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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Depends on the couple. My brother proposed to his missus very quickly, can't remember the exact length of time but it was in the low months. They then just stayed engaged for donkeys, 6 or 7 years. We all thought he was crackers to propose that quickly but they've stuck at it and it worked out. Personally, I'd say 4 months is way too short, and not something I'd do, it's high on the '**** mental idea' scale and probably destined to be an expensive mistake. Saying that, I'm the most indecisive person on the planet. I couldn't see myself proposing if I was with someone for under 5 years, and even then it'd be a case of 'maybe'. Or maybe not, if the right person came along and I was sure about it. But certainly not 4 months.
  2. It's HTCs new Sense thing, it's been pushed out with the Desire Z and HD. When it works, it has some very nifty features - you can locate your phones location via it's GPS, leave a message on it in case someone finds it if it's lost, completely lock down the phone if you can't get it back remotely, set it up to forward calls to another number... very cool and useful. Sadly it's had some teething problems so far, but they shoul get ironed out in which case I suspect it'll be very useful.
  3. The only view this prepares for is one where Britain gives up on bothering with the world and steps down from the top end of things. I agree that the whole thing is glorious doublespeak. It's trying to spin a complete hash of an idea in a manner that is somehow kind of good. I also think that part of the thing that is pushing this move, along with the obvious 'Shit, the military's gone down the shitter and only oing to get worse, erk!', is the worry that the US has had it with Europe. They already are pretty much Europes security guarentee and I sense there is a shortening of the patience with that situation that could eventually snap. Especially with the US increasingly concerned with the Pacific even more than their standard hegemonic position would suggest. We've looked to France in case it really does end up with Europe out in the cold. Theres even an argument you could run with that dictates some thinking of NATO being wound up as a serious gambit. It's all a tad pathetic. It's penny pinching wrapped up in bow and a nice bag and a McDonalds smile. And terrifyingly it coul leave us in the shit if something big goes wrong in years to come.
  4. What about 2020? Or 2030? Etc etc. Only fools prepare their military in line with what is already happening. The world view can change far quicker than you can react to adapt to it.
  5. Levi (and female assistants) prepare to inform us on the relationship between Citeh's chances for success this season, the fat content of a deep fried Texan, tits, the band Rush, and the number 4.3...
  6. Basing it off Knightfall mightn't be the best thing ever - a Batman film that opens with Batman being crippled and spending a vast portion of it completely out of action mightn't make the best stuff for a film. Plus Bane as a character is a bit stupid, the whole 'Venom serum' thing doesn't fit in that well witha more plausible reality. And the character has bad connections with the dreadful Batman and Robin.
  7. Maybe her sister Erin? :oops: :winkold: Red card worthy in my world Anywho... one villain that might work that is new to the scene is Hush ...who is effectively the antithesis of Batman, and with the more extreme elements of his character toned down, might be workable. Could be a bit dull though.
  8. I've never gotten round to really listening to the Four Tet collaborations he's done. Probably should do. on topic... Brian Eno - 1/2 (off the first album to be designated 'ambient' no less )
  9. Chindie


    Hydroponics. Anyone who wants to grow cannabis can quite easily do it.
  10. Vanilla Fudge - You Keep Me Hanging On into Burial - Forgive Thats about the biggest genre change iTunes could possibly give me.
  11. It would be about his time in the shadows that he found himself in post TDK and his rise again (as the title says...), that would all be further development of the character of Batman. Which girl do you mean? Rachel Dawes? She's dead.
  12. Chindie


    Figures. My attitude to my student daughters' lifestyles was certainly less hardcore. Tbf he didn't need to say it. I had no intention of getting addicted to anything at the time and still don't. And I despise smoke and hate the weed culture, so I had no worries of becoming homeless . I did try it while I was at uni and it just reinforced my distaste for smoking and the scene that comes with it. My dad is hard line on anything like that though. I think I've inherited some of that distaste - were I to have kids I wouldn't be much less hardlined I don't think. My dad doesn't even drink much tbf.
  13. Chindie


    On the older generation point, my dad, who is 57, working class and not uni educated, would recognise the smell and indeed has, has never smoked anything in his life, and has an inbuilt hatred of drugs. I was informed when I went to uni that I have came back as a cannabis user I would be looking for a new home.
  14. It's a bug Tony that a lot of peple have picked up on.
  15. Chindie


    I disagree. Yes, I'm rumbled, I have a hidden government agenda requiring me to spread fear of getting stoned. I've seen it happen to my friends - it is a gateway drug. I struggle to believe I'll ever think otherwise.
  16. Well, I didn't say it'd be without a villain. I said that the villain might not need to be such a presence, the reverse of TDK if you want, where Batman played second fiddle to the Joker who dominates the film. You'd still need a villain but that villain would be more equatable to Scarecrow/Ra's Al Ghul in the first, a film that was much more about the development of Batman than it was about his fight against crime.
  17. Poison Ivy. Heavily tweaked she could be done in Nolan's universe but she'd bare pretty much no relation to the comic character other than some fascination with plants, so I'm unsure if he'd put her as the villain. Maybe spun as an environmental terrorist, someone corrupted in their desire to do good becoming an evil... but that might infringe on the terrorist like aspects of his Joker concept in the Dark Knight. Whatever, I think Nolan and his brother have a task on their hands with this one, covering now ground, bettering TDK, and managing to fit it all in with the comic book ethos is going to be tough. I've a suspicion that the film will focus much more heavily on Batman than TDK which might help them out with the villain not needing to be such a presence.
  18. Chindie


    I don't think either are solely an issue with legality. The gateway issue I think is largely down to the (for want of a better term...) 'opening of the mind' to the possibilities and that in turn leads a few people to go further and further down the rabbit hole. I don't doubt a number of the people I've known that have gone down that avenue wouldn't have had they not got into weed first, because they said to me much what I said there - they tried weed, wondered what the rest is like, and got into the scene that way. And the evangelical boring stoned arse thing I think would exist if you could buy the stuff in Boots. People like to evangelise their life choices (we all do it).
  19. Chindie


    Yeah I wouldn't equate heroin with cannabis or alcohol use, the stuff is so addictive that moderation isn't something that exists. It's comedowns don't help either, it becomes not only addictive but habitual as well, it becomes a way of life if you get sucked in and it's very difficult to escape. On cannabis alone I've always had a couple of issues with it. Firstly it is, in my experience, the ultimate gateway drug. In itself it isn't that dangerous at all (more on that in my second issue ), but it represents the taboo breaker that gets a lot of people into the drugs scene. I've seen a number of people just in my wider group of friends that started on weed and soon go onto other things because the taboo has been bust for them and they've discovered new avenues in life that open up these substances to them and it ends up in somewhat of a vicious spiral. I've found it interesting to note that even a couple of people I knew to have very strong self control that have gone into weed and said they would stop there, and haven't, which was a complete reverse of character. I disapprove of it's use on that level alone. The second issue that it does end up, in my experience, defining a number of people that go on it and I find that a bit sad. They go from rounded interesting people to people who do nothing other than talk about how great weed is and evangelising on it, and becoming desperate to have it enter every aspect of their lives. They also tend to wheel out the same hackneyed arguments and start using terms for non users like sheep which is just annoying as ****. Obviously this is a personal issue for myself but I do find the whole weed scene so **** dull.
  20. Chindie


    Hence my mentioning of severe misuse - you'd have to be an astronomic binge to manage it, assuming you were a healthy average person. A shifty reaction to heroin, taking slightly too much for your own body to handle, or a single dodgy E could kill you, all of which would be considered normal use for anyone else.
  21. Chindie


    Because of the criteria used there, alcohol is at a disadvantage because of it's widespread consumption compared to the other substances. I'd also consider weighting something that can kill you quite easily (like a dodgy ecstasy tablet/too much heroin) much more heavily than something that requires severe misuse or long term misuse to cause severe harm.
  22. Depends what he means, theres more than 1 way to listen to an iPhone/iPod in a car. Assuming he means an FM transmitter, they're very hit and miss. They work by effectively connecting a short range radio transmitter to the bottom of the iPod and then tuning the radio into the frequency. If you're lucky they're great. If you're not, they're useless. You can also buy simple connectors that just connect a wire to the back of the radio and then connects up the iPhone/iPod, which we've done in our car and works very well, but is a bit more full on in set up and so on. If you've got a CD changer a number of them have a connection on the back that simply requires a headphone line IIRC, but thats hit and miss on whether you're lucky enough to have one that has the input. On the FM transmitters though, very hit and miss and even one that works perfectly won't work perfectly everywhere because of interference.
  23. Yes I am a Brummie and yes beating Small Heath is meaningful. I prefer to think of Dublin as a legend for us for being agreat player and for breaking his neck for the cause (literally) rather than head butting a player to land us in even more shit against the scum. Although admittedly I find it funny that it was Savage he nailed. I still don't condone it and would rather it hadn't happened. I don't think I'd support a Villa player unflinchingly at all - if one of our players is in the wrong, he's in the wrong, to me, no matter what shirt he's got on. I'm not, and never will be, unflinching in my support of anything.
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