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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Bloc Party - She's Hearing Voices (Erol Alkan's Calling Your Dub)
  2. EDIT - I swear I clicked that once :?
  3. If you're going to have a welfare system (and I think it's fair to say we'd rather have it than not), you will always have people that will exploit it. You will always have people who don't give a shit and promote their own well being ahead of what would be morally correct, which is of course to not take advantage of that system. You can't really stop people having children. And you can't punish a child for having parents who are prepared to exploit the system. You can't make this problem go away without making the whole system go away. And even then you would still have kids coming into the world where they can't really survive or live well enough to make a good start in life. And then you have another vicious cycle arise, one that will see crime rocket in the years following for the kids that happened to make it through that. I like the welfare system, it's something Britain can be quite proud of imo. It's not perfect, nothing ever is, but it's a good thing. Sadly, for things like this, it's impossible to perfect it - the sytem finds itself in a position where it must protect the vulnerable but also knows that in doing so people will exploit it... and theres nothing it can really do to prevent one whilst doing the other to it's utmost. It just can't be done. All that can be hoped is that, as it appears to actually be, most people are honest with the system and don't take the piss.
  4. Just cooked and eaten some fajitas. I didn't realise quite how much I'd done 'til I sat down to eat it. 6 fajitas later the pan is empty but I feel... wrong. Eurgh... It seemed to shame to let it go to waste.
  5. Also, on the Eto'o thing, apparently the contract he signed is earning him 60p a second, over £350k a week. He can probably put up with the bananas and monkey noises for that.
  6. Albania the state is still called Albania, Dagestan is a republic of Russia that used to be called Albania
  7. Watched a quick look of this yesterday. I think the main things to take away from it are buying this as a shooter will leave you disappointed - it's shooting mechanics aren't going to stand up to a proper FPS, and the AI of the enemies is pretty grim. People who know the series would know already that you don't buy Deus Ex to play a shooter, but people new to the series may not. It also appears to be a lil buggy. In the first 10 mins of the quick look, they managed to break a quest. Load times are finally grim across the platforms, definitely one to install for 360 users. Voice acting is pretty crap too. Other than that it's largely great it seems. In proper Deus Ex style it appears to have an achievement that asks you to complete the game without killing anyone other than bosses (which, incidentally, have been unanimously derided as crap).
  8. Well, you needn't get pissed off because it's not just the little shits - I just don't like kids, full stop. Sure, the little shits are worse, but all children on some level annoy me. I genuinely just do not like kids.
  9. I think he probably is still the best CM we have. Delph's proven nothing yet, but has the potential to be very good. Makoun has disappointed. Ireland, well... he's Ireland. Talent, mental, not going to get much playtime and doesn't deserve it either. Bannan, skillful but still quite unproven and not much cop without the ball at all.
  10. I hate kids. I had a short shift at work that because we're down on sales this week had given everyone obscene targets to hit, and also had an arseload of admin-y stuff to get on with, so every spare minute was necessary. So of course it's at that time that we get a load of kids in constantly asking dumb questions and generally being a pain. And then on the way home a mother with about 4 kids, all under 8 I'd say, decides that on the bus they can do whatever the **** they like. I settled down to watch Screenwipe on my phone, had the sound as loud as it'd go (more than enough to overcome the engine noise). But no, kids proceed to make next 20 minutes hellish, screaming whinging moaning fighting and not a second glance from the mother.
  11. I still don't 'get' Modric. He's good, for sure. But that good? I just don't see it. :?
  12. Dark Souls piques my interest every now and then. If it's a bit more accessible/less Japanese in it's sensibilities than it's antecedent it could be genuinely superb.
  13. Reviews dropping everywhere now, all of them pretty much 9s and glowing reports.
  14. He was a superb player for Wolfsburg and when they bought him I had him tipped to be a player who would suit this league down to the ground. He looks stronger and more upto pace than he did last season already. As much as I like him (Wolfsburg connection and I've always liked his type of striker), I feel bad about him succeeding because that only bodes well for a hateful Citeh side.
  15. MMORPG - Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, i.e. World of Warcraft, Rift, Guild Wars, etc. EVE Online is a MMORPG but it's very different from WOW, been going since 03 I think, it's set in space and has a far, far looser structure than the likes of WoW. You character is a pilot of a ship, and as you play the game you can enter (largely player run and made) factions with their own politics, get involved in huge player v player faction wars that arise totally naturally, and so on, making your way through space making money to improve your standing and your ability to exploit space. It also can look curiously beautiful - huge ships floating through space scapes and nebula can look quite awesome. It's become renowned for being very open to crazy things happening because the makers more or less allow anything to go in the game. For example a few years ago a guy in the game encouraged people to invest in him using the in game currency (which is in itself actually genuinely valuable in the real world, although the makers crack down on that) by claiming he would use their investment in-game to make more in-game currency through things like mining. He had a high level character and was fairly well known in the community IIRC so people trusted him. In the end it turned out he was a fraudster and made off with all the in game cash. The makers of the game are totally fine with people committing in-game fraud and scams, they only try to crack down on people exploiting the game to make real world money (because it's a legal minefield and also tends to ruin the games economy). I find EVE, though I've never played it and probably never, ever will, far more interesting than WOW. It's never been massively popular though, probably because it's not as ubiquitous as WOW and not as easily approachable.
  16. I've never played a MMORPG, and never wanted to. Grinding has no appeal, paying a monthly fee to grind has even less appeal, amongst other issues I've had with them. I think a lot of the enjoyment you get from MMORPG is based around who you play it with, and I prefer to play alone (outside of stuff like FIFA, MK, etc, where local multi is godly, with some beers.) Only EVE ever seemed interesting to me, and thats largely because EVE is a completely different experience to the traditional WoW style that pretty much ever one of these games since WoW has copied. Still, the Old Republic will be a license to print money for a while. And then they'll all just go back to WoW.
  17. Star Wars: The Old Republic. It's World of Warcraft with Jedis.
  18. If we're to let him go I'd sooner just out right sell him.
  19. Dzeko is looking more like the player he was at Wolfsburg this season. Unfortunately.
  20. Captain America: Super Soldier :oops: First game I've 1000/1000g'd. Borrowed it from work and played it pretty solidly over 3 days, loved every minute :oops:. It's not even that good, unoriginal, stupid, hokey story and acting, not a looker, short, easy, pretty much a cut price Arkham Asylum... And I loved it.
  21. Saw the Inbetweeners last night. Better than I was expecting. It has all the same problems the TV show has (terrible, terrible acting), and indeed it does feel like a long episode with a bigger budget and a couple of fancies camera shots to show for it. It lags a little about 45 mins in and picks up just a bit in the last 15. You'll know the story the moment some characters that are introduced recur for the first time, but I guess thats not really the point and it has some great laughs, as well as some really obvious jokes and a couple of riffs on jokes they've done before. Only 1 joke genuinely failed for me, and seemingly most of the audience around me too, a 2 second gag with a disabled flavour. It's a good watch though and for fans of the series there won't be any disappointment.
  22. He's disappointed me. The player I saw a few times for Lille excited me. The player I've seen at Villa has been far from that one of a few seasons back.
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