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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Ha, we're onto translations again, joy of joys. Word of God, people, Word of God, in no way confused or watered down by years of fudged translation after a bunch of fellas who didn't know each other wrote it all down years after it was alledged to have happened. Having read back through last nights/this mornings, I'm still in sheer awe that the portrayal of witches vampires and the like in fantasy entertainment is somehow a legitimisation of genuine religious, Christian specifically, belief. ...I think I best go pray to Gandalf and hail the Holy Trinity of Batman, Spidermanand Moon Knight.
  2. I guess it makes it sound like a chance for discussion, when actually it was simply an opportunity for steakandchips to preach nonsense He's not preaching, hes trolling. Badly, since rather than antagonise hes simply succeeded in getting the readers of the thread to suspect hes retarded. Of course, if he did actually believe this, you'd be doing him a favour by calling the local asylum. Playing devil's advocate here, but when has debate* ever been equivalent to trolling? * Granted, debate with (what seems to me like) flawed logic, but I doubt he's on here merely to irritate and annoy. To pick this up from further back He isn't debating. He's simply plucking stuff from what Google tells him are Christian brand nut job sites. The number of questions, simple questions, put to him that he's failed to address whatsoever nix any attempt at debate. You can tell he's trolling because of the style he's used. Last night he took to straight up baiting a couple of users in the most obvious fashion I've seen. Early in the thread he was completely copy and pasting whole passages from websites I was able find in seconds on Google. The genuine crazies do this, too, of course, but they also attempt to address questions in their own words (to defend themselves) and also, more sinisterly, they have the undercurrent of ttempting to legitimise their beliefs to convert. He's not done the latter, simply attempted to frustrate instead, and rarely attempts to answer questions directly, face on, in his own words. He doesn't believe a word. If he does, which I sincerely doubt, not only do his beliefs betray him as at best ignorant and possibly wholesale snooker loopy, his failure to be able to confront that which has been posed suggests he either doesn't understand, in which case he's an idiot, or intentionally ignores that which he understands because it makes him fearful, in which case he's a moron. The opposite is Julie, who I've no doubt does believe this claptrap and dearly wants other people to too...
  3. Its not really like any of those Wiggy to be honest, bar some shades of WOW. I can't really think of any well known games that particularly relate to it much. It's a open world game were you create a character and spec them to follow certain paths, and gradually make them more powerful, like WOW. The open world is more about exploration than it is mucking about, you'll come across dungeons and shrines and ruins to go search and loot, sometimes you'll specifically be sent to them on a quest. You'll stumble across people who will give you tasks and some you'll be sent to to get quests. The fighting isnt turn based like Final Fantasy, its all real time, and the speccing of your character is more freeform than FF too, you can choose the type of character you want be that a robe wearing lizard wizard immune to poisons, a lightly armoured cat man thief with a liking for bows or a hulking great barbarian wearing full armour and a dirty great axe, but also a great persuader... Not everyone takes to these games because they dont guide the player much. Oblivion was renowned for once you'd got outside of the starting area you were given this huge world to explore and the main quest put back burner (if you wanted), it could be overwhelming. If you just played the main quest it was slightly disappointing. If you wandered, found other things to do, it was superb. You don't need to have played the earlier games, by and large the stories in the series stand alone.
  4. I guess it makes it sound like a chance for discussion, when actually it was simply an opportunity for steakandchips to preach nonsense He's not preaching, hes trolling. Badly, since rather than antagonise hes simply succeeded in getting the readers of the thread to suspect hes retarded. Of course, if he did actually believe this, you'd be doing him a favour by calling the local asylum.
  5. Sloths in that age were closer to the perfect design and thus were quite poorly named, capable of running like Bolt and swimming like the bastard son of Phelps and Thorpe for weeks on end. They were the first to the Ark.
  6. Martinez's failure to be a pragmatist is a failure of him as a manager imo. While its laudable that he plays nice football with a poor side, I'm sure Wigan might prefer to not be relegated.
  7. ...try harder, will you, if you must continue this charade, or just give the game up, you've succeeded in nothing but making yourself look silly.
  8. Your hypocrisy is in your picking and choosing what suits your desire to legitimise and solidify your faith using science and then rejecting the stuff you either find uncomfortably close to debasing your faith or, in some cases, straight up failing to understand and then taking that ignorant viewpoint as fact. I wouldn't get on the high horse over not resorting to insults either - I'm man enough to admit I've mocked with glee and resorted to insults in exasperation and astonishment. Yet I also remember quite clearly being told by yourself, seemingly with glee also, that the end is nigh and we sinners would be eating humble pie as we're 'left behind' by the righteous and you'd be 'getting the last laugh'. I find that rather more disquieting than mere mockery. I would also add that your ignorance and fudging of facts to suit your agenda hurt yourself, I suspect rather more than any poor show on my behalf.
  9. We've been over this before, more or less... that kind of thinking is what lead to the... er... lets call it confusion... when I used the Lord of the Rings as an example of 'legitimising' a text. What a right minded person would think, someone capable of critiquing a text, is not 'If this is correct then it follows the rest is', it is 'If this is correct, then this bit is right... but the rest needs confirmation of it's veracity and as such we should be careful to not take it at face value'.
  10. Oggled a couple of the Collectors Editions at work, not worth £130 by any means but got me all the more hyped for Friday.
  11. Etim was monstrous. The submission was impressive but I was totally in awe of the moments before that - Faaloloto comes at him throwing jabs and Etim, completely calmly, walks backwards from these vicious punches, doesn't flinch, doesn't even lean from them, just total control to back away and then come flying.
  12. It is. Nobody that thick would have survived long enough to have learnt to use google.
  13. Hardened edition box is hilarioudly oversized and seemingly filled with helium. Game itself, well... it's COD.
  14. That. Don't bother regular_john, SNC is on the windup, or beyond help for the level of idiocy, which is well beyond pigshit thick. Other botherers, been done by a few of us attempting to point out the reality of things, pointing out the sheer logical inconsistancy, the childishly simple things that aren't understood - they don't want to know, they like their fairytale rather too much for the crutch to be taken away.
  15. I didn't ask you any questions. Stop trolling.
  16. The campaign isn't difficult, particularly. Got the Riddler done today (though I still have 11 challenges to do, all combat ones I'm not sure I can be arsed to do), Zsasz done, AR challenges done... I think I'm done with that playthrough. I was never much cop with the challenge rooms but I'll have a tinker with them. Great game though. Such great moments and touches. Great soundtrack too, feels almost Christmas-y at times.
  17. Pretty much everyone thats replied to you here to, lets say 'critique' the nonsense Google told you has researched both sides of the fence, and the side you purport to stand on don't have any of them there answers, or at least not ones that stand up to scrutiny that children could put forward. Certainly Brumerican, mjmooney, Michelson, GarethRDR, tonyh29 and myself have done. As I said... pack it in.
  18. I don't think you believe this, so pack it in. Especially since you've just copy pasted rather a lot of this. I know thats a trait of the local godbotherers, but give it up.
  19. I'm reminded of when a certain Jehovah expressed a viewpoint that amounted to hoping for an apocalypse soon so the 'sinners' could be seen how right the 'righteous' were and that those 'in league with Satan' would get their divine humble pie.
  20. You hope thats tongue in cheek, don't you? Being from Sweden, chances are high.
  21. Most cultures have flood myths. Shock horror - most of the world has regions that suffer devastating/large scale floods. Add in human love of narrative (i.e. making stories to fit what we see) et voila, hundreds if not thousands of years of bullshit peddled for simpletons.
  22. May as well ask if all the angels in heaven can dance on a pinhead. Or if a toad really could drive a car...
  23. Chindie

    Iran next?

    North Korea isn't considered as much of a threat as Iran, despite possibly being further along the road to nuclear armament. North Korea are held in check by having one of the US military's largest foreign presences in the region, and having China having them by the balls. They occasionally do the international relations version of 'playing up' but have never represented that much of a threat otherwise. If ever they did decide to really go for it though, they represent a danger simply because theres the distinct chance that they already have or are approaching serious nuclear capability, something made all the worse for the fact that we don't really know what the N.Korean capability is. The situation could arise where we discover they have stockpiled a weapon, take out the facility it's stored in, and discover they actually have more elsewhere and have given them the excuse to use it. North Korea is a problem held in stasis by other factors, and nobody is keen to rock the boat and possibly cause something to happen. Iran, on the other hand, is not in that position. They find themselves in a volatile region (not least volatile because of their own activities and positioning, and indeed of the US and other enemies), beholden to no master, really, with a distinctly aggressive posture and keen not to play the game by the rules others wish to impose on them. Their aggressive posture is possibly justified - Iran looks at a region it once was, arguably still is, a hegemon of, and sees nothing but the United States around it, and it's attack dog straining at the leash that Iran already does not like (and of course vice versa). That they also a reasonably well developed nation doesn't help, either. The worry that Iran may be in the position to change the game in the Middle East in their favour plays on the minds of Washington, London and Tel Aviv more than the uneasy balance in East Asia and the Pacific, which while not happy about it the US at least feels is stable enough to be getting on with.
  24. Chindie

    GTA 5

    Rockstar press release apparently makes no mention of anything other than a Los Santos setting - i.e. it might well not be the full San Andreas setting, instead being Los Santos and surrounding countryside.
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