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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Save me one Only had enough for all staff members. They can be time sinks. The game is in theory hundreds of hours long if you get embroiled in exploration and completing quests. The early hours are probably the hardest, you're weak and need to find better equipment and level up the abilities you think you'll want to use. But the times worth it. And if you can only snatch an hour here and an hour there... think of it like this. If you love the game, you could be playing it and still seeing new stuff at that rate in a year
  2. They're not supposed to do a pricematch to CEX and the trade 2 get £5 extra. It's one or the other. However, there is a selection of newish games you can trade that get you bumper trade in deal, I know Batman's on it amongst others, and if you're trading one of those titles (can't remember them off the top of my head) you can get a very good deal. Anywho, just back from 5 hours in hell. **** nightmare, but sold over £2k of COD alone.
  3. WE GOT THE HATS!!!!! Day - made.
  4. yes he did Are you sure about that? If so where is your proof? He was manager when we sold Milner and got Ireland plus money in return? The deal was completed after MON left.
  5. Troll harder, you're still struggling chap.
  6. Blasphemy! Hermione is the purest being, how dare you besmirch her holy name! She took knowledge from the Old High Books and learned for our sins of ignorance, remember that, lest you burn in Voldemorts cauldron for all eternity, Parselmouth. if by 'pure' you mean 'gaped', then yeah. BLASPHEMER! Our interpretation of the Scripture is that such thoughts of Her are a sin (if an alluring one... but that is Voldemorts LIES [Volume 5, Owls - 25:17). Such blasphemy cannot be tolerated. Deatheaters will hound you for all eternity, while we right minded individuals have the last laugh!
  7. Blasphemy! Hermione is the purest being, how dare you besmirch her holy name! She took knowledge from the Old High Books and learned for our sins of ignorance, remember that, lest you burn in Voldemorts cauldron for all eternity, Parselmouth.
  8. Too messy, dangerous, hard to do on an industrial scale consistently, and wasteful. Would also make the process of checking the carcass more difficult to inspect for signs of disease.
  9. Harry didn't die, because when he died he was sent back to save us from evil. I think. My recollection of scripture is hazy. The prose left me wanting sometimes in the text.
  10. You can't use a bullet to slaughter domesticated animals in an abbatoir for public consumption IIRC in this country. Captive bolt gun fires a small rod into the skull which completely knocks the animal out, probably does some brain damage as well to be honest, but doesn't kill it. The kill comes from bleeding out from a cut, they usually cut the main atery in the throat, smaller animals iirc get the aorta cut in the chest via the neck IIRC.
  11. The bolt to the head doesn't kill the animal, it stuns it, knocks it out. The animal is slaughtered by blood draining, usually the throat is cut and hung. Kosher and Halal do pretty much the same thing but the animal is aware of it's demise. Then theres some mumbo jumbo stuff, but ultimately the only difference really is that we knock the animal out first. Pigs are usually electro stunned, same with fowl.
  12. ...where can I find a place to learn about this and feel a sense of community, Mike? Do you have a magazine I could subscribe to?
  13. The Beeb ...hmm. I'm not really a fan of that method of slaughter so I'm not against getting rid of it (it ultimately doesn't make much of a difference to the product either), but thats asking for trouble.
  14. You keep repeating this, but haven't explained what this evidence is that's making people question the standards of science and 'anthrapology'. Please expand on this a bit. She's referencing stuff like this, a stone artifact allegedly carved thousands of years ago out of a stone we allegedly can't carve to much of a degree today that allegedly shows deep prehistoric knowledge of things like the development of foetuses and conception, as it allegedly shows things like sperm and a developing child. And it allegedly does not conform to that which we would expect from cultures in the area it was found. Allegedly. Or these, made of the same stone and impossible to recreate with todays technology, let alone whatever they allegedly were made with, as alleged, thousands of years ago in the jungle. It's clearly evidence that Watchtower was bang on. And don't you forget. (I'm frankly shocked we've not had crystal skulls trotted out in God's favour).
  15. Chindie

    Do you read?

    Truth about Mike confirmed
  16. What a stupid comment! Anyone who knows me personally knows full well that I try very hard to put my faith in God into practice. Jesus said it was the first commandment to love God. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7
  17. Chindie

    Do you read?

    I saw the Culture Show segment on it (which was actually more like a rebuttal to people saying 'Cor, Britain 2011 is just like 1984!', to be honest) and found myself slightly interested to see what someone can do in the modern day to the 1984 template and plot. Is Murakami worth delving into incidentally? Currently reading PRatchetts latest. Really struggling with it, 150 odd pages in and I'm really not taken with it much at all . I think his difficulties are catching up with him.
  18. If I'm to be sat on some throne I demand a crown, sceptre and orb.
  19. Funnily enough thats probably the best training the game gives you for how to master the gliding - the AR stuff is more for when you've mastered it. Ra's section is simple enough that once you crack the timings and the finesse, you're golden for the game.
  20. Steakandchips is trolling that the biblical flood happened (or is mad), Julie actually believes it did, everyone else points out why this madness, some point and laugh. Same old. Remember to buy Watchtower and get down the Kingdom Hall. Oooooh! Fascina...zZzZzZzzz... Thanks Chindie No problem. I thoroughly recommend standing on the sidelines with this look on your face - :shock: - when some of the really crazy crap comes out though, it's hilarious.
  21. I do find the hardcore PC gaming crowd tiresome (you know, if it's not 120FPS constant it's bullshit), I've pretty much always been a console gamer (bar a couple of games - HL2, Doom 3, and of course FM, etc). I can't deny however that I'd love a really good rig, and it's something I'm gonna do when I've scrounged together enough moolah - the aim is a decent gaming rig for the things that will show off it's power, that I can also use as an entertainment centre effectively - movies, music, etc, hooked up to a decent TV and sound system. That dreams becoming more pressing as my 2006 built PC falls apart. Still having to fudge along with a dying HDD.
  22. Steakandchips is trolling that the biblical flood happened (or is mad), Julie actually believes it did, everyone else points out why this madness, some point and laugh. Same old. Remember to buy Watchtower and get down the Kingdom Hall.
  23. Best put that in a Sticky on OT, nobody on this thread'll notice if the site goes down the day after release either :winkold:
  24. First midnight launch since starting at our place that I'm not doing. Thank ****. ...doing the early opening tomorrow instead. Sigh.
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