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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Chindie

    Top Gear

    Watched a couple of the '60 Mins Extra' vids. I wish they'd stop making out that the Alabama thing was real. Anywho, seems that they're doing another Christmas special this year and this time, they've driven across the 'Holy Land' to Bethlehem. Should be fun/offensive/dangerous.
  2. Very droll Gringo. My understanding is this kind of thing often happens in the aftermath of disasters in countries that are unable to get on their feet quickly, heavily aided or not. My point was simply 'totally abandonned' is a pretty subjective term.
  3. Have they been totally abandoned, or have the news crews just gone home?
  4. I hoped Dunne wouldn't play. Just thankful I can't watch. Relying on goal updates and here.
  5. What sort of player is he? Just a good right winger really. Not light weight, bit of pace, bit of skill, bit of strength. Looked pretty damn good when they played Arsenal, had a few Arsenal fans singing his praises (although that could be that they're shocked to see a proper winger ). He's just been a good player for Sunderland this season really, we'll have to watch him. And hopefully me saying he's decent has given him the commentators curse
  6. It'll be tight. Leanign towards a draw, which wouldn't be a disaster, or a loss, which wouldn't be surprising. I'll be exceptionally disappointed to see Dunne back in.
  7. I agree with TheDon on that, as I said in this thread a couple of weeks back, I really couldn't get over how cheap the Galaxy S feels in the hand. It could be absolutely bomb proof in it's construction but the materials really do feel low rent to me and it actively puts me off it (as does the fact it's a Samsung ). From what I've read on it, the Desire HD has none of those issues and actively feels robust and reassuring in the hand. Looking forward to having a play with one when the time comes.
  8. But if you do trip and sue the city, you're required to produce a currently standing permit, so while the law isn't enforced by the police it is by city hall
  9. In the city of Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, a person wishing to wear high heeled shoes with a heel height of more than 2 inches and a heel base of less than 1 square inch requires a permit.
  10. Ah. I had heard yesterday. Strange theres been nothing said. And Orange don't have it on their site yet (though strangely the other day it was a coming soon, and now it's nowhere to be seen at all). And the reviews are still thin on the ground. Should be rated pretty well based on the success of the Desire. Looks to have more quality about it than the Galaxy S as well imo.
  11. Has there been any word on the Desire HD recently? Last I heard it was due for release this week I think but theres not been a wimper. Not even any proper reviews that I've seen.
  12. Not everyone on JSA is a lazy ****. I suspect you know that though.
  13. A few departments have cancelled press briefings. Hmm.
  14. Every time I hear that phrase I can't help associating it with this
  15. Managed to catch a bit of the news earlier that had a picture of Danny Alexander with tomorrows announcements, they reckoned one of the things on it had 450k jobs losses in tomorrows cuts, with the unions reckoning it's more like 1m over the next few years.
  16. Moving slightly away from the military side of things (which is both at times laughble and shocking...aircraft carriers with no aircraft... :| ), given the slash and burn cut style we've been served up today, tomorrow is going to be absolutely diabolical.
  17. Trident renewal being delayed by 5 years, saving £750m.
  18. Without the jets on them (and enough support craft) the carriers may as well have a giant target painted on them should they need to be used in combat shortly. Interesting that the Beeb mentioned that at least one of the carriers will be designed with 'interoperability' in mind, so our allies can use them for their jets too. Perhaps we're to become the taxi service of the worlds military.
  19. Aye I heard that as well. Sorkin's stuff always has the snappy quick witted dialogue though, it's just in this he's had to turn it up to 11.
  20. It's worth a watch. It's well made and acted and it hides the few moments where the creation of the idea of Facebook might be a little... dull... in it's structure, the whole thing is framed by the court cases that Zuckerberg went through. It's funny in a few moments as well. Just don't expect to have any sympathy at all for Zuckerberg, the main character, he's a really unlikable guy. He's so unlikable he's actually interesting for it. EDIT - Also worth bearing in mind the film is pretty much entirely dialogue (no bad thing) but because it's a Sorkin screenplay, the dialogue is brilliant but really rapid fire, you need to be listening.
  21. The Social Network isn't really a film about Facebook at all... it deals with it's creation but is more interested in the problems that arose from it's creation. It is effectively about the creator of Facebook, the fact that he's a really quite a vile person, and that he was taken to court twice because his creation of Facebook lead to him being accused of screwing his best mate out of a fortune and also that he nicked the idea from 2 guys he was at Harvard with. The films foundation is the paradox that someone pretty much completely bereft of social skill, ended up creating one of the biggest revolutions of social interaction in history. It's not really about Facebook as such. Facebook just happens to be the reason it exists.
  22. The footage in that film is as real as the footage in 2001.
  23. Chindie

    Do you read?

    Couldn't resist picking up something to follow on from the Bridge, so purchased Perdido Street Station on Amazon as a complete punt.
  24. US charity offers sterilisation bribe for UK drug addicts :|
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