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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Eh, I think seeing the origin films for the characters would be better than not. But I suspect you'd enjoy it more than enough if you went in blank, no doubt they will do some sort of recap at the start. I would say, though, that all those are worth a look if you've got the time. They're all decent films, the weakest of the lot is Iron Man 2, and all of them are to 1 degree or another in some way disappointing (usually weak third acts, even the first Iron Man has that issue), but they are all good turn your brain off fun. If you don't though, the things you'd want to know from each film that I can recall... Thor - The old Nordic gods were in fact a race from another planet, Asgard, who could travel the universe (to other 'realms' of the World Tree, Yggdrasil) and appeared as gods to humans with their powers. Thor is destined to be the next king of Asgard, and his brother, Loki, resents him. It turns out that Loki is in fact an adopted brother, he's actually the son of some baddies, Frost Giants, which leads him to further jealousy. Thor is cast out of Asgard and stripped of power, for fostering war through vanity (and with Loki manipulating the entire thing), ends up on Earth, falls in love, is redeemed, regains his power and deals with Loki, who is lost to the void... but in doing so Thor cuts himself off from Earth forever. Captain America - During World War 2 the Nazis sought to create a supersoldier, and half-**** it up, creating the Red Skull - a high ranking Nazi soldier turned into a superhuman but horribly disfigured. The Skull is obsessed with the occult and discovers the story of the jewel of Odins trophy room, the Tesseract - a cube with mystical powers. He finds it. Being so Nazi that not even the Nazis really want him he gets his own division and uses the cube to develop powerful weapons, eventually becoming so powerful he decides to go on his own with his army and ditch the Nazis. Meanwhile, the US decides to develop their own supersoldier, perfecting the original German formula and turning a feeble but noble young man into a supersoldier. He eventually stops the Skull (with help from his mates and his indestructible shield) but in the process crash lands in the Arctic and is frozen, only to be found in the modern day. The Tesseract also falls into the hands of the US, more specifically S.H.I.E.L.D. ... Incredible Hulk - Bruce Banner becomes the Hulk in an experiment to perfect the super soldier serum once again. He goes on the run. He comes back seeking a cure. He doesn't get a cure. His girlfriends dad, his former boss, wants to capture him. He beats a baddie, and goes on the run again. Iron Man 2 - Tony Stark becomes a nuisance for S.H.I.E.L.D., they help him out, he develops a new suit as his old one was killing him, it turns out S.H.I.E.L.D. had a brilliant female operative keeping an eye on him, who turns out to be Black Widow. I think thats about all the grounding/details you need from each film, but as said ideally you'd have watched the films. But you should be alright. Saying all that theres a distinct chance that even people who have seen all the films and know the comics inside out are going to miss bits and bobs in the film, Whedon is a big comic man and will be hurling nods to this and that throughout.
  2. I get those types of calls regularly at work. I just wind them up something rotten until they get fed up . Tell them you can only discuss matters after THEY have answered some security questions. I usually put them on hold for ages too whilst I go and make a cup of tea . I'm sure I read about some guy, when phoned asked the caller why he is calling a murder scene and how he new the deceased. then wouldn't let him put the phone down till he answered his questions The guy that did that is on Youtube IIRC. He's done a few similar things but the murder scene one is the best by a distance IIRC. I have considered leaving them on hold. Might do that next time.
  3. Er... alright? I think...? Thats a very old picture incidentally.
  4. Chindie

    Do you read?

    I've gone back to Perdido Street Station. I started reading it about a year ago and got about 600 pages through when it became a slog, it got too weird and convoluted and felt like it could have done with a good bit of editing, so gave up on it and read some other bits and bobs. Determined to finish it. Apparently Mievilles other work is better so might give them ago later on. Anyone reading/read Bank's new one, Stonemouth? I'll definitely be picking that up, just wondering if he's done the Crow Road again.
  5. It's Friday! It's also the 13th. What do you have planned this weekend? Tonight I shall be tidying the place up whilst listening to a podcast and currently, have no idea what dinner shall be. Tomorrow my parents return from their holiday and will spend the day doing very little besides putting everything away again And on Sunday **** all shall occur. I intend to spend a bit of time over the next couple days getting my head sorted the **** out on the job front.
  6. I don't think thats that much of a give-away. It's been clear for a while that the heroes are not going to get on initially. For what it's worth, what you've guessed there I don't believe is correct
  7. Hmmm, Melisandre? She is very important to the Stannis storyline. In fact his character is massively defined by her influence on him. She shouldn't be skimmed over that's for sure. I dunno who says that line but I've seen it posted in a few places as an example of Martin's... interesting way with words and characters... I cringe a little at Iain Banks' sex scenes (I think I damn near gagged when I first read one of his references to a womans 'sex', eurgh...) and I like Banks! Martin's stuff strikes me as ten a penny fantasy, but as a TV show it's different enough to grasp me... and I don't have to encounter that kind of prose . As for the redhead, yes, Melisandre. She's introduced in a scene on a beach surrounded by what appears at first to be bonfires and doing some ceremony, but often in the scene the focus isn't on what she's saying, but on what someone in the crowd thinks of what she's doing... and the audience is sat there going 'But what the **** is going on thats so important!?'. After that all you get is her constantly whittering on about the 'Lord of Light', and being portrayed as being deeply, deeply untrustworthy and manipulative of Stannis... but you aren't sure why?! I now know why, because I looked it up... but the series could have explained that far better, even if they had to clunkily have someone do straight plot exposition. As it is you have to pay really close attention to what she is saying (often in the background!) of that first scene to get a handle on who and what she is, or hope that for now knowing she's not to be trusted is enough and they'll lay things out later.
  8. 'UK Lifestyle Survey'. 3 times this week I've been called by an Indian chap claiming his name is Jack who wants to know about our gas supplier. First 2 times I've let him know that the person who deals with that is on holiday. The third call this morning I pre-empted all his questions, told him he'd rung yesterday ('No I did not sir!'), told him no he couldn't continue with his questions and hung up. Anyone know what scam this is? Google doesn't reveal much besides other people getting nusiance calls.
  9. Last series yes, this series no. I know quite a few people who watch it who havent read the books, and they're well confused about this series, as am I. Introducing new characters with little explanation to who they are is always a bad move. Im glad its not just me then I really enjoyed the last series but I am finding it difficult to remember who is who and whats going on, there is just so much happemning. Its starting to become one of those series that you already have to know what is going to happen so that you can enjoy it I don't think it's quite got that bad yet. It's teetering on the edge of juggling too many plot lines and characters though. The biggest problem for me, so far, is the introduction of the redhead woman. I don't even think they've had anyone address her by name, and the scene they introduced her in has absolutely no explanation at all of what the **** is happening. All you know is theres some kind of ceremony going on and one guy don't like it. Thats the only plot point in the entire show so far I've had to look up to get a handle on what the **** was happening. Which seems to be a silly move on the part of the producers as it seems like that scene is a defining one for her character. I've not read the books and have no intention to (a book that has such pearlers as this - 'Her mouth was as wet and sweet as her word removed, and this way he did not have to listen to her mindless prattle.' - makes me cringe at the thought of reading it) so it's not like I know whats going to happen... but it does expect you to be paying attention and have a damn good grasp whats going on at all times (which is what makes the bit with the redhead woman in series 2 all the more annoying).
  10. Meh whoever made the call to kill the ad, good on em.
  11. I think RDJ and Ruffalo might be pulling peoples legs. Or they're doing something for the home media release, like the one shots they did for Cap and Thor. It's a bit late to be tinkering with the theatrical release, it's out in what... 13 days in the UK? (and I think earlier than that in Oz). It would also have to be a pretty small scope thing given that Evans and Hemsworth at the moment look absolutely nothing like their characters, so they'd be out... Yeah, at best, something for the DVD imo.
  12. Had it's first screening last night, for online press and some LA critics. Reaction? Almost universally positive, claims its the best Marvel film to date, and has a superb third act. A few people have, apparently, leaked the identity of Loki's army, which apparently is And the post credit stinger sets up the next film, revealing a new character. It is apparently now an open secret who that is, but nobody thus far has completely straight up said who it is so open to some speculation. Of the ensemble, Hulk is getting all the hype, by all accounts this film goes to the next level whenever Hulk has shit to do, which should have Hulk fanboys drooling since both Hulk films didn't quite manage to pull that off. I like how it has been stated that it is pretty much a Marvel fans wet dream. I can't wait! Indeed. About the only negatives to have come out so far are that the 3D is, predictably, rubbish, and a couple of comments have suggested that the first 2 acts aren't quite the barn stormers that the 3rd is. But I'm ok with that, nobody has suggested it's 'bad' in any way. A lot of comments have arisen about the humour too. People apparently dig it, which allays my fears that came from the Black Widow interrogation clip - it sounds like it plays better in the movie proper. Very, very excited. I'm kinda surprised that so many people are hyping up the Hulk's part in all this, it sounds like some of the clips they've shown of him 'smashing' are just the tip of the iceberg. HYPE!
  13. Ha, fantastic. TfL, the London transport people, have nipped the anti-gay ad in the bud, they won't run it as it as it clashes with their 'commtment to an inclusive and tolerant London'. Nicely done.
  14. Oh dear... Christian group takes out London bus advert for 'sexual orientation therapy'.
  15. Yes... racial characteristics extend beyond skin colour.
  16. Had it's first screening last night, for online press and some LA critics. Reaction? Almost universally positive, claims its the best Marvel film to date, and has a superb third act. A few people have, apparently, leaked the identity of Loki's army, which apparently is And the post credit stinger sets up the next film, revealing a new character. It is apparently now an open secret who that is, but nobody thus far has completely straight up said who it is so open to some speculation. Of the ensemble, Hulk is getting all the hype, by all accounts this film goes to the next level whenever Hulk has shit to do, which should have Hulk fanboys drooling since both Hulk films didn't quite manage to pull that off.
  17. Oh the girl that played the news reporter in Spiderman 3, incidentally, committed suicide in 2009. So you probably won't have to see her terrible acting again.
  18. Yeah I'm sure it'll be a decent enough film, but I'm not hankering to see it. And I love Spiderman and the Lizard is one of my favourite villains. It's the cynicism of it, I think. It's a film being made to make the most of the film rights and to stave off the rights reverting to Marvel for a little longer. The Lizard interpretation they've gone for is a weird one. It's not unprecedented in the comics, but it's by far the worst design for the Lizard. I'm sure they've done it so Ifans can 'act' a little more in the role, it's a bit hard to map a guys emotions onto a lizard face. Might look silly too. Oh well. New Avengers clip - Tony Stark and Loki have a chat. Interesting enough clip, its the full clip they pulled the last 'Headcount' TV spot from. Theres something about the description of the Hulk as 'a man with breathtaking anger management issues' that makes me smile.
  19. Spiderman 3 is... weak. It reeks of a film that the studio demanded and the director didn't give too much of a **** about. The plot is... alright, didn't need Venom shoe-horning in, but the whole thing then just doesn't hang together too well. Speaking of Spidey, some details about the new one came out recently. Apparently they have been keen to do something a little different with it, so some of the details have changed a little and they were interested in showing the audience something new. They acknowledge some of the canon has to stay the same (Uncle Ben copping it, spider bite to get powers) but are changing details and also want to focus on the story few Spiderman stories have done - what's up with his parents, exactly? What was going on with them? Still... I know nobody that gives a shit that theres a new Spidey film this year.
  20. I probably should elaborate a little more on those 2 particular things... both of them are related to the story. One is a moment in the plot, and the other is an incidental moment that occurs just after a major milestone in the story. Importantly they both work because you're invested in the story and the characters. I would worry that they wouldn't have the impact if you'd forced yourself through it. You'd perhaps even come back to this thread and tell me I'm crazy thinking those moments were genuinely special. I'd say play a little more, get a bit further through the story, open things up a little, and see how you feel about it then. If it's still not grabbed you, I don't think you're ever going to really love it. If it does grab you though, it's a brilliant game. But not for everyone. I would add you on PSN but I'm 360 only unfortunately
  21. I agree. I was really hoping it would be up to the quality of the GTA add ons (Lost and Damned, Ballad of Gay Tony) but, as you said, it was just a bit crap. It was literally the same thing over and over and over again with practically no story at all. If they'd have been smart, they could have created an open-world, Old Western Resident Evil, which would have kicked a phenomenal quantity of ass. Undead Nightmare changes RDR by making the little annoyances really annoying and making some of the more enjoyable things more frustrating. Every journey across the plains becomes a pain in the arse, because theres zombies everywhere, and zombie animals that are quicker and more aggressive. And when your horse dies you get a zombie horse, which constantly fights your direction, isn't that fun?!. Doing the side quest challenges becomes a pain in the arse - trying to get that legendary horse? Well do it while a zombie hoard that loaded in in the mist just over there tries to kill you! Want to save at that safehouse? Whoops you didn't keep an eye on things because you were doing a mission, clear out the entire area again. Run out of ammo? Theres some in that town on the ground, best get it, and waste ammo getting it because you need to clear the zombies out. In danger in a town? Get on the roof, and do it fast... whoops you just remembered that the movement engine Rockstar uses is really hokey and they're now eating you because you didn't quite arrange your character exactly under that eave so he wouldn't jump and grab up. And so on. It didn't help that I'm not the greatest zombie fan but it's really not a good game, whereas the original is incredible. The thing you can best hold Undead Nightmare up for is it's scope - for DLC, it's ambitious.
  22. I loved the atmosphere of it. I really liked some of the characters. I liked the gameplay despite it being little different to anything we've seen before, I liked the look... I spent hours just doing the hunting challenges, or just riding around seeing what happened. It has some glorious moments - when you cross the border one of the best moments in gaming bar none imo happens, and you totally don't expect it because games do not do that kind of thing. The story... it's not going to set the world alight. It borrows heavily from Westerns of all sorts and nothing happens out of the ordinary... but then things change. Again, it's something that someone who knows movies and knows books and... well, knows narrative, the kind of arcs that exist out there, is not going to be surprised by. By again, games don't do what RDR does at one point. For someone who loves GTA I feel that RDR might seem more constrained. You don't have cars to run around in, theres not this enormous vibrant living city to play with... it's harder to piss about with, theres less going on. It never asks you to do something crazy, somethin really thrilling. And it's less of a satire, it's a more straight mature game than any GTA has been. RDR plays like a love story to Westerns. GTA plays like a satire of gangsta and, by extension, modern life. I can totally see why someone wouldn't like RDR, honestly. I can see it being dull, long winded, tedious quiet... but I loved it.
  23. Very valid criticism and ones I would make of it too. ME3 owes a lot more to Gears than any other game in the series, to the extent that every mission is shooting and little else. The ME2 returning character thing is annoying. It's definitely a failing of the game that, having created so many great characters in 2, they do little with them in 3. Even the ones they do something with are given really raw deals (and it's a little galling that, should a character have died in your run through of 2, he's replaced with a more or less identical character that does exactly the same things). None of the new characters, maybe Javik aside, bring anything like the great presences that 2 had. I think ultimately they created their own problem by allowing characters to die in 2, it created too much work for 3 to have so many variable player characters present. So they dumped them into one off mission appearances and non player characters giving them more control over exactly what they need to make characters do or so. But it still doesn't make me feel better about having to forgo Mordin for... well, whatever the meathead guy's name is.
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