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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Chindie


    I was disappointed that Albrightons first half volley chance wasn't shown, the one where a cross cropped to him with him set to smash it right footed, would have been a great goal were the box not crowded to hell and back.
  2. Christ. Here endeth my involvement in the thread.
  3. I think the important words there say it all - 'at times' 'second half' 'some great stuff' (though I didn't see much that was great, more a little that was good) and 'it could' have been. The rest of the time it was pretty dire, and first half was probably worse than dire given the opposition. I was shocked for vast swathes of that half to see Blackpool's entire outfield camped in our half and us clueless as what to do about it. Occasionally we looked decent and second half was certainly an improvement but I'm still not entirely impressed at all by it. I'm just quietly grateful we won.
  4. The win'll do but far from impressed with that performance.
  5. There isn't a common definition of terrorism so quoting Wiki won't help you I'm afraid. As the thing you quoted even says itself. The NGO element is easily undermined and has been plugged by the West (and other states) to aid them in their cause not be considered the bad guys sometimes. The term terrorism itself is derived from state actions, it was born of the French state following revolution that went on the war path leading to the 'Great Terror'. I would (and have) argue that torture itself in the right circumstances would be considered terrorism. Mikes scenario could be considered terrorism. By the by anyway.
  6. That wouldnt be terrorism tho Mike so all that you've just typed is a waste...twas beautiful tho mate. Twould be revenge would it not. Arguably, yes it would/could be terrorism. But like Snowy says, this debate is pointless. People just want to indulge a chance to play the hypothetical game (which when done properly to encourage debate can work - I did it a while back on this very subject) but here it's just using it to play a game so it's useless.
  7. We shouldn't reduce ourselves, and prostitute our values, to such reprehensible acts. It's wrong. And that's before you get to a pragmatists argument that it isn't actually that effective anyway.
  8. That term drives me up the **** wall.
  9. First game in a long while for me tonight. I'll be amazed if we win convincingly.
  10. Just read that piece myself... it feels like a bit of a cop out? Some of it is common sense stuff to make the battery last, but some of it feels like its making excuses for the battery life, if you get what I mean? It suggests using it less to get a higher battery life in effect, which is rather like announcing your car will cost you less if you drive it like a saint. It seems to me that, had a larger battery been used, which by many accounts was doable but some reason not, the saintly use to get acceptable battery life mightn't have been quite so strictly neccessary. But thats just my view and I'm not looking for a debate on it.
  11. Everything I've heard on it is that the battery is a bit of an issue. You're the first person I've seen say it's not that I can remember actually.
  12. I'm due an upgrade now actually as well, from today in fact. I'm leaning towards the Desire HD but a couple of issues are staying my hand (like Rev, the battery mostly). It's not like I'm absolutely desperate for an upgrade but I wouldn't mind moving onto something new. It feels like a reasonably awkward time to be looking for a new phone in this kinda range. All the top end Android handsets have some major flaws imo and less flawed handsets (i.e. the Desire) are knocking on.
  13. No need for the tinhat, the article in at least 1 facet is simply wrong. Android does a few things that Apple's offering doesn't/doesn't do as well, meaning it isn't like Android is just the poor mans iPhone.
  14. I'll be surprised if we have a net spend greater than say £7m. Tenner to VT if we do.
  15. Net spend I can't see being much at all. Houllier has already laid the foundations of not expected much in January, as many a manager does ('It's a hard time to buy' etc) and I somewhat agree with him on that. I also can't see us spending much anyway, and I suspect that we may move on a player or 2 so that'll bring any net spend down anyway. I expect a loan or 2 which aren't exactly going to break the bank. So, not a lot.
  16. Had about 100 through the doors at our place. It was like a scene from **** Dawn of the Dead when we got in, hoard of people standing at the door faces pressed up against the glass. Only thing it needed was a bloodied hand pounding on the glass.
  17. I've just seen the ad for it for the first time. Don't think I need to buy it now, the ad seems to show every set piece in the game and the story is going to be bollocks anyway.
  18. As far as I'm aware they're just doing a raffle for someone to get upgraded to the Hardened edition.
  19. The evidence is stacking up Hu-sorry, Peter I do like Hugh, though I prefered his older shows rather than the particularly evangelical stuff he's banging out now (I think an hour on the wonders of bread is pushing it...). Alchemy is associated with the creation of gold from other materials isn't it? If you'd have heard Hugh bang on about sourdough you'd think gold from lead was pretty damn ordinary compared to making sourdough . For some reason this reminds me of something Will Self said a while back, about societies fascination with food reflecting something wrong with the character of the society. I wish I could link a vid, but apparently isn't online
  20. I was about to mention Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall . That blokes lost it by the way. This week he spent an hour evangelising bread like it was some mystical magic art lost to the modern mind. At one point he compared sourdough making to alchemy.
  21. Hey, I still didn't have much choice in the matter, I'll whinge about that til the cows come home . I was signed up before being asked, I was basically expected to do it because they needed someone else and everyone else had either already ok'd it or said piss off. We might even know the price by the launch! We've not been told yet, much to the ire of many customers Friday.
  22. Technically I am a volunteer, but I was a volunteer without much of a choice in the matter . Tbf they sweetened the deal by covering my costs to get in. Plus I reckoned being particularly flexible on hours would serve me well come the time I need references and/or more hours.
  23. Having to work a midnight opening for this coming out.
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