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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I'm with the Chindster. Fair one. Out of interest (Jon or Chindie) what in your opinion(s) do you think the UK gains from EU membership? Can't speak for Jon obviously but from my point of view, I'll just stick with saying I'm for it, purely because of what this page has shown, it's a pointless entrenched debate. I will say I came to my decision not solely because I'm for 'the idea of Europe' but because when I was made to really think about the EU and it's functions, I largely agreed with it and what it does. I also accept considerable amounts of it as an organisation could do with some work. But regardless I think it's a good thing at heart and something we've seen benefit from. I'm sure the 'debate' you'll have here that's already started will be enough for one thread
  2. That is a weird one, certainly in the 'shouldn't piss you off' category. Genre is a useful and fairly important word if you're discussing a number of the arts
  3. I don't think I realised quite how addictive WoW could be until yesterday. A bloke come into the shop and was absolutely desperate to know how soon we could sell him the Limited Edition of Cataclsym and how much for. He was literally shaking with a sort of nervous excitement. Explained that he wanted to buy the Limited Edition but knew we would be more expensive than on the net, but if he ordered from somewhere like Play he wouldn't get it on release so was wiling to pay the extra whatever we charged to buy it and play it on release. Really wasn't happy when we told him we didn't know the price yet. He had the same kind of look someone would have if you told them their beloved dog was dead.
  4. It does have a democratic deficit. Funnily enough the hated Lisbon Treaty fixed that to an extent, giving the European Parliament considerably more power. Before that the Parliaments only real power IIRC was being able to have a say in the EU budget, which on the whole is useless. My personal favourite bit of EU idiocy is the problem it had with Commisioners. Commisioners were/are (can't remember what Lisbon did to them...) drawn from all the members but they are then expected to act completely without national bias. They were solely supposed my decisions without any consideration for their own backgrounds, being expected to go completely native in Brussels and pretty much forget being British/Spanish whatever. Seemed a stupid idea to me and still does.
  5. I'm sure pretty quickly after Young started getting success out wide he was asked about it and said he preferred and considered himself a striker but was happy to play wide. I think Young's move to the centre is partly a managerial decision (Houllier is on record saying he wants him to be his Owen...) and partly him using his own influence to move into a position he prefers. As for N'Zogbia, doubt we'll be buying unless the wage thing has changed. Or unless Young is out the door.
  6. I'm fairly sure talk of a Federal Europe could be filed under scare mongering. While it's certainly a possibility for the European Union, it's by no means a certainty and to suggest it is a bit misleading. I've said it a number of times, but worth repeating - the EU has no set destiny, it won't without doubt become a federal state, likewise it won't without doubt just stay as it is. There are numerous competing factions within the EU bureaucracy that want to take it in different directions and none of them have thus far amnaged to win out. One of those factions would like a federal state. Another wants to further intergovermental cooperation but stopping short of true federalism. And so on. Personally I don't think it'll ever go federal.
  7. IIRC there actually wasn't a process to officially leave it until Lisbon was put in place. A formal way of leaving was introduced as part of that I think.
  8. Haven't voted since none of the options represent my own view, but I'm roundly for the EU. It has it's downsides but I think we gain from it on the whole.
  9. Not out yet, but since this is basically the movie thread... If this is a bad film, I'll be shocked. The trailer looks great. Is it me or does Josh Brolin in that look nothing like Josh Brolin?
  10. Been playing Undead Nightmare the last couple of days. Disappointing. I'm not the greatest fan of anything zombie (Shaun of the Dead aside) but I thought my love of RDR would shine through with this. Sadly not. It seems only to have made RDR more annoying and if ever there was a game that didn't need making more annoying, it's RDR - a game that just about managed the balancing act of being fun with occasional trying elements. The wandering hoardes of zombies just make going anywhere more annoying. You can't save in the field so end up having to travel a lot more to get to safe houses. Meaning those hoardes get encountered a lot. The zombified wildlife effectively is just harder to kill and more widespread. The random encounters effectively just act as spawn points for more zombies. The zombies themselves are annoying as they move quite quickly when alerted and usually come in a decent sized bunch meaning you end up just spamming quick aim in the hope you nail one in the head. Ammunition is, as is traditional in the zombie genre, in short supply as well so the annoying elements just grow and grow. You use your horse as shield far more... but when your horse dies, theres no deed to get one back. If you whistle for a lost horse you get an Undead one. Cool idea until you realise that just means you get a horse with unlimited stamina that won't do what you wish, it pulls all over the place, which makes travelling even more annoying. The only element of a deed for a horse comes in if you break all the Horses of the Apocalypse... remember how fun horse breaking was?! Well try it when the horses you need to break are randomly encountered and chances are when trying to catch it to break it you'll run into 20 zombies. You have to save settlements from being overrun, which is quite enjoyable especially if you know the places you can access roofs from. What isn't as enjoyable, bearing in mind that you use these settlements to save in, and fast travel between, is that they can be overrun and if you're in the middle of a mission, finding out you've lost a settlement is just frustrating as you know it's either ditch the mission for a while and have to track back (as inevitably the missions are away from settlements) later, or let it be overrun and have to go back and redo the settlement saving later. I loved RDR. Undead Nightmare has let me down a touch. It feels like a game based on good ideas on paper that in actuallity, unless you **** love zombies and frustrating design choices, ruins the base game and exposes the more annoying elements of it for the worse.
  11. I think the military would be high on both the 'Definitely don't want to do' and 'couldn't do' lists. Really not something I'd be any good at. Plus my fitness, health, and incredible cowardice might hamper any military career for me. Really not an option for me. Thankfully. I was gonna start a thread on careers on things the other day actually.
  12. Ignoring the match as far as possible (though obviously football must come into it). I'm employed but may as well not be, earning and working too little to get me off the Job Centres books. I'm struggling to find work opportunities at all. The work I'm doing now I'm doing simply to improve my CV, I'm earning no more than I would be if I simply was on the dole. I have no idea what I want to do for a career, but have many ideas for what I don't want to do and what I know I can't do. Initially the thrill back in June of having my whole life ahead of me was exciting but now since I've no idea where I want to go, what I want to do or how I'm going to get there I'm at a loss. I graduated in July with a decent degree, and lots of debt which is something in the back of my mind, and more pressing an overdraft that I'll struggle to pay off in the 5 months I have to pay it off unless I get a 'serious' job sharpish. I'm dreading every letter Halifax send me. I really need to get rid of the anvil round my neck of this overdraft. My friends from Birmingham all took gap years or did extra years at college so are all in their final years at unis around the country leaving me stuck in Birmingham with little to do... on the plus side it stops the money woes so much, on the downside I've nothing to do. It gets quite trying just having family to interact with. My friends from uni are doing their own thing, one is off around the world in the new year, one has gone to work in Bergen, one is still in Aber, another I have a strained relationship with... I feel like I'm being left behind. Relationship front doesn't bother me so much, I've met someone recently and gone out with them once or twice and that could go somewhere if I want it to I think but I'm not sure I do. I met her by accident, was very drunk, wasn't really interested and it's kind of gone from there with little enthusiasm from me. I'm not sure she's 'me'. Healthwise could be a lot better. And of course Villa are currently, to be kind, lacklustre. On the plus side it's not like my worries are anything compared to, I daresay, most of the posters here. It's not like I have kids to look after, a mortgage to pay, many bills. I'd put myself at about a 4. I'm not very happy. My own nature is not to be but I need things to look up soon I think, and that is solely going to come from decent employment. That would open a number of doors for me and get weight of my shoulders re. debt, might open my mind to a career (I really, really want a career path now, it'd give me some purpose, it's probably the main thing I want as things stand). It would also use up all the free time I have and I'd like to not have to worry quite so much about money. It'd also let me finally start learning to drive with serious intent. I'm getting myself by at the moment thinking 'It could be worse' and 'Something will come up sooner or later'.
  13. Seeing Gabby going wide and having absolutely no-one in the box time and again was massively frustrating.
  14. This is bang on. Toothless, and brittle. Utter horseshit.
  15. Dunno what the make of that half. We've looked better in possession and going forward. But the defensive side of our game a toddler could threaten. Gabby is drifting wide a little too often too - we're toothless when he does because we've no-one in the box who is going to seriously consistantly threaten from incoming crosses. Need to improve because atm, every attack they have looks threatening as the defence has gone completely to pot.
  16. Gabby's bit of wing play there was class. Good cross too. Why doesn't Young do that kinda thing?
  17. Can you verify that he's not a real fan? When it first came out he claimed to be a Villa fan it was with words to the tune of 'I'm not that interested in the game but one of my relatives helped run a club called Aston Villa so I guess I'm a Villa fan'. His 'interest' in football is a sop to morons for political capital.
  18. I'll second the '**** off'. It's embarassing he claims to be a fan.
  19. Really not looking forward to this. We really hadn't better lose. And I'm not confident we won't
  20. Chindie

    Snow Watch!

    Putting into context how bad the roads round here are, my brother lives fairly close and reckoned it took him longer to pick up his missus from Perry Barr and get back to theirs (10 min journey max at rush hour on a normal day) than it did for him to travel back from Leicester beforehand. To say he wasn't impressed is an understatement . And my mom getting home is usually a 5 minute trip, took 5 times that. Seems pretty much the whole area has seen it's roads turn to sheet ice.
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