knowledge of them first hand.
  4. I don't mind a couple of their singles but they're really not all that good. A mate of mine who's a big metal head takes the piss out of them, thinks they're just posers. Apparently they covered a classic Metallica song for a show and cut most of the solo out because it was too difficult for them to play, as he will recite whenever Disturbed is mentioned.
  5. As Pompey said, I may be being harsh but the advice is good - that degree will do you no good. It's completely mickey mouse, and will not help you into a career in football. Personally, I'd bin any ideas of working at any decent of the game full stop and look into other interests and work towards those, as getting into a level of the game that can support you is tantamount to attempting to get into a very small niche with lots of people who know it better an have greater presence than you already. And I daresay that most people working in any level of professional football don't have a **** degree in football studies. The fact that you've said that is all thats taken your fancy so far probably suggests that uni isn't going to benefit you at all imo, and I'd really, really sit down and think if it's really going to benefit you at all to go. If you really, really must endeavour for a career in the game, do a proper sports science degree, or even look at other options for higher education in things like physiotherapy, and pray you get lucky. If you've already had to turn down ideas of a sport science degree because you don't have the UCAS points and have turned to this because it's got less requirements - all I can say is theres a damn good reason for that... A sports science degree will also open up more options for you in the (exceptionally likely) event you get nowhere in football. Even if you leave behind sports it'll be more respected than football studies. You have to bear in mind that already degrees are becoming devalued, even good degrees from good unis are no guarentee of anything. And you'll be picking something from the bottom rung from a complete bottom end uni. Where you to, as is likely, end up in something completely alien to football, or even sports, that degree is worthless and it's a foolish choice.
  6. No, it's 3 years of your life wasted and about £15k. And the £15k bit is the rather pressing bit. And it'll be absolutely useless, and possibly actively make it harder for you to get work, all for a complete joke of a degree. That is not going to get you into the world of football. If you want to coach, take your badges, whilst working in something else, and work your way through the system. Chances are even then you won't get anywhere, but a **** degree in football studies isn't going to be helpful and will be worth less than the paper it's printed on. Seriously, just don't bother. You'll be landing yourself an arseload of debt pointlessly.
  7. I think this was the same for my degree. I don't actually know anyone who got less than 120 credits passed so no idea if they didn't get the hons though. As for a degree in football studies... just... don't bother. If football studies is all you can think to do at uni, you probably shouldn't be going full stop imo. I'm all for learning for the sake of learning and I don't buy the idea that your degree has to be with a job in mind, but theres a line to draw somewhere on whether something should be offered (let alone considered) and I reckon said line is considerably North of football studies.
  8. Take a rifle to show your dissatisfaction paddy.
  9. Mickey mouse degree is mickey mouse.
  10. Bachelor of Arts (Honours). The Honours simply means it's technically harder IIRC, you're required to do more to gain the degree, taking more modules etc.
  11. Another rock cover. Disturbed covering Genesis' Land of Confusion. I don't like the original, I'm not a fan of Disturbed really, and as a cover it's not really done anything. Sounds like it came from the 80s still. The video's shite as well. I'm noticing a correlation between rock covers and shiteness.
  12. Anyone hear his little dig at secularism on the news? Utter evil word removed.
  13. Chindie

    Do you read?

    Finished Marabou Stork Nightmares the other night. Took an absolute age to genuinely get into that. It's not a bad book, some interesting ideas and takes some twists and turns but not the best thing I've ever read. The games Welsh plays with structure and form of the text gets tiresome and I'm not sure how much it really adds to the narrative, eventually just starts becoming distracting. Finally moved onto the Bridge after my break from Banks, start bodes well for the rest of it
  14. I just can't see why Nokia don't even test the water with an Android phone. Symbian has no weight behind it, arguably it never really did as it's heyday was a time smartphones remained new and quite niche. It's now been blown out of the water. I mean, I go back to the N97. It's a good phone, has a lot of capability and an arseload of flaws... but for its OS, it's completely wiped over the floor by the HTC Hero, which is of a similar age. It's old hat, not pretty, not terribly robust... etc etc. Would it not be better for them to, at the very least, look to bring out a decent crack at an Android phone. I daresay Android would embrace having another big hitter on board, and it's undeniable that Nokia can whack out a good, well designed, well featured phone, and they've that weight of respect behind them that not only would probably let them get that say in Android, but would probably grab them a considerable customer interest as well. I'd certainly be interested, very interested. As for Meego... well... I try to keep abreast of tech news and I've barely heard of it. In a market that has Android booming, and the iPhone remaining a phenomenon, can you really come into the market with a new OS that isn't likely to do anything Android can't and is starting about 4 steps behind with no publicity or weight of public interest behind it? It just seems foolish to me. Even more bizarrely, Nokia appear to practivally competing with themselves, or simply accepting that Symbian isn't good enough. They've said that Symbian will start to take a much greater background role and their top of the range handsets will support Meego in the future. Surely it would make more sense to just cut the losses on Symbian full stop, and probably Meego as well, and just put the weight behind Android - have top of the range featured phones having top of the Android range software rather than the Meegi punt, and reign Androids abilities for the lower spec stuff they were intending for Symbians future. They'd be giving up on an investment but, imo at least, that investment is toxic.
  15. Listening to the zeitgeist more like.
  16. Link I couldn't help but laugh.
  17. Tisn't Seedorf, its a youth player called Strasser.
  18. Those new HTC releases (ok they're not really that new but never mind ) inspired me to have a mooch at the next releases, particularly Nokia given their announcements of their next flagship. Nice looking bit of kit but sticking with Symbian. Unless Symbians latest release is a massive departure from the older versions, I can't see it holding a candle to the best of what Android offers. A shame really because otherwise it looks a really nice bit of kit. EDIT - I know Nokia bought out Symbian a couple of years back so they've a major vested interest in keeping it going but... well, it's been outdone. Even on my N97, Symbian was looking old hat, and given the strides made by Android, surely it's worthwhile them at least having a good look at Android based handsets?
  19. Ditto. He'll need a miracle mind. And a shed load of money ...probably covered by miracle too
  20. Smart man . I also think Houllier will find himself disappointed in him. Ditto. He'll need a miracle mind.
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