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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Pewter?! You're having a laugh! Crap plastic more like. The best part about the package (game asides obviously) is the genuinely quite good art book, the dragon is rubbish. Limited editions always go through the floor, asides from diehards who get them on day 1, people don't buy them. They sit around taking up space, in the case of the Skyrim rather more space than pretty much anything else.
  2. Going through the floor, as expected.
  3. Great poster. More Knightfall esque flavour to it. I'm intrigued by Gordon-Levitts character.
  4. The outcome of the Khan fight is something I'm looking forward to, simply because it'll either encourage my mate to bring up talk of the bet we have on whether he will become P4P best in the world, or will mean it'll not be talked of too much.
  5. I can't see him failing. He won't take them to the heights of... 6th... but you can't really expect them to anyway (same as you can't for us now). So long as he gradually makes them a bit better, he'll be a success in some form. Failure would be getting relegated and that I really cannot see happening.
  6. I finally watched Captain America the other night. Really enjoyed it. It's silly and all that but it's so enjoyable, even if it takes forever and a day to get to what we've all turned up for even all the build up is worthwhile. Surprisingly funny in parts too. Had me smiling all the way through. I picked up the steelbook bluray too, which is a bloody gorgeous looking thing.
  7. For once, I somewhat feel sory for Cameron. He could do no right in this decision. Even what he's calling the right decision (to protect one of our most important sectors) could work out harming it - Britain will not be present at meetings that will affect the European economy enormously. Given that we have, in London, Europes premiere financial capital, Britain not being able to attend those meetings could bite that standing and could work out harming us anyway. He was ****. So, seemingly, is Europe. The way the Union works, with it's size and complexity, means it cannot do things quickly, which at this moment in time the markets desire. A commentator last week on Radio 5 from the financial world said, to paraphrase, 'Europe cannot appease the financial market by putting forth proposals for a year from now'. But thats all it can do.
  8. Something lots of people have confirmed (and seemingly vindicates that dodgy recording from a few months back) is that Bane talks strangely, to the point people seem to be struggling with his dialogue... ...which sounds pretty grim
  9. Possible spoilers Obviously just a rumour, but I don't think it'll be far off what the reality is and sounds like it could be cool and lets them easily set up how Bane fits in this universe.
  10. I've heard a rumour of what the prologue features which wouldn't surprise me if true - which also sounded quite special
  11. Watching the Pacific has reminded me how much I need to pick up Band of Brothers on blu-ray. Also, watched episodes 3 and 4 last night and not too enamoured with those - the episode set in Melbourne just didn't grab me. It's not even that I'm just an action whore, it was all a bit dull. Highlight was that the woman Leckie was with was **** stunning.
  12. Needing my hair cut, wanting a new style, but at a loss as something fashionable that'd suit me. I think after 5 years the same style over various student related lengths has worn itself out.
  13. The Romans actually intentionally stationed people from all over their (vast) empire in places foreign to them. The idea being if you were a foreigner in a foreign land, you'd be less inclined to do a runner or conspire with other natives - it was actually better for you to stick with the legions as at least they knew you. If you were a native 'Brit' and captured or put into service with the Romans, you'd be shipped off elsewhere. As for the mongrel thing... well, all humans are to one degree or another 'mongrels'. Britain is particularly mongrel as it's been invaded numerous times, regardless of whether those invaders were of similar 'stock' or not - the stock wasn't so 'stock' to begin with.
  14. There was an interesting comment from Michael Portillo (of all people ) on This Week, last week, regarding Iran's nuclear program. He mentioned that they had had, in the past couple of months, 2 large explosions occur at a couple of their facilities, the first we know killed quite a few people and the second we know less about but his comments suggested, quite heavily, that they weren't accidents. Israel has previous on that kind of thing, they attacked Egypt's growing nuclear facilities years ago (when they were still on particularly bad terms) and raised it to the ground, completely stopping the program in it's tracks. They are also alleged to have attacked Iran's facilities with a computer virus, which is supposed to have done quite a bit of damage initially but quickly was rectified. You could suspect that rather a large portion of Iran's nuclear program will turned to glass in the near future.
  15. The sheer amount of ad space pisses me off with it. And it's poorly designed from a usability point of view - the main purpose of the machine is gaming, so the new dash places gaming as the third item to get to. And if you want to look for things like indie games, you have to go through numerous windows and sub menus. The fact the main thing you see on the first page you turn you're Xbox onto is a bloody ad, especially when you pay for this service, is vile. If you do a search, it often places (entirely unrelated) ads in your search results.
  16. Aye, it'll look much worse. Things that piss me off - the new Xbox dash.
  17. I've finally started watching the Pacific, managed to nab the bluray boxset from work (absolutely mint too ). Watched 2 episodes last night and, while I can already tell it's not a Band of Brothers, I enjoyed it. My main issue with it is that it seems very disjointed in it's narrative. Band of Brothers took you with 1 group of men, with the odd addition here and there, from beginning to end. This hops around between different groups experiencing slightly different perspectives of the same conflicts it seems and, when there are less conspicuous shots of the main characters there (Leckie, for example), it's a bit disorientating as to who exactly we're dealing with. But saying that, it's been enjoyable so far and I understand it peaks in the middle so I'm looking forward to plugging away at it.
  18. It is nice (especially now the price has become a little sweeter), but the lack of a proper game case would drive me mad. EDIT - I purchased the skins pack for this yesterday :oops:. On the plus side, someone traded a Robin edition in at work with a non-used code - score!
  19. Catch 22. They won't sack him. But if they did you couldn't trust them to hire someone decent. And even if they did hire someone decent theres no money to take the club anywhere. Hmm. Theres only one way we're going. Down.
  20. In store at Gamestation too.
  21. probably only to the English ... The English seem to be more interested in celebrating St Patrick's and American Independence day everyone else in the world seems quite proud of where they were born but Englishness just seems to have hijacked by fucktards like the EDL and tram lady who have no idea ... No, my point would be that anyone who thinks it's something meaningful is wrong. The concept of nations has only existed for about 300 years, tops, before that nationhood doesn't really come into our minds. And even now it's all rather vague - in this very thread theres a poster who is unsure what his nation actually is, is it his birth place, his parents nationality, where he grew up, or even all of them? (in which case it's all rather moot, really isn't it? May as well just say he's a Yank and have done with it). The thing is even vague to define - the best description I stumbled on is it's an imagined community sharing a common cultural sensibility/history/identity/origin, but that's been argued as wrong. It's meaningless. Citizenship is a better descriptor of someone's 'identity', if we must have to decide how we're all not the same.
  22. True but I really hate calling myself British. I always think it has a stigma. I would rather be English, Scottish, Northern Irish or Welsh as opposed to British! It's all rather meaningless so I wouldn't worry. I identify as British more than I would English, myself, largely because I favour the state over the nation, one being something tangible and the other all pretty wishy washy.
  23. Mulling over a purchase of this? Dropping to half price at Gamestation online right now (possibly in store too at some time). So £22.49 for one of the best games of the year by a mile. EDIT - Confirmed in-store too, though not sure of when exactly it comes on.
  24. Nationality is a fruitless endeavour, so I wouldn't worry.
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