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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Chindie

    Top Gear

    After being asked about his involvement with TG being location and studio scripts Guy who asks the previous question says he's glad he wasn't to blame for it - says they'd dropped a bollock with that skit A fella replies to above saying he should be sorry, it had him in stitches Guy who likes it later replies with 'Ah, not your scripts then this week?' Some people also suggested something that crossed my mind - the whole skit basically being an ad for a film. He denies categorically that that was the intention, or that they'd done the skit thanks to budget cuts meaning some money for a skit from the Sweeney film studio was hard to turn down as the BBC would not allow it. I have to admit that I also flt that, intentionally or not, the whole thing played like an extended ad for an upcoming film. But there you go - even one of the people writing TG hated it.
  2. Chindie

    Top Gear

    Just remembered there's another looker in the news section, behind Mays left shoulder. Not a patch on funny coloured hair woman though, phwoar.
  3. No. No good will come of him. (Not the only thing that needs to change though)
  4. Chindie

    Top Gear

    It was just a tweet, one of the script editors is on twitter as SniffPetrol, check his feed. He basically just says sorry for how bad it was and not to blame him for it, he basically straight up says he thought it was shit.
  5. Chindie

    Top Gear

    I was rather more taken by the short haired... brunette?/some odd dyed colour, looked almost mauve... looker behind Ryan Reynolds. I was utterly transfixed. I actually cannot comment on how good Reynolds himself was a guest (apparently good?), because I was too busy checking out her. Show highlight.
  6. Chindie

    Top Gear

    The film bit may not have been quite so excruciatingly awful were it not for Hammonds... presence. Nothing he does is funny, his sections on these skits always devolve into utter rubbish - he cannot act, so this overblown character they require for those skits becomes all the more terrible. the other two, even in those characters, tend to be far more subtle. Even the sections where that isn't required he's painful. The news section yesterday had him completely ruin a fairly cheap gag on Clarkson's public servant shooting intentions by 'hanging a lampshade on it' - making it increasingly less subtle a gag and immediately making it less funny. Having said that, even if you deleted Hammond from it, you'd still not have much worth watching. The section was a return to everything bad about the last couple of years of Top Gear. Put it like this - it was such a bad skit that one of Top Gear's script editors publically apologised for it. Still, the India special made it look like award worthy.
  7. I wouldn't bother with the demo tbh. If you've played 2, you know what you're getting.
  8. Hopefully 1 down and one to go, get burning the history books, wipe their stained name from the world.
  9. Told you everyone would hate him inside a year
  10. Demo done. I guess the best thing to say would be it's definitely Mass Effect. Demo shows off 2 bits, the very opening of the game and a later action sequence that gives away a decent amount of the plot. I dunno if it's just been awhile since playing 2, but it felt and looked a little worse to my eyes, but that could be just me.
  11. Chindie

    Top Gear

    Film stuff - absolutely **** diabolical.
  12. The Avengers alien baddies might have revealed at a toy fair... clicky. They look decidedly like Skrulls...
  13. Rumours spreading that Kim Jong-un is dead. Which if true pretty much means assassination. Probably isn't true but interesting if it is... To say the least.
  14. There's no doubt the Nolans will tie into some topicality, they did so with TDK. But they wouldn't so clearly tie into something like the Occupy movement. The theory behind Bane's motivation so far has leant on him being an assassin for the League of Shadows, the organisation that trained Bruce in the first film under Liam Neeson's Rahs Al Ghul, who has filmed new scenes for this film, tellingly
  15. Alexander Armstrong is right wing. ...whether you consider him a decent comedian or not is a different story.
  16. The Muppets will apparently win an Oscar this year - theres only 2 candidates for Best Song and the other one is allegedly shit.
  17. Pointing out to my boss that for the past 6 months, more or less, a guy who nobody likes and is no better at the job than me, has gotten more hours than me rota-ed week in week out, and having my boss be unable to tell me why, only to immediately schedule me more hours. Woohoo.
  18. Tonight will most likely be having some form of takeaway and doing **** all else, unless a mate comes out of the woodwork with an idea of something to do. Probably end up polishing off MGS3 and listening to 5live. Tomorrow I'll do exceptionally little other than go to work and watch some TV/a film on the night. Sunday I will go to work, help close up, come home to a pretty ropey Sunday roast, and do bugger all else. Same weekend as always. Sigh.
  19. That mask... still not sure about it. Been more talk that Hardy plays Bane 'spectacularly'. Given what else has been said about Nolan's Bane (that he's basically brutally violent)... that's promising.
  20. Will be playing the ME3 demo this weekend, wahey!
  21. It's a year older than OOT. 2 of the best games, ever, some argue the only 2 candidates for the best game ever, released in a year of each other. I guess they technically are retro, now, though it feels a little wrong to say so. They're games from...2 generations back, soon to be 3 generations back.
  22. Yes, I think on current showings it'll come in third behind the Avengers and DKR. Although saying that the Avengers, as much as I'm really looking forward to it, is either going to end up being an horrendous mess or great fun and I honestly couldn't say for sure which it'll be yet... though the last trailer made me lean towards the latter. I'm not particularly a big fan of the Avengers, or the characters (I always felt Cap was dumb, Thor really dumb, and the Hulk usually quite dull), but I've enjoyed the films so far by and large - Cap is worth a look by the way, I don't understand how some people really derided it, it's basically a boys own adventure, pure pulp fiction. I'm a Spidey fan, I just don't see this reboot blowing anyones socks off. I think it'll just be a decent action film. There's nothing so far that really looks outright bad (though I'd argue they've made a really, really big error with the Lizard design and some of the CG looks ropey at this stage). I suspect audiences might be tired of Spidey and will feel a reboot is a little cynical right now. The Dark Knight Rises I'm all over
  23. Spider-Man 2 was probably the best comic book film ever till the Dark Knight came out. I didn't mind Raimi's films, they're not the perfect adaptation - Tobey Maguire isn't an amazing Spidey, you either like Dunst or you don't, the Green Goblin design was terrible, Raimi clearly didn't give a shit about the 3rd film which was an utter mess from start to finish, and Raimi has always had a clear style with his films that can be annoying. But they're decent enough. This reboot doesn't grab me largely because it feels like a cash in. Sony are worried they'll lose the rights to Spider-Man and Marvel dearly want them back, so they wanted to churn out another film and no-one involved in the previous films wanted anything to do with it so they decided 'Yeah, just reboot'. I guess you hope they iron out some of the issues Raimi had and bring in some more things the comic fans want. I'm not sure about it. I dunno about Garfield as Spidey, I like the Lizard but not this version on the face of it, I don't want another origin story, I don't really like the costume design either... but it looks alright by and large. I'll probably see it, but I reckon this might wind up 3rd in the big 3 comic adaptations this year.
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