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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Prologue is leaking all over the shop, and being taken down as fast.
  2. Wigan surely have to go this year, there can't be any skin left on their teeth.
  3. If the coke enema doesn't blow her away, this certainly could add some bang to your sex life Live artillery shell. Not available in supermarkets though.
  4. I was always advised to go with mild mint as it can be painful. Though I guess that could be half the fun.
  5. Haha, no I've never actually tried it, my mate told me about the Original Source mint shower gel. It's not really my thing, besides, dislike mint like I said. I have done the mint sweet/tab before... enjoying a night in with a ladyfriend though. Goes down well...(boom boom).
  6. Lone gunman, known to police, seems to have killed himself.
  7. I'm on about the contents, the mint makes it tingly. Which can obviously lead to interesting sexual endeavours. Similar thing can be achieved with mild mint sweets/gum/those weird tab things if you wish to have your missus have an interesting time one evening.
  8. in the bath? Not exclusively no... But you could imagine the feeling one might gain from using it other than in the manner prescribed on the back of the bottle. A mate of mine I lived with at uni used that stuff, and actually told me that that kinda thing was part of the appeal. So did his missus who lived with us. I used to hate using the shower after them. I hate mint too.
  9. So what details does she have on this (the most popular clamouring for how to deal with things all over the shop - no pun intended)? In her review, the only actual regulations she appears to comment on are restrictions on night-time deliveries and noise. There is also some waffle about businesses big and small have told her that restrictions are an issue, some guff about a 'red tape challenge' and the voice of the few. I tell you what should be regulated: people coming on to my tellybox screen wearing matching, gaudy rings the size of sodding Saturn on each hand. Ha, I knew someone would pick up that, thought you might. The high street is buggered. The mass consumer is interested in 2 things - convenience, and the best deal, not necessarily in that order. The high street rarely can compete for the best deal, the internet and supermarkets have done it there, and the same 2 offenders have gotten convenience sown up too. Retail parks have taken a leaf from the supermarket handbook, placing them outside town or on major transport routes (if not both) to ensure convenience and also allow a number of big names to set up in one place. The only thing the high street now seems to have going for it is that some independents can offer things that the net and supermarkets can struggle to do so, niche market items and the like. The obvious thing is stuff like particularly quality foods, or in the case of meats particular breeds that are not feasible to mass produce. Sadly, that is a niche though - most people don't want a premium item like that. The personal touch, while nice, I don't think is enough to save the high street in the face of the appeals of cheaper and more convenient shopping elsewhere. Even the bigger names on the high street, well known chains will lose out because increasingly they're not terribly nice places to shop in. The focus on add on sales, 'linking' to a purchase increasingly puts off people and alienates them, making them painfully aware that when they walked in the store and considered making a purchase the company desperately wants them to buy high mark up add ons, rather than being a genuinely valued customer they feel they are walking wallet. Why feel like that when on the net you can get the same thing, delivered, probably cheaper, and while extras will be made available to you it's a totally passive offer as opposed to a pushy sale. Ultimately I think what is good for the individual consumer, mostly what's good for their wallet, will win out. And thats a battle the high street cannot win day to day.
  10. I think the Gamestation and HMV deals represent better value if you want a few really great (and quite new) titles to be cracking on, and Need for Speed... For the extra £40, you're getting some top games. But if the Argos one takes your fancy, it's definitely not a bad deal. The only thing that, if it were me buying, would have me slightly off put is that GT5 seems likes it's been chucked in to make up the numbers, along with the Blu-ray. It's a year old now and common thought on it was, impressive as it was, it's feeling a bit tired. I'd have wanted another newer title. But that's me. If you fancy everything in it it's a decent deal at that price, I can't think of any bundles similar at similar money that beat it.
  11. I'm outraged at fakery in this very thread. This thread contains quotes that masquerade as being from the upstanding and appealing to my lefty yoghurt knitting sensibilities publication known as the Guardian. Or Grauniad. They are in fact, imposters, staged, I put it to you, to avoid scrutiny and criticism from the left leaning world, as they are in fact from the Telegraph, known in common parlance in my circles as the Torygraph, understandibly. I'm disappointed that Laura, an upstanding member of the forum who has provided us years of good quality comment and occasional well loved pictures, could mislead us so. I wonder now if all of it was faked, and thats a sadness.
  12. HMV 320gb PS3 Uncharted Bundle (includes Uncharted 3 and Faster blu-ray) Batman Arkham City Battlefield 3 Fifa 12 Need for Speed the Run Saints Row 3 Driver San Francisco £299.99. I think the Gamestation one is slightly better, but I am biased . Depends which game selection takes your fancy I guess.
  13. Yep, thats the Gamestation deal I mentioned above. I've no idea if it's still on, and it was not advertised at all (I only knew about it because of a commercial update sent around work mentioning it being on), so the best thing I guess you could do is pop into a couple of local stores and ask if it's still on. Or ring up and see if they can patch you on to a few stores in your area. It really is a great deal though. The oldest game there (asides from the Ferrari download) is from the end of August. HMV are doing a similar one.
  14. Indeed. It wasn't staged. It wasn't really 'faked' either, they simply used a more practical (if not only) way to portray a spectacular event to create the narrative they intended to show. I'm slightly bewildered people appear to have gotten so rankled by this to be honest.
  15. I watched much of the series with respect and amazement and am completely non-plussed. What difference does it make, really? You saw an amazing thing either way, something few eyes would ever normally see. Is it undermined so much by it not being in the Arctic wastes? Would you rather have not seen it?
  16. Really? I like superhero films (though I also believe that many disappoint almost unerringly in some way), but even taking that into account I can't see what would make it an embarassment to film. It's silly as hell but it's basically a 'boys own' adventure put on screen, and accepting that it was always going to be a silly romp (which it pretty much had to be) I struggled to really find too many flaws with it.
  17. As said, complete non-story. Nature docs have always done this sort of thing. While it might have been preferale to inform the viewer what is and isn't 'real', as Attenborough notes todays nature documentaries all have elements of a narrative - they play out as little skits of story that the viewer is enthralled by, and to say 'this is actually filmed in a Dutch zoo, by the way' destroys that. Besides which, is a bear giving birth in an artificial environment it knows as it's home, all that different to one doing it in the wild? Does it matter?.
  18. CE is a nice package. Not £130 of nice, but a nice package all the same.
  19. Uncharted 3 is a very pretty very polished action game, a bit like 'Indiana Jones-the game' if you get me. Gets quite hard in some places and relies a lot on big action set pieces. Gran Turismo 5 is the latest version of the famous driving sim, very pretty, very dry to play. Battlefield 3 is a very pretty FPS, very short single player that rips off CoD all the way through, multi player is defined by quite big open maps, lots of vehicles and a necessity for team work to achieve goals - can be great if you get into it, most people prefer the simpler, more basic, CoD style. FIFA 12 is football. It's not a bad deal, equally it's not the best I've ever seen. Uncharted is great if you live 3rd person action spectacles, FIFA is ubiquitous, Battlefield can be superb if you like it, and Gran Turismo is the best sim style racer on the Ps3 but equally it's not really very exciting any more.
  20. The first episode of Black Mirror was fantastic, I've heard mixed thoughts on the second one, got it recorded to judge for myself... I fancied another big budget mini series to go along with while I polish up the Pacific, and being a fantasy buff and hearing nothing but good things, had a gander at Game of Thrones last night, just the first ep. Does it get any better? It all seemed so... stilted. The dialogue was dire and the acting was, imo, often pretty ropey (not helped by the dialogue). Only Tyrion seemed to have anything going for him and he seemed largely to have given stage directions of 'ham it up like ****'. On the plus side, tits. The first girl (with Tyrion, coincedentally), phwoar.
  21. Ha, it was/is a good deal, and wasn't advertised at all. 360... er... best deal(s) I know of for 360 are 250gb Xbox S Forza 4 Fifa 3 months Gold Media Remote £199.99 or 320GB CoD Special edition w/2 CoD special edition controllers and MW3 Forza 4 Battlefield 3 £239.99 Something along those lines. The first one has been really popular. The second is a great deal considering on release a month ago that was more than that without the extra games.
  22. I'm not sure if it's still on, but there was an absolutely obscene bundle deal at Gamestation last week. PS3 320gb Assassins Creed Revelations Battlefield 3 Fifa 12 Need for Speed: The Run Batman Arkham City Deus Ex Resistance 3 And Ferrari Challenge £299. If that's still on, it'd be hard to touch imo.
  23. My first encounter with one of those came out of nowhere. The quest I was on had sent me into a Falmer dungeon, which I'd cleared it with little issue, when the last room turned out to be an area of Dwemer ruin, with a high level Falmer chief in it (who got arrowed from the shadows to death). Then that bastard sparks to life. Nailed me twice and sent my life bar plummeting. I spent the next 10 minutes hiding behind a pillar in the room as he tried to get me, occasionally popping out to lamp him with my mace after he did his little steam attack. Tense.
  24. I watched that this morning while eating my breakfast. Eeeeeeeee.
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