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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Last year out of nowhere they sorta 'hit' the console market, particularly the now pretty ubiquitous Turtle Beach for the 360, after years of being PC mainstays. They're still a pretty steady seller now despite many being pretty damn expensive. Turtle Beach do a set that's £250 for example, which is insanity. On the one hand, I see the appeal. Loads of TV have terrible speakers, and it's not always going to be viable to have a seperate speaker set up hooked up to your console, games are making leaps and bounds with sound design (in some cases ahead of the movies even), having a good mic is always of use to online players, and sometimes being able to just turn off the TV sound is a good thing, late at night for example. On the other hand, they're quite expensive, surround sound ones are even more expensive and regularly not much good, they require traipsing wires across the room more often than not (in an age that consoles have sought to eradicate overtly visible wires as much as possible), and wireless ones suffer from the usual wireless audio issues of hiss, pop, and general sound degradation. Working in a games shop, I dread it when people ask me for a decent 360 headset, we're a small shop and theres 11 different models you can get in our place alone. And frankly I don't know much about any model, all I know is that most people want Turtle Beach, so maybe you should do too, madam. Even my brother is interested in a set, as his missus is unimpressed by COD's explosive cacophony, and asked me for advice, I'm none the wiser. Anyone got a set? What did you get? Worthwhile?
  2. I went with the more 'left field, but still... you would' options, rather than properly guilty. Or maybe that should be the 'They're decent looking, not gonna blow your socks off, but theres something about them that makes your nether regions go tingly'. Then again that kinda look, attractive but not obviously stunning, slightly plain, has always been what I've gone for. Coren is odd because I'm not into blondes and she's actually sometimes a bit rough looking imo, but still... And Winona Ryder, who I've always had a thing for but you never hear anyone say her as a top looker. I've watched Alien 3 more than once solely because she's in it >_>.
  3. Makes sense for the Yanks, bargain of the century while they still test out the F35B's capabilities. In a way, it's nice that they've not just been carved up and instead gone on to be used for a while longer. More fool us I guess.
  4. Steady seller at our place day of release. Reviews seem to basically say it's the same good concept they've chugged out since 2, but it's feeling tired now with issues they've never solved from day one, and the main additions to this iteration are either so minor as to be pretty much window dressing (bombs, to an extent the hook blade) or completely tiresome (as expected, the tower defence game!). Next years iteration, which is already confirmed as coming, needs to be a big departure. This series can't survive annual churned out sequels, it'll kill it stone dead. Even COD has shown the cracks of a public starting to get tired of the same game they've had since 2007, and thats the biggest series on the planet.
  5. Aha, cheers, I'll get on that later.
  6. Whenever I've watched Manchester United this season it's actually annoyed me how often he does that 'running from the backline' thing. He constantly does it, gets plaudits from every tom dick and harry for it, and then theres much shuffling of feet and changing of the subject when it goes wrong and leads to a chance or even a goal, as it has more than once. A month or so ago United conceded a header because he made a massive defensive error, completely lost his man and failed to challenge for the ball at all, watch MOTD later and all Lawro says is 'Jones has got to do better'. If that was any other bloke, they'd have slaughtered him. I've no doubt he could be a superb player, the talents there for sure, but the current ritual masturbatory session to everything he does is absurd imo.
  7. I'd have no faith in that working, for some reason.
  8. Possibly a dumb question, but how do you do up your house? Assuming you can. Seems a bit odd to pop back into a derelict place whenever I've got crap to drop off, and it'd be useful to, at least, be able to brew up recipes there with all the food I keep looting 'just in case' :oops:
  9. One seasons worth of Phil Jones bumming might have him up there. It's getting tiresome already.
  10. Modric. Don't get where the idea he's one of the worlds best comes from. Obviously talented, good player, but the way people go on about him you'd think he was incredible, once in a lifetime, awe inspiring. He isn't.
  11. He was out on the piss last week with Albrighton, both completely **** apparently. ...hope he weren't driving...
  12. I came home from work and subsequently went to work on this prospecting for ore and intending to go smithing. 2 hours later with some crap iron ore I'd mostly just wandered round the north of the map being bandit massacre-r general. Superb
  13. Had my first lock up last night. Got straight up murdered by a troll and on reloading the system completely froze. But it's still so good, so so good. A couple of quests you encounter in Markarth are just superb, and one thoroughly rewards for the short time you put in .
  14. Out tomorrow. I've been hearing that they've added what amounts to a tower defence minigame. It appears that you liberate dens for your assassins and then have to defend them from the templars once in a while when you become overly notorious. That sounds tedious as ****.
  15. They are exceptionally boring to watch. I always compare watching them play in full flight as listening to a virtuoso guitarist. It's impressive, sure... but I don't like it.
  16. AC3 doesn't even exist
  17. Fundy Christian courting must be hilarious. And the fundy Christian sex life must be like the sketch 'the Protestant view' from the Meaning of Life - 'we've got 2 children, and we've sexual intercourse twice'. That or there must be a lot of hand wringing and consulting scripture before you even consider getting down and dirty.
  18. I've had the mammoth up a tree bug happen a couple of times, and the failure at the first start up, but otherwise bug free.
  19. I'm level 13 but I've only just taken on my first dragon, which I took out barely breaking a sweat . Great, great game. I've now gone into a hybrid sword and shield when going gets tough, sneaky archer warrior. Sneaking is something invaluable if you've got a decent bow, gives you an advantage in every fight. I want to build up some magic a little more just to give me another element but am finding that a but more difficult. Made the mistake of trying to use a mammoth to level my archery a little bit... cue legging it across the tundra with angry pachyderm and giant keeper in tow. Also, **** Sabrecats. I can just about take one out with some healing items, but they're damn near impossible to take on in pairs. This has made my search for better armour than what I've got more pressing - but I've just not found anything better than what I'm currently rocking - Dwarven boots, gauntlets and shield, plate steel helmet and steel armour, with a couple of enchanted pieces for buffs as and when. Improving them hasn't set the world on fire :|.
  20. Tbf user scores on Metacritic are about as reliable as a chocolate teapot.
  21. Im now running around with a Daedric mace
  22. Bethesda's big open world games always are buggy as ****. There'll be a huge patch in a few weeks that'll fix bugs you've never even seen. It's supposedly the least off the shelf buggy game in the series though so at least they're getting better. The 360 texture issue is weird. The game looks better running off disc, but loads better running off HDD. Clearing your cache allegedly helps with the dodgy textures with installed copies, but thats not confirmed. Bethesda claim they'll have a fix in the first major update.
  23. Anywho, I've had a crack at Skyrim and... It's great. I've done the intro and done what everyone then does, gone wandering. In an hour or so I've cleared a cave and gone up to about level 4. Nothing particularly great so far for my Imperial, he's even going to be played in the most straight forward manner (one handed, shield, some minor magic use, occasional sneaking). Had an issue to begin with though, the game's opening didn't work. The game opens with you and some other fellas captive on a cart. My first crack had the group just stood beside the cart with me unable to do anything at all but look around a little and listen to a horse snuffle, had to restart. Literally the first piece of Skyrim I encountered was a bug
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