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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. My prediction from early in the year he'll be everyones favourite player to hate sooner or later appears to be coming along nicely - he's exceptionally talented but, more importantly, a complete word removed.
  2. Why do you like watching any sport? Why do you like to watch 22 overpaid rocket polishers kick a ball around a pitch while 3 incompetents try to keep a bead on what's going on? I enjoy boxing, I increasingly enjoy MMA. I'm not watching it to see 2 blokes get hurt (though I cannot deny that there is some very base level entertainment in that in itself), I'm watching it to see 2 men duel each other to see who is the greatest in the most raw, physical way possible. That means they get hurt. Boxing is quite heavily regulated, so is MMA, and if 2 men wish to train and endeavour to make a career of it inside those rules and with the backing of the right authorities (and so on), then thats their choice, and a risk they take.
  3. I applied to GCHQ last year. A-Levels weren't good enough sadly.
  4. Just think what he could do if properly backed.
  5. You could argue he's a chequebook owner. When all he had to do was sign cheques he could do no wrong - though it seems in doing so his... lets be kind, naivety, has lead to the club being in a quite poor position that in turn has lead to all the rubbish we see now. He seems to have decided that not a penny more will leave his wallet (which was never the biggest), as seen from exceptionally low net spending for quite some time now as well as murmurs of more wage cutting to come. You cannot do that and not expect to see the affect knocked on to the pitch. I don't know which option I would go for here. The evidence says no, but the worry is could we end up with a Venkys if he did go. I don't think his stewardship is long for this world anyway. A decent bid would see him gone imo. He's run out of money for the hobby.
  6. No. An idiotic appointment reaps what it sowed. We're bad. He's made us awful. Not going anywhere though, he won't be sacked. It took the worlds most convenient heart trouble to rid us of the last failure, and I don't think McLeish has any major ailments. The fans can, however, go somewhere. And on that showing, and with the economic troubles, I couldn't say I'd blame anyone that decided they've better things to do with their cash and their time at the moment.
  7. Got the full Daedric armour now. It's not the most pleasing looking thing (not that you see it much...), that belongs to the ebony armour imo, but it's so good. Finished off the Dark Brotherhood today, which was pretty disappointing in the end, and started off the Thieves Guild questline which I'm hoping for better things from. Had a wobble of interest following finishing off the Brotherhood, I felt for moment that I didn't have the drive to push on for another goal again.
  8. We really shouldn't have to stand for this. We're not good, by any means. But we ain't this bad.
  9. I don't care. Besides, arguments, pointless arguments, over what constitues a big club, will ensue, making this all the more futile.
  10. No chance of that happening at our place - no women. ...sadly. That pisses me off actually. The only eye candy we get is the odd customer.
  11. June 8th is just over 6 months from now? Counted it the wrong way, idiocy on my part.
  12. Portugal are definitely a flawed team I think. They've been unable to find a genuinely superb striker, so have relied on the fact they have usually had great wingers/forwards, and their defence, despite having some names and players playing for top clubs, isn't incredible. I'd rather not face them, but there are certainly teams I'm more fearful of.
  13. She apparently doesn't know her calendar. She said it kicks off in 6 months. It kicks off in 7.
  14. Started the Dark Brotherhood questline the other night. Doesn't seem to be as good as the Oblivion equivalent thus far. Also, I'm slightly concerned that, early on that questline I was sent to get something valued with what I think is the Thieve's Guild (having not done any of the questline). However on the way in (and out) everyonein the sewers bar the guys I needed to see, were hostile - I'm hoping that doesn't affect any of the Thieves Guild quests . Been farming Daedra hearts. Full Daedric get up coming up. Also, the Dragon Priest's masks have some great bonuses - the one that improves prices has been a bit of boon for my pretty low Speechcraft character.
  15. I've no hard feelings with O'Neill... though it'd be weird to see him in charge of someone else somehow. Good luck to him, 'cept when we play them of course.
  16. We've all been given 'Christmas jobs' at work, just something extra we've all got to keep up to keep the shop ticking over over the Christmas period (I've been tasked to keep on top of the behind till displays, and also 'data capture', which is ridiculous). One colleague, who I don't particularly like to be honest anyway, has been given the task of keeping on top of processing, which basically amounts to keeping stock tidy. He's decided that this means that when I'm doing some processing, he can talk to me like he's my superior, he talks to me in a manner on that subject that's actually more boss like than my bloody boss. Everytime he does it I have to bite my tongue to not just tell him where he can go if he wants to act like that to me.
  17. Dropped to £38 in store at Gamestation if anyone's looking for Christmas pressies or whatever.
  18. Justification for online passes and a (false) hope of a longer lifespan, to combat preowned. Simple.
  19. Bald men fighting over combs is getting mighty tiresome, more than ever really. As for the Clarkson stuff... ugh, just give over. It was a dumb comment, but come on.
  20. Off the top of my head Skyrim Batman Arkham City Deus Ex: Human Revolution Mortal Kombat Forza 4
  21. A little more OT, but Revs point raises an interesting point about why humans, as an animal, are weird. Biologically, we as Rev says want to pass on our genes and have done with it, with some desire to protect that future gene investment, which given we are from similar stock to apes probably derived a troop structure. But as we've advanced we've made that desire culturally unacceptable and for the vast majority straight up unfeasible. IMO, we've no inherent desire to be monogamous (and few of us are, though many eventually do of course), but a strange twist of how we've made our society makes it something we wish to, and feel we should do. We've gone from a small troop seeking protection and guidance from a alpha parent, to having an absolutely enormous group where we don't really need protection, but as such also desire some structure to the family unit. You could argue that the genetic argument could extend to us now wanting to protect our future gene investment and thus that in turn leads to a desire for monogamy, to make sure our genes make it. (That is riddled with flaws and holes but it's an interesting way to take a one night fandango thread to )
  22. As many as God can abide is probably the answer the Bible says.
  23. The greasy sticks thing just happens to them sometimes, a lot of our stock has had it happen to them. Looks rank though, I'm loathe to touch em.
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