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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. One day i will understand one of your tables That ones pretty simple for a usual bit of Leviclass maths. It basically just says how many times out of a million different results were achieved, the idea being the more it was achieved the more it was likely to happen.
  2. I didn't see the United game, I was working. Highlights looked decent so I'll give you that. Spurs I didn't think we were that good. We were alright for a bit then went to pot, by the end looked completely clueless. The Fulham game I've managed to completely forget our performance from but I'll assume that was alright as well. I don't think performances have been that great. I hope they pick up.
  3. It was John Terry, not Lampard, and just like I never bought the Petrov tiring thing, I don't buy the entire Villa team tiring either. At least not especially more than anyone else. It's too simplistic an answer. Probably not a popular viewpoint that.
  4. Are the injuries just unlucky or are they at least in part caused by the new regimes training schedule? This many big injuries is pretty unprecedented I think, and they've all come rather quickly. I'm of the line of thought that tends to think that these injuries are not just a case of bad luck, they're bad luck coupled to the training change, too much too soon?
  5. Okay, what are the downs then....because you could just counter the downs with a whole load of things and then at the end say 'bearing that in mind, I'm pretty impressed'....depends how you want to look at things. Well the thing is, for me, it's not just that I'm looking to put down the wins... I can think of about 3 genuinely good performances so far. Other than that, asides a few upsides like the arrival of Albrighton (how much you can lay that success at Houlliers door is debatable), it's been pretty universally mediocre at best. I haven't seen much to be enthused about. I'm not that impressed by passing a bit more. Still just my opinion. Others will disagree.
  6. Just picking up on those 'ups' of Houlliers reign... IMO.. Against Wolves we were for pretty decent periods second best and snatched victory. Burnley we were pretty shit. Blackpool had vast swathes, first half especially, where we were bollocks. Blackpool being camped in our half is a sight I'll not forget in a hurry, especially as we had absolutely no clue what to do about it it seemed. The first Blackburn win we also seemed to grasp from the jaws of disappointment. Bearing that in mind I'm not that impressed.
  7. Went for 9-14th and increasingly, the bottom end of that is something I'm coming to expect. Which, should it come to pass, will have serious potential to collapse any progress made under Lerner in one fell swoop.
  8. What were/are you expecting, Chindie? For the match or the season? To be fair the the answer is rather similar - not a lot. I'd like to be proven wrong at some point mind. Increasingly, I don't think I'm going to be. Yes the injuries are unfortunate (although I don't think it's entirely luck - training ground change has knock on consequences imo, and we're reaping them) but even so I'm still not that enamoured with what I see. Then again I never whinged much about poor football so perhaps I need to change my priorities.
  9. Shite. I'm getting cheesed off with this season with increasing intensity.
  10. I knew there was a reason I'd never seen Samba take a freekick.
  11. Can't see us winning. And it ain't gonna be pretty no matter the result.
  12. Just watched the Wolfman remake extended cut. Every fibre of the film lover in me shouts that it's bollocks. The story actually doesn't make any sense at a couple of points, belying the fact it's production was a mess, the acting is awful (Hopkins clearly at times basically is thinking '**** it, I'm gonna have fun with this rubbish' and almost plays it as a comedy), the monster whilst a good homage to the original is just a little silly, and suffers from the same CG problem that Spiderman 1 did (no weight to the creature), it's not particularly scary bar a couple of cheap jumps, nor is it particularly awe inspiring in it's action. But it's a great laugh, it's proper shut your brain off and enjoy it for what it is, complete hokum rubbish. It's fun. Looks pretty good too. And the sound is great. It's like the bastard cousin of AVP2 for me. That was a film that was so shockingly awful, you watched it to appreciate the badness. The Wolfman is a film that really isn't any good in any major facet, indeed it's so flawed as to at times not even make sense, but it's managed to drag something fun out of it all.
  13. The entire EU by the looks of things. And thank it for the genorisity of giving it something to suck off.
  14. But right now, it's still quite useful. And thats the important thing. Not for me, its not needed or important for any sites i go on or build. Perhaps iPlayer but that will be using HTML5 before you know it. You Tube = HTML5 You can have both iPlayer and YouTube on the iPhone (for example) without flash. Flash is hanging on for dear life to the porn industry and design websites and even they are being built more and more in valid JS, CSS3 and HTML5. Well, well done for that but given how prevelant Flash was and has been, I'd rather have the ability to view it and thus have pretty much the entire net at my finger tips than what Apple would want to let me look at. If that doesn't matter to you fine, and in the future it may not matter to any of us, but for the moment, it's still out there and thusly, it's a nice feature to be able to use.
  15. Having looked a couple of pictures of the new Nexus, as if the Samsung tag on the back of it wasn't enough to give away the link, the fact it appears to have been made out of the same stuff as a xenomorphs carapace should let any buyer know quickly.
  16. Chindie

    Do you read?

    Finally finished the Bridge. An interesting read, I'm not quite sure what to make of it. I don't think I loved it, but I didn't dislike it either. Might take another read to really settle an opinion on it. Right now, on reflection, it feels like a very good (if unoriginal) idea that maybe wasn't quite taken as far as it might have been (I felt there could have been more reflection of each narrative in each seperate strand... though I ill happily admit I probably missed a lot of that were in the narratives). Moving onto Perdido Street Station now, very few pages in but already getting a feeling it's gonna be a good ride. Should last a while as well, 800 odd pages and at the rate I'm reading these days I could still be reading it in February.
  17. But right now, it's still quite useful. And thats the important thing.
  18. This. Probably my second favourite Radiohead song, but the one that really made me a fan. Never fails to sort out my mood.
  19. Forms. I'm fairly certain no-one in history has ever been able to fill out any government form (relating to money) perfectly.
  20. Harrison is an embarassment. What an awful display.
  21. I've noticed that Man Citeh are spending a bit these days.
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