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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Probably the best place to put this... Anyone who's been looking forward to the Lord of the Rings Extended Editions dropping on blu-ray, which they do this month, might be in for a bit of a disappointment. The original theatrical release of the trilogy on blu-ray last year was a bit of a disappointment since no-one really wants the Theatrical cuts any more, but more over because the transfer on the first film especially was pretty ropey. It was full of DNR and looked quite shifty in parts. Thankfully the new release fixes that... but brings it's own new issue. Someone has blatantly **** up on the remastering and has tinged the whole thing in a much greener tint. Many people wouldn't notice but if you are a big fan of the films or appreciate good visuals, you might be left wondering why, for example, Saruman looks like he has jaundice, or why the snow that on all other releases was a pearly shining white, is now curiously dull... Pretty much every review of the release is picking up this, which in pretty much every other respect is receiving glowing praise (even accepting for other issues like the 15 disc set actually only featuring 6 blu-rays...). I do wonder if this might lead to a Gladiator-esque recall and replacement on the first film...?
  2. We weren't shipped any PS3 versions so I dunno. Probably does though, I just couldn't say for sure.
  3. It's generally regarded as a bit of turd. Surprised the beeb picked it up.
  4. It's sequel to that game and, as I said, the 360 version comes with a slightly tarted up version of the original game too.
  5. Worth bearing in mind the 360 version at least ships with access to the original game.
  6. To be fair he was doing something else, sorting out the new filing system the area manager has told us we have to use, I was just processing new stock and to be fair I don't give much of a **** what he tells me to do provided it's not degrading or illegal. He's generally a sound bloke. Actually that reminds me of another piss me off that shouldn't thing - the new filing system we've got. We've not got that much space and have a lot of stock, we've basically got a main reserve stock space upstairs and downstairs we've got some shelves out back and some drawers by the till that we can realistically use for sales. Our solution to this, to help make the best compromise between speed and good use of space, was this - keep a 'master copy' of an item, with any copies out on the shopfloor banded to it, along with 2 spare copies fully boxed on the shelves in the back, keep the drawers by the till for 2 or 3 copies of items we know we'll sell a lot of, and the rest upstairs to be dipped into when the stock downstairs runs low. The area manager says this is bad, so has now told us we have to move our shelf stock to the drawers, as much spare stock as possible to the shelves, and the rest upstairs. Whenever we sell something we have to then immediately grab a spare copy from the back to replace it in the drawer, which isn't really viable when we're busy. So all that happens is either the drawer starts to end up with stock missing from it, or we just get everything from the back, which takes longer. It also means that the quick access to stock in the drawer that we regulated based on what sells and thus made good use of that space, is now slower because the drawer is full of stuff we know will never sell, taking up the space of stuff we know would.
  7. A few of us have hinted at it, I've even once just straight up told him I can't hear a word he's saying sometimes. A couple of the guys have been there for a few years under him and apparently it's just what he's like and people have mentioned it before a lot and he just carries on. He speaks quickly and mumbles, thats just what he's like. He's a nice bloke so it's not like he gets mardy over it being pointed out, but he doesn't change. For a while it crossed my mind that he'd maybe got like mild 'social' issue, like very mild Aspergers or something.
  8. My boss does the exclamation point thing. It is incredibly annoying. He also can't spell very well. On his days off he leaves behind a sheet of paper with the things he wants done and they're always completely in caps, with no punctuation other than exclamation marks, poorly spelled and leave all the shit jobs to whoever is on that day. It's also usually written in really broken English. Speaking of my boss, the most annoying thing he does is talk to you in a mumble barely audible over the music in the shop at all, and regularly will also be walking away from you when he does it. Regularly he'll do something like this points at pile of stock 'Can you take those upstairs and sort mumblemumblemumblemumble....' as he walks away. So then you have to go 'What did you want doing with these mate?' which immediately makes you feel like a prick and bad employee because it makes it seem like you weren't listening. The other day, to my ears, he just quickly turned to me and went 'Can ya mumblemumblemumble...'. I hadn't got a sodding clue what he wanted. Turned out he wanted the track skipped on the stereo system. Drives me mad.
  9. I don't think I can support McLeish as manager.
  10. To be fair to theunderstudy, he's not posted that much recently. Can only assume he's letting the keyboard cool down.
  11. I'm still thinking that it can't happen, surely? It'd be tantamount to commercial suicide for all involved, apart from maybe McLeish himself who would so quickly find his position untenable that he could easily pick up a fast pay off. It's up there with the most dumb moves they can make. Even just speaking to him is stupid.
  12. Terrible news. He was always a good poster on pretty much any topic. All the more tragic at only 41. Rest in peace, and thoughts to his family.
  13. Anyone watch Terry Pratchetts doc tonight, Choosing to Die? That was one of the most powerful and moving things I've ever watched.
  14. Same. I'd be far less worried about the ex-Blues thing (not that I like it) than I would be over the fact he plays absolutely dire football (generally I don't care about the 'oh his football's crap' argument but in McLeish's case it really is terrible, 10 men behind the ball every match whistle to whistle) and seems quite good at relegating sides.
  15. About 5 different series of 'Kill It, Cook It, Eat It' means I will always associate her with live stock slaughter. It's almost appropriate she got the CountryFile job, the cows must be terrified of her given the reputation.
  16. Pah, I've now been single for... quite a long time. After a while you just get used to it. It's **** boring at times mind. It's allowed me to grow a pretty decent beard though so I guess theres a plus side... ...yeah. :|
  17. Shakhtar are owned by the bloke who used to be the richest man in Europe (he may still be actually), he's quite willing to gamble money on prospects and will pay enough for them to just go 'Yeah, OK'. That would also explain why quite a few of their big players just don't leave, despite every window linking half of them to most of the worlds best clubs. I suspect that the Russian clubs that attract these players (because it's not all of them) also spend a pretty penny getting. I also suspect that the Ukraine and Russian work permit system is much more lax than ours, and even if someone can't get through it palms can be oiled far easier than they would be in the 'big' leagues. Put it together and you get the odd situation where places you'd imagine to not be high on the lit of any player, really, let alone Brazilian prospects, are full of them.
  18. Nice one. What industry's it in? I don't even get rejections to my applications. Thankfully my hours are picking up a bit again covering for holidays.
  19. Moyes would be my ideal choice but it won't be him.
  20. If anyone is a fan of good film music, turn on Radio 3. Mark Kermode is hosting the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra doing your favourite film scores. They're currently doing a suite from Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood's score for There Will Be Blood, which is superb. And they've already got Star Wars out of the way.
  21. I've no affinity for Italian football at all really. I did like Fiorentina, pretty much entirely because of Batistuta. But now I just find it hard to take any interest in. It's quite dull to watch when you're not invested in it, and it's hilariously bent. Fior getting promoted for 'sporting merit' back in the day sums it up.
  22. Glad to hear he's not coming. It might be a slap to the face that Wigan's manager would rather stay there than take our position but better than that imo than him here.
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