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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. A lot of shops do let you do it, as I said. Well worth checking before you buy however, don't just assume you can get your money back if you change your mind. To make it a bit more confusing at certain times (Christmas mostly), shops that don't usually let you return an item for cash, sometimes do for that period. Just because it makes things far easier for them. Different story if you buy online/over the phone/any other form of distance selling - you can return for pretty much any reason any standard item within 7 days of receiving it IIRC.
  2. Obviously at HMV's discretion. They don't have to let you do that.
  3. You've no legal right to return anything that isn't faulty. Some shops do allow you to, but it's at their discretion.
  4. A guy comes into the shop, I serve him and find out that he's come in to a return on an item. He explains that he'd just been released from prison and his missus had bought him some stuff to come home to, one thing of which was a controller for a PS2 she'd bought, which she'd got from us. He's not into it so hadn't opened it and wanted the money back. We don't do cash refunds. Or perhaps more accurately we only do cash refunds in very certain circumstances. I checked with my manager anyway just to make sure and sure enough, we don't do cash refunds. The other guy I work with also confirms that. I explain this to the fella, who is one of those guys who talks like he's from a Compton street gang, talks to us like we're shit, if you can understand the garbled rubbish coming out of his mouth. He claims his receipt says he can get a refund. I look at the receipt and point out that, sorry sir, no it doesn't - it says you can return for exchange or credit, not cash. The other fella I work with also points this out, and tells him the only way we can refund cash is if the item is faulty and we can't replace it. Guy asks for the manager. We get the manager - he doesn't realise our manager is the kind of guy that, if you come in with attitude or try to **** us around, is going to go out of his way to make sure that the rules are followed to a tee. He also explains we can't refund cash. The guy is clearly getting mardy and just says 'It's faulty then, yeah'. My manager goes 'It's faulty? It's unopened. It's not faulty'. Guy ain't having it. My manager goes in the back, grabs a PS2, sets it up from scratch, and proves to the guy it isn't faulty, and tells him we can give him credit, give him another one, or he can leave. The guy takes the latter option, clearly has snapped, so decides to take it out on the shop by punching a load of stuff to the ground, cos you know, he's a gangsta hardman, innit? It was made worse by the fact we had other customers in the store, including kids. It really pissed me off this guy had such a sense of entitlement and a really grim attitude (no wonder he's only just got out of prison), that he could act like that over something and not realise or care that theres other people in the shop, and that we're just doing our jobs. Even before he did his little attempt at trashing the shop he was oozing this kind of attitude that he intended to get his way by being intimidating. He was just the kind of person that you just think 'Society probably didn't miss you when you were inside'.
  5. 'Gangsta' words removed who can barely speak discernable English 'cos how gangSTA! they are who get mardy and throw displays to ground on their way out in rage because they can't **** read.
  6. Love that entire EP. Bit of the My Bloody Valentine about it... I like but not everyones cup of tea.
  7. Listened to half of 'Opening' - sold.
  8. A Wednesday announcement is interesting. Whats the betting it's confirmation we're keeping him? IMO the only other likely (if considerably less likely in my view) thing we might announce is that we're giving up on the Houllier experiment and would now look to replace him. I think the chances of us announcing a new man on Wednesday are slim and none.
  9. Probably because he's not that good and has question marks over his fitness.
  10. With Adidas you either get quite dull but simple designs like the Real Madrid ones, or stupid/crap looking stuff like they handed to out Chelsea and Liverpool a few years back, random lines all over the place for little to no reason. To be fair to them, theres only so much you can do with a great many shirts, usually straying too far from the formula either pisses off the main market for it or just looks awful.
  11. Fans of COD and Battlefield rarely mix, its usually one or the other. Online they are very different games - at its best Battlefield is a great tactical team game, whereas COD, even in its team games, allows a lot of lone wolf style to be succesful. Its that difference that I think means no matter how good Battlefield this year is, it won't take the popular crown. That only leaves COD when the system gets tired, which I have an inkling begins in earnest with this game.
  12. Indeed. He's a manager who can make top teams do well when everything is ticking along. When it starts to go wobbly he's found wanting - his Milan side as it aged and problems creeped in became pretty lacking in league form (by their standards) and effectively became a cup team. By the end Milan fans had had enough of him as he seemed unable or unwilling to make the changes necessary to the side to get it to compete again. At a club like us I think Ancelotti would be found wanting.
  13. ...Houllier's record at signing players is tattered to say the least. (... I'll grab my popcorn for the reaction to that) And even then if it weren't I'm not sure a) him going upstairs would be such a brilliant idea and Ancelotti would be a great signing (or would even accept such an arrangement)
  14. Which has little to do with any success he may have here, as Top 4 is beyond our reach now for the foreseeable.
  15. Mw2, Barebones matches are fantastic. Its slightly unwieldy and unbalanced but its still enormous fun. My short time with Black Ops just revealed it to be a bit of a dirge to me. It lacks charm I guess.
  16. I wouldn't be overly upset with Moyes, Jol or Hughes. Though I don't see Moyes joining at all. I don't actually much like Hughes either (I don't appreciate the way he acts and handles himself) but I think he would be good for us for the position we find ourselves in now.
  17. I wouldn't be happy! No DOF, and no Houllier. And I don't think Ancelotti would be that great for us. Boo to that suggestion .
  18. Benitez minus Paco = fail. Wouldn't particularly like the man with Paco to be honest but without him... well, eurgh.
  19. I enjoy MW2 to this day. Better game that Black Ops for my money. This looks to have come from the Spinal Tap school of game design. Still unconvinced.
  20. It's a QR code. Download Google Goggles/Barcode Scanner from Android market, use the app and point the camera at the code and it'll do something - usually link you to a webpage. The Android app side AppBrain makes use of them to let you download apps conveniently.
  21. Manchester United's thing now is to only spend big money on younger talent, ones that either represent a good return for large investment in terms of potential resale or just longevity in the side - de Gea is both. (It's also for this reason I'm not completely sure they'll go for Young unless he goes for a lot less than we might hope. They may be loaded with obscene debt but they still have the power to spend incredible money. They're just rather more aware now of how they spend it.
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