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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. It depends. If they've got 2 pre-owned copies of Madnation racers but 150 brand new copies, then it makes perfect sense. The customer will think "wow, I can get it brand new for cheaper than it is pre-owned, bargain!" Pricing it like that makes them more likely to sell the unwanted new stock. If they priced the preowned cheaper, as you'd expect, then that small amount of pre owned stock woul dbe gone very quickly and they'd be left with a load of new stock they can't shift. That, basically. It doesn't happen all that often, but it does sometimes. Obviously what Risso suggests is what you aim for, but sometimes it becomes more important to move the new stock than the used.
  2. Quick, somebody grab documentary evidence of this, he likes something made after 1980!
  3. I don't know if it's insulting, apologies if it is Chindie, but I literally LoL'd at that! Ha, no problem. I guess I wrote it with a humourous edge intended. Was **** manic in our place today, we're lucky we're still doing alright on stock.
  4. There isn't. Things like that happen when the company wants to shift new stock. The new stock and preowned stock are considered as wholly seperate items, their prices are not set to correlate, there is nothing set up that says that the new must always be a higher price than then preowned. Because you can't do that. They have different values to the company. Stock that isn't sold costs money. There is inherently less profit in new stock in the games world than preowned (usually - preowned can easily make a loss too but tends to take longer, which is why the idea that selling preowned automatically means that a company is raking in money hand over fist is incorrect), thus there is often a pressing need to move new stock on. The same may not be said of the preowned. So you often will find that a company sells new stock at a lower cost than they would a preowned. It looks silly to the customer because the customer is not looking at the business perspective, they're coming to the store simply to buy an item, and they view the new and preowned as the same thing. The business doesn't, they value them differently and see them as entirely seperate items. GAME Groups problems are not down to things like this, not by a long shot (I've already dealt with exactly what the problems are). If it were the case, they'd have gone bust years ago, because they've been doing this since day one. And will continue to do so. And if Game and Gamestation live on, in one form or another, it'll continue to happen. It's just the way it is.
  5. Japanese Avengers trailer Has some new shots, and the low brow humour of the way the voice over says 'Ar-ven-jars!'.
  6. I **** wish I was a doctor. I work in Gamestation.
  7. This game seems hell bent on killing characters I liked. Also, importing a ME2 save basically **** me over on a decision - there was literally a no-win situation in a major decision I was asked to make. A character would die, no matter what, and one of the choices would lead to a situation where I would be forced to lose another. That moment kinda summed up how they've altered paragon/renegade in this. The decision was leading to alternative shades of grey, neither was ideal.
  8. Nothing at all tonight. I'm feeling really tired. I might spark up Mass Effect and while away the evening. Tomorrow up reasonably early for work, doing the afternoon shift, home to do **** all Sunday up early again, work again, Sunday dinner, then nothing. I'll probably finish Game of Thrones and watch the Masterchef final. Life, never gets exciting.
  9. When prices like that happen its usually to move on stock. They've done it before - a Michael Jackson Experience bundle had the price slashed to get shot of them, same thing as this basically. I'd assume it's the same here, they want to move on some stock so tank the price on a specific SKU to get them shifted. Unlikely that there'll be more stock if thats the case - the aim would be to get them moved for other stock to come in it's place.
  10. 5 people turned away on Fifa Street. The numbers are going down!
  11. Can't hurt having a look if you've got a Gamestation nearby. Theres a big sale on hardware atm which means a preowned 320gb is now £150... people often trade in brand new ones, get given them with phone contracts. You can often get a new console for preowned money if you ask the sales assistant if anyones traded in a phone contract sealed PS3.
  12. I work there - they'll honour it. Our store sold 3 at this price to a bloke earlier in the week, apparently It's likely there will be next to no stock though. It appears to be only on a specific SKU, seemingly the solus 320gb PS3 and theres not much stock of that flying around.
  13. White spirit? It doesn't cause cancer, nor have absolutely minute amounts of magic nose powder in it. May cause blindness but at the time, it'd be so worth it.
  14. If you are very, very, very lucky, you might be able to buy a brand new 320gb PS3 for £99.98 in Gamestation at the moment.
  15. ^I've explained that before. It looks stupid to the customer, but from the businesses point of view it's a perfectly normal and valid thing.
  16. You'd probably get a far, far, far larger hit of cocaine by licking a £20 note.
  17. If Gamestop did take over, people are going to have a nice surprise if they inact their US policies in their UK assets. You think Game are bad now? They've got nothing on GameStop, a company almost universally derided by the gaming public in the US.
  18. Gamestation still offer that returns policy.
  19. Its the reason both myself and other gamers here, shop elsewhere. Really?
  20. It isn't as simple as saying 'They sell preowned for massive profit'.
  21. maybe i've mis-understood, but you have a motto "we won't be beaten on price" but in reality you will be beaten on price? is that correct? I was also confused by that also, but didnt want to ask incase I appeared dumb. The company has an offer that states we will beat any local competitors price, however like pretty much any offer in any store, theres terms and conditions, and caveats to that. A big one, which can be seen on any piece of advertising we put out for this offer, is that it's at the managers discretion. And in our store, and any other managed by someone with a brain, it is at the managers discretion that we will not price match ourselves into a loss - after all, we're a business, not a charity. We won't price match something to a tenner that we sell for £9. In cases where it is likely that we will potentially have that happen, we let the customer know that, we price match everything we can and the other things we cannot they are free to take our normal offer, or take them to the competitor. This was explained to this woman, she continued the transaction, and then rung up to moan about it the next day.
  22. Well I've put a few hours in and despite a fairly lacklustre first couple of hours it's just starting to pick up. I've spent an hour or so just sorting out some stuff on the Citadel, which has already lead to running into familiar faces everywhere in almost farcical fashion, effectively just cameos really ('HEY LOOK! IT'S _________ REMEMBER HIM AND THE SHIT YOU DID!?') but it's nice to see a couple of characters I really liked. I'm not sure yet whether I think it's a great game or just a decent one, I've not really had much drive to do some proper lengthy side missions.
  23. Theres numerous problems that lead to this. Competition the company simply cannot compete with. Being behind the curve (or, in the case of Gameplay, which used to be the UK online game store, failing to keep up with it) with online. Over expansion. Economic climate. Long hardware generation. Suppliers squeezing more in the economic climate for various reasons. Etc.
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