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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. I preordered the steelbook blu-ray, came on Friday . I'd seen it at the cinema and really loved it, but sometimes a film doesn't hold up on repeat home viewings so was interested to see what I thought second time round (and having seen the original to compare to). Thats definitely not the case here - even knowing every moment, knowing the entire plot, I still loved it. I genuinely cannot see where anyone who prefers the original is coming from. Finchers version isn't flawless - the accents thing is a bit silly for a start - but it's just better than the Swedish original. And it should be given the difference in cost. It's a top, top film. Grim, stylish, cold, beautiful. Excellent.
  2. Apparently having the phone at 40% charge (and charging, given that it's hooked up to the lappy via the USB...) is low battery, too low to upgrade. :|
  3. He explained that in an interview on 5Live. He didn't feel comfortable with even a slight shift of focus away from the subject matter and on to him.
  4. Given my glowing experience of Kies, I'm not holding out much hope that downloading it that way will work either. The worst thing is, it doesn't give you the slightest indication of why it failed. Just that it failed, use Kies. :|
  5. Spoke too soon. Got the update downloaded, set it to install, install failed, directed me to Kies. Sigh. Gonna clear out some memory space just in case that had an effect (needed doing, way too many old podcasts sat around taking up space), and try again. I bet it don't work.
  6. I believe my S2 is currently updating to ICS. Wheres that running around waving your arms wildly smiley?
  7. 1200 points is £9.99. It's one of the best £9.99's you'd be able to spend on Live. I was really, really keen on the Witcher 2 but losing my job means it's gonna have to wait. Heard almost no negatives on it, and looks incredible (if not quite as incredible as it's PC original, obviously). Supposedly quite difficult though.
  8. I'm beginning a rerun through of of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a refresher for the Avengers, beginning with Iron Man. I know the films inside out but seems right to go back and rewatch them. Theres a fanboy cut of all them doing the rounds apparently that cuts all the films together into one big extravaganza in chronological order (which I think means it must go mental jumping around after you get most of Cap out of the way), but I couldn't bring myself to get into that (plus, illegal etc). Watched the Dragon Tattoo remake last night as well. I genuinely think that's a properly brilliant film, far better than the original Swedish version (I actually struggle to think of anything that the original does better, in fact). It's superb. I also find that take on Lisbeth Salander inexplicably hot.
  9. Trials Evo is fantastic. It also gets as infuriatingly difficult as it's predecessor... but theres something incredibly addictive about it as well, it becomes second nature to jab the Back button the moment you go even slightly wrong and start again. I've reached just about the limit of my abilities as far as getting Golds goes on it... but it taunts me to keep trying.
  10. Anyone catch Louis Theroux's documentary last week? Looked at autistic kids and their families in New Jersey, which has an exceptionally high rate of autism, 1 in 29 as opposed to 1 in 100 roughly in the UK. I think it might have been one of the best things he's done. He had little to say, or even much of a point to make, unlike a lot of his other work. He just looked a few families and how they coped. Quite a tough watch at times too. The family with young autistic twins effectively told him their life was over. Another mother told him she felt her (severely autistic and prone to violent outbursts) son, was a punishment from God. There a second show later this week on dementia, which I kinda hope is in a similar vein.
  11. I dunno why, but I found that entire night's fighting pretty dull. The Jones v Evans fight was always going to be a bit dull - the nature of Jones as a fighter is that he has such a physical advantage over pretty everyone he's likely to face nobody can touch him, and thus it ends up being a bit boring, and last nights fight didn't buck the trend. He's like a virtuoso guitarist - he's impressive but I don't think he's all that entertaining. But I found most of the rest of it pretty dull as well. Hmm. Called the Schaub/Rothwell fight though (admittedly not that convincing of a win mind ). Rothwell looked in the shape of his life.
  12. Yeah at Newcastle he turned into a DM. He already had a booking record of a DM to be fair to him.
  13. Ha, not quite. Thankfully/Unfortunately not (Delete as applicable on each clubs fortunes). Thank you... unfortunately that look was gone about 4 years ago. Briefly got replaced with a Hulk Hogan fashioned one though a couple of years ago for Movember, though. These days I'm usually just looking unshavenly dishevelled.
  14. Usual weekend for me. Last night I did **** all Today thus far I've done **** all. I'm watching the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo tonight though, steely arrived yesterday. Tomorrow I have the house to myself for the day so will, most likely, do **** all. Besides watch the UFC I'll be taping tonight.
  15. At the mo I'm playing a few different titles. Trials Evo is great and as infuriating as ever. Fez's star has wained for me but I'm still occasionally plugging away it. I'm still churning away at Forza's achievements (and the game is still superb) And I'm trying to get better at SF x T. And I decided to blast my way through 007: Bloodstone, which is totally average punctuated by extremely crap old school chase sequences. I've also got Dragon Age Origins to get onto but I'm still slightly daunted by it.
  16. Only the old style 60gb is backwards compatible with the PS2 in the UK. Tbh that's somewhat of a blessing, most PS2 games look absolutely hideous when run through a PS3.
  17. Chindie

    GTA 5

    I'd be willing to bet a considerable amount of that is rubbish.
  18. Not really a case of them 2 helping each other out, more 2 distributors (Disney and Warner Brothers). Assuming it does come to pass that a new trailer is connected to the Avengers US release, that is.
  19. New trailer said to be attached to the US release of the Avengers. Could be an interesting one all in all.
  20. Hmm... interesting case. I'd like to have seen a more in depth summary of the evidence given.
  21. Thane and Mordin were up there for me. I kinda let them off with Thane, his character has a defined arc that had to end here. Though I'd liked to have seen him play a bit more of a role than he ended up getting. As for Mordin... I have no idea how a character almost universally loved, ended up being relegated to 1 part of the story. And in my particular Shepherds canon, I was presented with a decision that, with regards Mordin, was pretty grim. Ah well, it's still a good game. But it could have been **** incredible. Probably should have been. A lost opportunity.
  22. General word on Cabin in the Woods is... well, firstly the less you know about it the better. Second, which somewhat undermines the above, is that you will get more out of it the more you know the horror genre. It's not comparable to Saw (which is torture porn) or Paranormal Activty. It plays more on the old school horror films that came out of the 70s and 80s. Joss Whedon, who IIRC wrote it, calls it a love and hate letter to horror. By most accounts its pretty good, and I think it's more or less the best release of the last week.
  23. Yes I've had the radio on most of the day, there was seemingly a clear switch in approach from yesterday, where they appear to have pushed him on some details of his background, and grounding, and made him somewhat uncomfortable and lead to him apparently giving some pathetic answers. Today seems to have allowed him to talk more freely of his plans and it appears he prefers that. And of course it also allowed him to spout plans like murdering the Norwegian PM with a bayonet and releasing footage online, or how he had discovered that making a bomb was more difficult than he'd anticipated so chose to only make one and hoped to take out the entire government with it. He's a supreme narcissist. He likes to talk about himself and what he would do and what he did do, and why he feels he needed to. I don't think he's evil. He's an extremist, with questionable views. He acted on his beliefs in horrific manner. I'm interested in the case as it's rare you get to see a lone wolf terrorist (if you accept he is one, it's debatable), let alone have him stand trail and put it in stark terms what made him come to conclusion that mass murder was the best vehicle for his commentary. Theres been a rather sad spin on the violent videogames thing from some corners of the media today too. HE apparently spent a year or so of his life obsessively playing WoW, and later CoD. Thats been spun into somehow being significant to what he did, with WoW being described as a 'violent war game' (this is a game, lets bear in mind, that will soon have an expansion featuring pandas as playable characters), and Cod allegedly helping him in commiting the Utoya massacre. Lets all forget he had firearms training and is clearly on the extreme end of the poltical spectrum, vidyagames is what did it!
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