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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. ...hmm... what are those in the background... ...aha! Hello Space Jockey suits. Also, Noomi Rapace looks like an extra from the Mass Effect series in that suit.
  2. What an utter moron.
  3. That would depend. If they went fully independent then no, it couldn't be an open border because England needs a a secure northern flank - the reason why we wanted the Union in the first place. Maybe when the uniob was formed, but is it such an issue now? I doubt North Korea are going to invade us via Glasgow. Who knows what the future holds for Europe... When thinking about conflict, you prepare for whatever the future may bring. We don't know that the northern flank will never be threatened, so we have to assume that it needs to be secured.
  4. Tonight I'm burning some stuff that's just been sat around my room for ages - mostly old letters and bills, a load of old school/6th form stuff, and some magazines. Tomorrow I've got work for some pitiful length of time, after which I might bother with listening out for the match. Sunday - **** knows. Might have work. If I'm not working Sunday I may give the lads a heads up and see if we want to do something, preferably including beer and going out. If not... I'll just potter about at home.
  5. Thats another pat of the problem - I dunno. Never have. I know what I don't want to do - anything sales related, nor recruitment. But what I actually want to do, I just don't know.
  6. I know that feeling. I'm looking at college courses and arranging work experience in relevant fields. My gf has done this sort of thing for years and got a job she is really happy with. It works. Volunteer your free time and people will look upon you quite fondly and you gain experience as you do it. Hmm. I'm not sure that's really the best move for me at the moment (least of all because I don't have a dicky bird what I actually want to do). I got this job just over a year ago simply because I needed some money coming in somehow and my CV was atrocious. It's only a retail thing and ludicrously part time - in busy periods at the store I can do 30 odd hours a week, but that happens once in a blue moon. A few things have hit me about it recently that basically makes me think 'I gotta get out of here'. I'm not a great salesman, which means running through the script with every customer makes my skin crawl, because I know that 90% of the customers coming to the till are thinking, like I would, 'I just want to buy this and get the **** out' but I've got to try to shill them for more spending. And just before Christmas a combination of being run off my feet and an... 'awkward'... customer pressed all my buttons and caused me to lose my temper that set alarm bells ringing in my head that I really don't want to do this much longer. My mates regularly say to me I need to get the **** out of there and I take it way too seriously for such a shit job that I've no intention of making a career of. And then last week I wander in for the first week post Christmas and I see that the hours have tanked already, I'm back to my ludicrously part time hours that, a year ago when I was still in my overdraft and terrified of every letter Halifax sent me, was something I was just glad for and hopeful that maybe if I do well I'll get more. Now I'm out of the overdraft finally, if only by a couple of hundred quid, it irks me I seem unable to get anymore hours, and a years experience tells me I can hit all the targets and meet all the bullshit checklist crap with each customer and I still won't get any more hours, while the tosser who started at the same time that noone likes will week in week out get 1/3 more hours than me seemingly because he signed his contract before me. The problem is I've started to look for work again actively, hoping to finally start to make my degree work for me somehow and everything I look at either wants a)qualifications I don't have or experience I don't have, a drivers licence, c) more UCAS points, or finally d) is in some field I don't want to go into. I log onto the Jobcentre job search and look for all jobs within 5 miles of my home and end up drowning in results for chefs. carers and forklift drivers - none of which is for me. My friends all say go do a Masters like they have but I'm not sure that will help me besides getting me somewhat out of the job market for another year. I dunno what to do with myself. But I've got to get out of that place and I need to start getting somewhere with my life. I'm 23 and still working in a glorified toyshop on hours a paper boy would balk at.
  7. I hereby announce the Brummie National Party. We demand self determination, and claim sole right over the use of the term gambol.
  8. From what I've seen of it it most reminds me of an adaptation from a fair while ago that set Macbeth in a kind of apocalyptic setting on motorbikes. Which worked considerably better than you might expect. What Coriolanus basically does is set a Shakespeare play in a modern day civil war.
  9. It's an adaptation, shifted to modern day - it has Jon Snow doing bits of the text to camera like a TV news anchor might had such a thing existed in Shakespeares day. Fiennes has spoken about how he's cut a few bits. Because he felt he had to.
  10. Darron Gibson off to Everton. Moyes in spending something shocker. Sadly who he's buying is bollocks.
  11. Chindie

    Iran next?

    There won't be a full scale war as such. You'll see continued incidents like have been going on so far, and if needs be there nuclear facility will... er.. disappear at some point leaving only a large area of glass. An actual full scale war is something unfeasible for anyone, so it won't happen. But Iran will continue to be targetted.
  12. The found footage style does absolutely nothing for me.
  13. Theres a place in Alabama called 'Mobile' but they all pronounce it 'Mobeel'. Thats all. (for fans of the series the Pacific, it's the town Eugene Sledge was from)
  14. Heartily agreed. A major foundation of my stance against an EU referendum is that people are not informed enough to make such a huge decision, and it is massively difficult to educate someone as to the issue. Assuming they'd even care to be educated on it.
  15. During my playtime I've only had a companion when the game has forced me to, and thats been a good idea imo.
  16. I would rather Scotland stayed in the union. I don't think the Bannockburn stuff is a red herring, it's no more of a red herring than the other flag waving things going on around that time, though I do believe that the time he wants is more about preparing a campaign and waiting for both the problems from Westminster to bite and the current financial crisis to wain a little. I suspect Scotland would be better off staying in the union, and it's not a surprise to me that Salmond already is/has been banging the drum of Westminster 'tyranny' already. It's a shame that Cameron has decided the best thing he can do is give him more of a beat to play to by trying to force an earlier referendum. Saying all that, I think Salmond knows well that he has a lot of work to do to win that referendum. I don't think theres the popular support for a split that many would like to make out, and baring a serious change in the meantime I think he'll lose a campaign. Also, wasn't there talk that if Scotland split the remaining UK would have a credible claim for their oil? I can't remember the details exactly.
  17. Mass Effect 3 Witcher coming to consoles (whatever it ends up being). ...um... Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
  18. Considering starting Boardwalk Empire... My boss swears that this is good. I saw the ads for it on FX and thought it looked absolutely atrocious.
  19. I've never travelled. It's something I would like to do but at the same time, it's not something I feel I need to do, and I am slightly cautious about it at all. That's mostly down to my own personal issues though. If I did travel though I have absolutely no interest going to Asia at all, or really anywhere that is a bit 'third world'. I find a good film lifts my mood, I love watching films and I find I enjoy it more if we all sit down to watch something, than if I watch alone. Sadly, the latter happens more often than not. Good TV series have a similar effect. I also find that just sitting with some drinks and my mates lifts my mood immeasurably.
  20. Mike is right, more or less. There are more people and more people living longer, and diagnosis being better than ever and people are more connected to the rest of the world than ever, so we are encountering cancer (and other diseases) more than ever. Cancer is effectively just a fault of our bodies makeup, it is the disease we will all suffer from should we live long enough.
  21. I've not watched the original so haven't been able to compare, but I can say that the pace is definitely not an issue - it belts along.
  22. I need to get out of my current job and actually get a career.
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