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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. A guy I work with. He's a raving Christian so immediately I don't particularly like the bloke but he has a very annoying trait. Occasionally, I'll need to have a mooch for stock behind the till, or have to dig through a massive pile of price stickers when doing pricing up, also behind the till. I know exactly what I'm looking for and I'm not incompetant. Without fail, no matter what, he will ask with this really annoying tone that suggests he's somehow above me, what I'm looking for. Every time. I don't need the help. I don't appreciate the tone that suggests he's my boss. He's the same as me, all he has over me was he was lucky enough to be on a shift when a memo came round telling all stores to till train all staff. He's done this for the month or so I've been working with him. He does it to everyone else, even the managers and older staff, and it pisses off us all. One of the guys I work with gets so pissed off for by it the other day he apparently, without a hint of a joke in his voice and as an ex service man, said that if he asked him what he was looking for again he was going to smear his nose across his face. And the other staff, including managers, thought this was a) **** hilarious, and pretty reasonable. The annoying guy has now been taken aside about his 'being helpful' and understanding his lowly station. Drives me up the **** wall.
  2. Hadn't noticed it was in that exact packaging.
  3. ...thats one of those things that would be really useful for those really annoying moments with that packaging, but no-one would ever buy.
  4. Picking up from a point in General Chat, certain types of packaging. The absolute worst is that hard clear plastic that is bonded together, you have to cut the stuff open but it's so hard and awkward to cut it takes forever. And loads of stuff is packaged in it.
  5. They all carry the can. O'Neill left - whether or not his hand was forced is open to debate but his leaving left us troubled. Lerner flunked replacing our manager, pretty much his only big decision to make in 4 years and he utterly **** it up, dithered too long and signed a lemon. He's also firmly closed his wallet in recent times and thats done us no good. Houllier is just a buffoon. No point wasting the bandwidth on further debate of such a useless manager. The players haven't pulled their socks up and just got on with it despite the mess over their heads. I think Lerner carries rather more of the burden than many might like to think however.
  6. I have no time for conspiracy theorists at the best of the times (the only one I ever came close to thinking there was anything in was JFK... and even then I don't think any of the 'theories' are right), but moon landings and particularly the 9/11 ones drive me insane. The 9/11 ones are not only insane they regularly tend to show a great disrespect for a number of innocent people who were murdered.
  7. 9/11 conspiracy theory. :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bang:
  8. Just walked in. I hope Houllier quickly walks out of club. I'll happily give him a kicking down the Holte steps. Sadly I think there'd be a queue.
  9. I went to school with a bloke who's just won some boxing tournament in Qatar.
  10. I can foresee many an argument with a username like that.
  11. Can't see us getting a thing. Us traditionally being a bit shite on Boxing Day doesn't help.
  12. There are exceptionally few female comedians that are funny. I don't mind Victoria Wood, Jo Brand can be OK, but after that its dire. Millican is just an archetypal female comedian - basis of her comedy, like all female comedians, is relationships. Male comedians tend to have far larger repertoires of topics and so on in my experience. Worst female comedian, by far, is this hateful bint Shes as funny as being told your dog is dead. And tries to stand out from the crowd by just being vile. I find Shappi Khorsandi about as funny as Iran, funnily enough, but I would until it dropped off.
  13. ITV has a thick as shit reactionary moron bias for reference. I speak as someone who regularly watches with disgust.
  14. Christ this fanboy stuff is getting tedious now.
  15. Ronaldo's still the best player I can remember seeing in his prime. Messi's form over the last couple of seasons is obscene. I do think you do have to account somewhat for just quite how good the team around him is as well - but even then he's still probably the best in the world at the moment. C.Ronaldo is the only one that comes close. I do still think Messi, where he in England, would struggle, whereas C.Ronaldo would be the best player in the league in any league in the world, except the current La Liga.
  16. Had a gander at Secret of Mana on a guy at works iPad tother night. Almost made me think the iPad was worthwhile. Almost.
  17. This. It's bollocks. It makes going anywhere a pain in the arse. The pavement never gets cleared so it's slip sliding away anywhere on foot, it makes the buses even less reliable. It makes driving harder and slower full stop, and that is made worse by the fact it also seems to make everyone and their dog unable to drive at more than 5 miles per hour. Wish this weather would **** off sharpish. It's also made our house like a freezer, no central heating here. My room could easily keep some fish fingers in safe condition.
  18. 24 Hour Party People is a great film, but gets markedly worse when the Mondays become the focus of the film. Theres a few great moments after then, but before that everyone second of the film is gold.
  19. I tend to read Rob's posts in what I like to think of as 'Generic pub Brummie', whihc is the specific type of jovial Brummie accent you find in a fairly busy pub at about 7 at night, usually stood at the end of the bar farthest from the door in a casual groove they've made their own in the floor. And BOF will forever be Dara O'Briain in my head.
  20. Settled his differences with the club apparently. Few thousand of them no doubt.
  21. Those **** Iceland ads. Especially as they come in packs. You get one ad of terminal horrificness, and then when thats over 'THATS WHY MOMS GO TO ICELAND! GO TO ICELAND! and another bastard one starts. There were 3 back to back the other night I swear in a single break.
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