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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Rewatched this again the other night - such a good film, can't recommend it enough. Hoping to watch Rescue Dawn soon, have heard only good things and know a bit about the actual events it portrays so looking forward to it.
  2. 'Until stocks last' makes no sense at all.
  3. Not a big fan of Given, not a big fan of this signing, but oh well. We could do worse.
  4. ...**** word filter. Colin W.A.N.K.E.R. is an anagram of Neil Warnock.
  5. I've always been torn over Colin rocket polisher. At times he does just appear to be an arse, and he's instructed his teams to do some pretty grim stuff. But then he'll do something I can't help but like. Like the time he was doing his post match interview and wanted to criticise the ref, but knew doing so would land him in trouble, so pulled out a full transcript of something Fergie (I think) had said after a match to criticise the ref and gotten away with, and read that out word for word.
  6. Self check out drove me mad when people started using it as the get out clause for a weeks shop on a Friday at 6.30pm when the tills are all taken. Great idea for a couple of easy items. When you see a trolley full go through it, eurgh.
  7. I think this dentist was Hungarian, sounded very similar to Hungarian chap I knew at uni. The last time I had any major work done at the dentist, I had a tooth pulled. That time, it took 90mins, 3 people, and far too many different instruments, and eventually the 2 little Asian ladies just told me 'We can't pull it, we're going to drill out your jaw bone, is that ok?'. I've had a **** wisdom tooth for a while that finally in the last 2 days or so started to hurt, to the point I was damn near crawling up the walls and punching inanimate objects out of sheer pain and frustration. Hungarian dentist spends 5 mins looking at it and the rest of my teeth, tells me 'It's coming out, it's of no use to you', swiftly puts in 3 injections and inside 15 mins has me sat there waiting for the bleeding to stop, I was in and out in 25 mins.
  8. Agreed. A midfield of N'Zogbia Ireland Makoun and Albrighton, especially given the Prem showings in our colours for the CM pair, would have the resilience of wet tissue paper. Makoun hasn't shown himself to be the player I saw play in the French league, and Ireland is both mental and on last seasons showing, not interested in tussling for anything.
  9. Everyone should get an Eastern European dentist - they don't **** around.
  10. Will be in the dentist in about an hour, have spent the last day with the most excruciating pain I've experienced, so bad I've been unable to eat or sleep for the past day and a half.
  11. Paul McMullan was quite accurately described later by Will Self as rat-like. He's also on record having told Hugh Grant that there is not a chance in hell that Brooks didn't know what was going and that questionable activities were absolutely rife in the NOTW.
  12. Brilliant comment from Alistair Campbell this afternoon, to paraphrase - 'this morning's PM statement on giving Coulson a second chance sounded more like a parole officer than a PM'. Labours desperate attempts to criticise the Tories for their dealings with NI whilst also playing down how it taints them too would be hilarious were it not so tedious. Harmann just claimed on Newsnight, with a straight face somehow, that the Tories cosied up to Murdoch while Labour were monstered by and fearful of him.
  13. True. I'd hope we'd do better than Hutton though. I used average in the hope it'd avoid the ire of people who do like him, I actually rate him a little lower than that.
  14. Indeed. There is talk now that Brooks has changed her stance ever so slightly to suggest that she wasn't the editor when the really bad stuff was going on, which suggests as a lot of people have thought that the worst is still to come.
  15. Hutton is pretty average. Defensively suspect at times. Had 1 good season in Scotland in his career.
  16. Not transfer related but it is a rumour (based on a fact) that doesn't quite deserve it's own thread. Essien has injured his knee in training again today, and there is a lot of talk that it could be a third cruciate injury, which could in turn mean his career comes into doubt. It's not been confirmed how bad it is, but if it is a bad one, again, could be the end of him.
  17. I'm cynical too, I've no doubt they've done this because they feel it looks bad for them to stick with NI publications, which could alienate customers, rather than them having any problems with their publications actions. And indeed it would be better if they didn't line Murdoch's pockets at all. But regardless, it's praise worthy because it's a better hit to Murdoch than just the more cynical pulling away from the NOTW alone.
  18. Does it matter in this instance? Besides which, it's not like this is being screamed from the rooftops is it? It appears to have gotten very little exposure at all.
  19. I suspect it may be because some people question quite how much of a top top keeper he is , and also wonder about how much he will be paid (given his current 90k) . And there are questions about whether dropping £xm on an aging keeper is a good idea for a club apparently tightening it's belt
  20. Don't agree. I feel Friedel at the time was a far better transfer by way of being a better player.
  21. I wonder how Mr Cameron is sleeping tonight, given the already precarious question of his judgement being brought into sharp focus by the apparently impending arrest of Coulson?
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