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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I didn't abandon religion. I didn't ever really believe it, we got spoonfed it at school and at that age, 6ish, you don't really give a shit how the world came to be, and once I did start to wonder I quickly decided that the stuff we were being taught was pretty likely to be tosh. Around the same time I got into watching natural history programmes properly and thoughts of the rubbish I'd been fed vanished. But no it doesn't make me feel more alone - when I was on my own at times, I was alone, thats all there is to it. I don't find it depressing, that everything is ultimately rather pointless. I find it quite comforting. Theres no great worry if things go wrong, asides for my own fortunes. And it provides a drive, not listlessness. There is 1 chance, you can't go round again, today is only today once, and what you make of it is all you'll ever make of it, so try to enjoy it.
  2. Hold off, there will be a redesign soon enough that should iron out some flaws, a decent bet it may be a significant update with an added extra circle pad given the (utterly stupid looking) extra pad add-on they're releasing because some games, Japan favourite Monster Hunter in particular, really benefit from twin sticks. I had a crack at the new Mario the other day. 2 things jumped out. Firstly, its the first 3DS game I've encountered that makes the 3d much more necessary, its been designed to make use of it and at points its actually harder to play with it turned off. Second, as the videos suggested, its the slowest Mario game I've encountered, again one expects because of the 3d.
  3. Stumbled on a dragon priest immediately after offing a dragon, got my arse handed to me. Still, I'm now rocking full ebony armour, and just garnered my first piece of dragonplate . Soon I'll be unstoppable...
  4. Jeep - Just Enough Essential Parts Lotus - Lots Of Trouble, Usually Serious
  5. Being 'a direct descendant of Charlemagne' is a ridiculous thing to to have as claim to fame. Millions are descendants of Charlemagne.
  6. Twilight Princess set the standard for 5 years of waggle. For the most part, you may as well have been pressing a button from what I remember. All that it really added was 'proper' aiming ala light guns. to be fair they've changed the old framework quite a bit Have they? Pretty much nothing I've heard suggests any real change to the Zelda framework thats been there since day one. Asides from minor stuff like what appears to be a totally superfluous upgrade system and a missing boomerang, so I'd be interested to hear whats changed.
  7. I don't think I'm gonna bother with a horse. Had a couple of days off it, may drop back in later to continue my quest to become smith extraordinaire and kit myself out in top class armour. Then go **** up some dragons, which have gotten away largely Scott free on my playthrough thus far... I will have their bones.
  8. That was Glaston, wasnt it? :? Glaston may have said it, he sure as hell has the record for madness to come out with it, but to be fair to Zatman I remember hearing it in the media myself. Certainly heard it from a couple of commentators on MOTD, Redknapp himself made the comparision more than once, and I'm fairly sure there were were comparisions along those lines in the papers too.
  9. Lol, religion's a choice. Not entirely sure I get the joke.
  10. Chindie


    If you're good enough at it they'll just bar you. The advantage you have over other players and the casino is so small that to the casino it's just an annoyance they'd rather not have.
  11. Chindie


    Casinos love people playing the 'Martingale system'. They only put table limits on things like roulette to protect themselves against being unable to pay out a win. The casino will always end up being up against that system, simply because without an infinite amount of money someone will always lose and that will almost inevitably outweigh the numbers of people prepared to walk away when they've gone up. A number of people have managed to cheat roulette using small computers to quickly guess a range of numbers that the ball is likely to land on following the spin, though of course that is not perfect and will quickly have the casino on you (I actually believe that that endeavour is genuinely illegal). The only game you can have a degree of an 'edge' at is Blackjack, and that requires a very very good memory, a fair amount of money and good maths skills, and you're still likely to lose because it's impossible to do perfectly. Poker if you're good enough you could also say, but you've got luck working against you 2 ways there - the cards and the players.
  12. I'm lucky enough to be without religion, surprisingly.
  13. Sold steadily, and reviewing very well. Main complaints are an absolutely woeful opening few hours, and that fact that while it's a very, very good Zelda game... it's still the same framework you've played countless times before.
  14. Theres something cool about Skyrim being the current gaming zeitgeist, and being really involved in that feeling too. Walked into work today and everyones just chatting about Skyrim adventures, most of the regulars are in on it too... it's **** fantastic.
  15. Always loved that goal. Utterly insane pass.
  16. Just done a quick browse of the job sites for the first time in a few months. The situation still appears depressingly shite on that front :|
  17. Opportunism to dangle a popular carrot on a stick while it looks like there may be the option to offer it with less hassle in the coming months as the union tears itself apart I'd say . It's the kind of hint dropping that has no risks and all the benefits.
  18. Cheers Rev, interesting. Might nudge my brother to taking the plunge . ...that actually convinces me on them a little as well, to be honest, I like the idea of having a decent audio experience whilst also nixing the wires in a space where a speaker set isn't really viable. Or affordable, despite my entertainment centre ambitions
  19. Todays the first day it's irked me... but I'm not sure if it's me or the game. I decided to venture east to the lands I'd not bothered with beyond Whiterun, intending to stumble through the three towns in the east/north east region of the map and see what else I could find, hopefully stumbling on some mines and the like along the way. I managed to do that, but the game appeared to have decided that those couple of hours were going to be Bear Happy Hour. At every turn I was stumbling on bears. Cave bears I can take on pretty easily, their white cousins are more of a challenge. So of course I end up taking on snow bears constantly. Died a few times, each bear sapping a little more of my enthusiasm for exploring what turned out to be one of the less enjoyable regions of the game world it seems. Reached a head when, just outside Winterhold 2 snow bears spawned in front of me - literally just popped into the game world in front of me. Cue back peddling up the mountain to a point they couldn't reach and 15 mins pinging arrows from a distance trying to get the range right til they finally **** off. I'm not actually sure why the likes of snow bears and ice trolls **** me over quite as much as they do - I can 'game' the trolls (run back, let em swing, run back in for a few thwacks, repeat), but they still seem a bit too capable of killing a level 20 character who has placed a lot of experience into health and is running round in pretty good (plate steel and upgraded) armour. Hopefully it's just a case of levelling more. Anywho, I've decided that the direction for the next few levels of my warrior is pretty much pure smithing - I want that top level armour, I want it so much I can damn near taste it. My worry is, if I pump up some levels trying to hit smithing mastery, I may **** over any other ambitions I have by being under powered for the level I attain in that endeavour. Decisions, decisions.
  20. The X41s were actually the ones my brother asked me to check out for him. A lot I heard was questionable, how long have you had them if you don't mind me asking? Any issues arise at all? If I were to get some myself I'd be tempted by wireless models were it not for some of the issues with sound quality you hear about.
  21. Beautiful plane, to this day, and in many respects ahead of its time. Shame the square windows made it fall out of the sky. Left field suggestion, the Gloster Meteor. Our first jet, one of the first jets (sadly the stupidity of the top brass meant Whittles original idea for the jet was overlooked and meant the Germans got the first one flying IIRC), it didnt actually do that much operationally, shot down V1s for a while late in the war, but it was an important step for jet aviation.
  22. I suspect GT is right, he's no mid. He's a defender with a misplaced sense of grandeur, hence those dumb, dumb runs. And if he can't wean himself off 'marauding forward' (vomit). he at least needs to solidify his defensive game first.
  23. Pre-HDMI consoles that work with all the gubbins are worth next to nothing these days, a bust one, **** knows, but not much.
  24. I'm blaming tiredness for that dumb mistake. But yes, should have said Ressurection - being a fan of the series, shouldn't have let myself mistake one poor film for an absolute travesty of a film.
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