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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Melanie Philips on Question Time... ...Anger rising and her mouth hasn't opened yet.
  2. Basic rule of thumb with Von Trier is assume he's lying. His thing seems to be to play with his audience in one way or another, even outside of his films he puts up this trickster style and never seems to reveal anything genuinely truthful. Incidentally, Breaking the Waves is one of the grimmest films I've seen.
  3. What theory is that, then? Having seen what it's all about, the only plausible reference is to film noir. Well, it's painfully obviously the entire game is a reference (and homage) to film noir, but I suspect the over arching storyline that the game has may allow them a chance to pun the word 'noire' (in the 'bete noire' sense) in there as well, which they've taken. I can't say that for certain but it's been mooted.
  4. I think the theory that it's a reference to bete noire possibly has something in it.
  5. If you go into it thinking of it as a well made action film with a slightly lighthearted edge and the Sherlock side of things being... a theme rather than the point of the film you might well enjoy it. It's less of a detective story, though theres a little of Holmes being very sharp and being able to deduce a great deal from seemingly benign situations and objects, and he is ultimately solving a bit of a mystery, but if you want Rathbone, stay away.
  6. One that surprised me, Guy Ritchie's take on Sherlock Holmes. Took me the best part of a month to watch in my breaks at work, but I went in expecting it to be a bit shit with a Robert Downey Jr. shaped plus point, and discovered it's actually pretty good. The story is hokum and I daresay Sherlock afficionados would have palpitations over it, but it's a good witty action film, looks great and every character is played brilliantly. Even Ritchie's directorial style has the reins pulled in a bit. Worth a watch.
  7. I will say this for SAMOLED, it gives even a poorer quality source a bit more pop. I'm putting say... DVD quality stuff on the phone and the screen manages to give them some of that depth that you get from a HD source. I put some stuff ripped from Youtube on there earlier and even that impressed me, and that wasn't high end youtube stuff, just run of the mill.
  8. I've done it before but getting a decent copy in my experience has been a ****ing pain. I don't use torrents anymore either. As said working on a Handbrake copy now. If that doesn't work, I'll just trawl the net for a while.
  9. I got stuck there for about an hour. You're on the right track looking to get up high. Something that might help, if you look around, Valve literally put a light on where you need to go. When you notice what you need to do, you will kick yourself. Don't do what I did and try to tie together momentum falls to get the speed to fling yourself off the angled board .
  10. If that bit is the bit I think it is, you'll absolutely kick yourself when you crack it.
  11. DRM'd up the wazoo. Oh well. I could just go track down a copy online but to be honest I can;t be arsed to dig through **** knows how many shite copies to get a watchable one. I might try something like Handrbake to get the DRM removed. Not sure what you mean re. iTunes.
  12. Cheers. Well, diving in at the deep end then, fingers crossed. Annoyingly I think some of them are just iTunes downloads. Sigh. Might try ripping the DVDs.
  13. If the price is the absolute deciding factor (which it seems to be), I'd probably agree with CVByrne and go with the Ace. I had a quick look at one when I was picking up my SGS2 and it was fairly impressive. At 23 moon units of currency I guess that's a damn good bit of value. It's a bit like the SGS2 with the big money features stripped. Regardless, still impressive. I recommended the Nexus S largely because my brother has one and it's always impressed me, however I wasn't overly looking at the prices there . It's got a stock version of Android so very little bloatware and shit on it, and it's just a nice bit of kit, but the price is high I think.
  14. The Nexus S is probably the best phone on there for what it's worth.
  15. Possible long shot (and I've googled this quickly before just to make sure the answer isn't obvious). I've got a few blu-rays which feature that 'Comes with Digital Copy!' stuff which I've never bothered with really. However I've noticed they all have a expiry date on them, so have decided that it's probably best to use them before I lose them. I was wondering if anyone had had any experience transfering these to an Android phone? They all make a big song and dance about transferring to your iPod/iPhone, and a couple (which provide a DVD that seems to work as the transfer 'portal' so to speak) talk about giving you the option to download to iTunes or WMP, however I'm not sure if, for example, downloading a WMP version would allow me to use that on my SGS2. I'll be possibly going a bit of a long journey next week and wouldn't have minded Road to Perdition to keep me company . I know that 'legit' Android digital copies of blu-ray films are now out there (Unstoppable as the first apparently) but is it possible to get these older downloads onto the phone and working? I would just try it, but I don't want to be in the position where it's a 1 time only thing and I'm now stuck with a WMP enabled digi-copy I'll never use. EDIT - I expect 'DRM' might be an issue somehow...
  16. More arcadey I guess. I just thought MW2 was more fast paced and liked the graphics. Even little things like the XP bar and the XP gains when you killed someone (the way they looked when they appeared). Little things but still... On that kinda thing, **** knows. I'd guess they'd try to ape the older MW2 style, but we dunno quite what IW is now, or what the other guys who may be working on this would do to it. Looking at the early concepts and whatnot, I'm already feeling it's headed towards a slightly less...realistic I guess... look to it. It looks ever so slightly more stylised. More teasers, and now. Ugh. Also, the logo they've come up looks like something someone who failed Graphics at GCSE would come up with.
  17. I get round all this trouble by not drinking tea.
  18. One of my favourites when I was there. Used to close too early though. I actually pinched one of the Rochefort glasses when they had that on once. Then a housemates friend dropped it .
  19. The rights to the Call of Duty franchise are owned by Activision, which includes the Modern Warfare series. Infinity Ward never had any dealings with EA, the company that they spawned from did. Also there is a considerable argument that Infinity Ward brought some of their issues on themselves, hence Activision being in court v West and Zampella.
  20. Halls in my first year was **** shit, and in the third year apart from living with one of my mates it was pretty crap, lived with very unsociable bastards. In second year, it was absolutely fantastic. Lived with some great people, and my mate. Worked out really well considering we only signed up for halls again because we missed out on getting a proper house. Saying that the second and third years were in a house more than halls.
  21. Depends what you mean by more like MW2 than Black Ops.
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