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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Can't agree with you here Bicks, apart from the obvious issue that the right wing in Europe is supporting this not because they give a toss about animals, but because they want to attack what they see as invasive threatening cultures. Pretty much all animals are bled out in British abattoirs - I think them being aware of or not of their demise is an important thing. I don't wish to treat animals like babies, but I'd rather regardless that they suffer as little as possible, hence why stunning should be done imo. The bolt to the head doesn't kill, it isn't intended to as the animal needs to remain alive to allow for successful blood letting.
  2. I gave an audible sigh of relief when I found Parick isn't on that QL.
  3. 30 Minutes or Less is the second worst film I've seen in a cinema. And the worst film I place ahead of it on the upsides that that particular visit to the cinema had that outweigh seeing a terrible film, which 30 Mins or Less did not have. The Asian guy was as funny as having your teeth pulled without anaesthetic. And makes Orlando Bloom look like a convincing actor. Awful.
  4. Game and Gamestation only get placeholder prices often until the day before release (sometimes day of release). Sometimes they actually change the price so late in the day that manual discounts have to be done at point of sale. They basically look to see what the competition is doing. For example we scanned Skyrim today and it came up at £54.99, but I can guarentee we won't be charging that on Friday. It'll be between £40 and £45.
  5. Chindie


    I don't care. I usually buy a poppy but increasingly, a bit like Risso mentioned earlier, theres a feeling that you must wear one. I'm not sure about how to articulate this, but I seem to find that today theres this kind of institutionalised... mourning and respect (?)that I find quite false. I first noticed it with Wooton Bassett. Families aside, I never felt that the showings there were truly sincere, more that many people felt they just should go, that it was the done thing. It appears all over the place, theres this curious sense that everything is a tragedy that everyone should feel obliged to respect. I'm sure this never used to happen. I don't think the England football team need to wear a poppy, I don't think any football team does. Not because it can be construed as a political symbol, but because it seems rather meaningless. It's not like Lloyds TSB shove a huge poppy on their HQ because it's felt to be the done thing. I'd feel better if the England team members had, without celebration or spotlight, gone down to some old fella sat outside Asda with his tin, and having actually thought about what the thing represents, decided they should support it.
  6. Had our proper delivery today. The map is made from this high quality heavy paper with a kind of canvas feel, if anyone cares. It's quite big too.
  7. The general guess is that Elite subscribers will receive monthly DLC and everyone else will have to wait for the packs to come out, but Activision has been vague so its hard to say for sure.
  8. Elite is a community and stat tracking service that you can register for for free. Theres a paid version which adds some extra features like competitions, but most importantly gives you a years subscription to the DLC which will be released monthly. It gives you early access to them as well, basically meaning you don't need to wait for the map packs to be released. Hardened edition is the premium edition of the game that includes the paid Elite subscription as well as some other bonuses. As far as I'm aware there is no Prestige edition this year. The Intel pack is a bonus given away with preorder purchases at Gamestation and Game, including double XP for your first 4 hours a mini strategy guide, an avatar download and some artcards.
  9. It's a ban on that form of slaughter inside Dutch borders, import is unaffected.
  10. I spent most of the day selling parents copies for underage users. I have to explain the content to help the parent make an informed decision. Goes a bit tits up when the adult who's been wheeled in to buy it doesn't speak English... I'm not overly bothered with underage users playing those titles, I don't think it's particularly dangerous or anything. The mature themes aren't actually all that worse than anything you'd see in a war movie, and ultimately the multi is what it's bought for which becomes so removed from the actual portrayal of violence that it's barely worth worrying about. Anywho... another minor thing that pisses me off. When an author/director/whatever chooses to adjust a character after that characters original inception. I don't mean character development, thats to be expected, but the retconning of characters to meet new desires for them. To take the example I've encountered most recently, Pratchett has a minor character that appears in his Watch based novels, a butler for the main character, called Willikins. He's featured in the odd couple of pages for say... 8 books, maybe. In those pages he's always been a slightly overly starched butler with a bit of wit. The only backstory for him early on was that he had a past of being in a street gang as a child and had passed through the school of hard knocks with flying colours, this being explained literally over 2 sentences as a footnote in maybe his 3rd appearance. But thats it, he basically was just a mild comic relief butler. In the 2 most recent books he's featured in, he's appeared far more heavily and, I'm sure largely on the back of fan pressure, he's become for all intents and purposes a ruthless mercenary in a dinner jacket with a penchant for etiquette. The very presence of the character has altered massively, even the 'voice' he has on the page has changed. It irks me because it feels so cheap. This character has gone from supporting cast to front and centre supporting badass, with narry a development between. It's like 2 different characters who share a name and a very minor suggested past.
  11. Apart from the fact the Empire didn't end because of the Nazis. It actually hasn't ended at all, just declined in line with what is just and changed it's name. And the Nazi's didn't take Switzerland either.
  12. Best to stop replying to steakandchips, it's encouraging him. The air of recognition is probably too great a commendment for this low brow attempt at trolling.
  13. I've watched some footage of COD today and even as a fan of the series, it looks tired, you know? I'm sure it's still the same great game and in a way it's good for the industry, it sells like nothing else which gets people in stores and gives retail a shot in the arm. And it's kinda cool that it's like, a genuine event in gaming. But it just looks so tired now. The same game 4 years on the trot that has only really tweaked things slightly in that time. Being too dominant in the market. And so on. No doubt I'll play it, probably buy it. But it just doesn't excite me.
  14. Kinda pitiful that theres vulnerable people out there who don't know better being brainwashed like this. No excuses for those that should know better.
  15. I was answering a direct assault by Risso... as I said to Chindie... read back and you will see. Jehovah's Witnesses knew that Germany would lose WW2 the moment the the war started against the Anglo- American axis - from their studies of the Book of Daniel. Hmmm. The bloke who started your sect seems to be of the opposite opinion: See page 15 and 16. I don't believe the Nazi's took over Switzerland either... unless of course you realise that the Hebrew for 'Switzerland' can be translated also as 'were bested in the field of conflict then hunted down and executed like dogs or forced into hiding for the rest of their days'. Which can also of course be translated as 'the collection of illegally garnered Nazi gold into Swiss banks (allegedly)'.
  16. Chindie

    Do you read?

    Wind-up Bird Chronicle was the one I had my eye on, given comments here (cheers gents) I think I'll add it to the list.
  17. When I can't articulate my exasperation at something in any way that comes near reflecting the true nature of my feelings. And steak.
  18. Don't be vain, I hate all the nutjobs equally. There maybe some pity in there, some just don't know better.
  19. Incidentally I've just scanned back through the thread and you brought up the Nazis Julie from what I can see. Holy SHIT Mental. Utterly, utterly mental.
  20. Then read back through the previous pages. You'll see! JWs doing something that some may consider good, does not really dismiss Rissos assertion that the faith is a cancer. After all and to continue to invoke Godwin for the kicks, Hitler disliked smoking, liked children and was a great animal lover. It doesn't dismiss the other elements of his character and actions. Besides you often trot out the JW persecution thing as if the JW madness is somehow exceptional in some manner.
  21. Not entirely sure why that line of conversation arose. It's lovely, I guess, that JWs didn't fight. But I'm not sure what it's got to do worth the price of fish so to speak.
  22. Chindie

    Trying POF again

    It's certainly nowhere near as good as it was when I first started posting there. All the old faces gone. Anywho, all this pof.com talk almost makes me curious. I photograph terribly though, so I can't be arsed.
  23. Yeah they're not supposed to do any other 'trade in bonus' type deals if you price match a trade in.
  24. Chindie

    Trying POF again

    Indeed. After seeing the success of Adeel I figured I'd try it again Thought so... been keeping an eye on that thread for kicks. Need to stop lurking so much.
  25. Chindie

    Trying POF again

    313 pique you're interest again by any chance Dante?
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