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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. James Murdoch is giving evidence at the moment. It's hilarious. He's jumping between apparently being a man not blessed with the gift of memory, and being laughably incompetent. You'd have thought he'd have come up with a different tact by now.
  2. Early word on the Dragon's Dogma demo is not good. Could be a shifty demo. But if it did turn out the whole game was a bit hobbled in the ways people have said (bizarre controls, odd presentation, etc etc), I would not be surprised.
  3. Agree with the Hendricks points. She's just got something about her (and enormous tits). In a straight race for beauty, Cheryl would win with everyone. But give me the choice and I'd crawl through fire for Hendricks.
  4. 5th year and 6th iteration of the same game, no doubt.
  5. Cheryl Cole is a good example, for me, of someone who is obviously attractive, but not quite my cup of tea. I used to think she was hotter than she is now - she's been dolled up and messed around so much (boob job etc) that she has a little more of that... ugliness that only the consciously very attractive people have. It sounds like an oxymoron but I'd hope someone gets what I mean, that as attractive as she might be, theres something unappealing too. When she first came on the scene she was a little more naturally attractive and she didn't have that. If she wasn't famous, and she was in a club I was in, and assuming I had a chance at all, I don't think I'd have gone out of my way to get with her. Just not my cup of tea. But obviously beautiful. Maybe too beautiful, for me, I tend to be more attracted to plainer women. Theres something more real about them, grounded even, imo.
  6. Aye, isn't a big part of the City Centre regeneration plan thing to do with integrating Millenium Point and the rest of that area into the centre more and getting people to go there? Totally off-topic, sorry. I was completely unaware that the IMAX had gone though. Although in reality it just looks like it's under new ownership from what the website says. I've never been an IMAX. Avengers might be a good place to start...
  7. Chindie

    Do you read?

    It's World Book Night tonight, apparently.
  8. Joint enterprise is complex, I'm not sure how it would be applicable in this case.
  9. Indeed... I can't say I'm still sure about it. I'd suspect theres some reasonable doubt either way.
  10. Should add that I think the actions of both men after the fact have probably sealed their fate, however right that is. McDonald allegedly left the hotel and instructed the receptionist to look out for the girl. Evans left by the fire escape. That doesn;t make either of them guilty of anything, but looks suspicious on the part of Evans and so it plays against him. Regardless... I would to know why McDonald was alright and Evans not.
  11. There argument appears to hinge on her being in a state to be unable to give consent - basically she was too **** for her saying 'Yes' to actually mean anything. But all accounts she was **** wasted before McDonald had his way with her. They've got CCTV of her falling over pissed. In which case I'd be asking why McDonald is let off. She's also admitted she's no recollection of anything, and claims she might have had her drink spiked (which I must admit makes me a little suspicious, like she's trying to make her case more convincing. She doesn't appear to have claimed they spiked it, mind. But I'd be rather more sympathetic if she said she'd just drank so much she couldn't tell you what her name was as opposed to make out she was drugged). Theres a bit too much grey here for me.
  12. Yeah even with that story this is still an odd one. I don't doubt that even if you found him not guilty it's a pretty scummy thing to be getting up to. But still... I ain't sure.
  13. Avengers opens Thursday. I've no idea why Thursday but it is what it is. I was considering IMAXing it, but I need to find out what other people are going to be upto first. Hopefully will see it soon though. Mentioning IMAX I didn't realise that the one in the city centre is no longer an IMAX, but is now called 'The Giant Screen'. And still shows IMAX stuff. Odd.
  14. It intrigues me. Elements of it look great. And some of it appears to have the usual Japanese game madness that kinda makes me grow lukewarm. The nighttime switch to survival horror, some of the UI, some of the other gameplay systems... I ain't so sure. But then it has stuff like combat that is part DmC, part SOTC, part every good third person actioner. It's the kind of thing I'll be really eager to watch an extended gameplay video of with some commentary (i.e., I really hope GiantBomb do a huge QL with no Patrick ), after which it might go onto my 'When I'm working again, buyin it' list.
  15. In more HBO related goodness, I just watched last nights Game of Thrones and well... stuff happened that was good, it's still slowly building, and at the end it went mental.
  16. I haven't come across it yet then. My APN widget no longer works *cries*.
  17. The new God of War was accidentally announced by Amazon
  18. Yes, autism is largely seperate from intelligence, although it can effect it. The spectrum of autism is so wide that it includes people who would be considered mentally challenged, to people who are just fairly 'socially awkward', which in turn are sometimes categorised into differing levels of 'functioning'. In the Theroux documentary, he more or less looked at the span of the autism I think. He spent time with a family whose eldest son was severely autistic - he was largely unable to communicate, capable of a few garbled phrases it seems and more or less understood that sometimes he needed to tell people to do things but was not able to communicate that effectively, and was also prone to violent outbursts. At one point in the documentary he visited the school these children go to and they had this boy doing simple maths and then some basic office-y tasks (stapling documents mostly), which they explained he was very thorough with and would start and complete entirely. Then gave him a break, where he drew a few things using crayons, then carefully packed away everything, before suddenly attacking the teacher. At the other end of the scale he saw an older guy, late teens, who seemed largely able to get along but clearly still autistic. He had difficulties socially - he as prone to anger and seemingly unable to deal with frustration. Another student annoyed him and he apparently grew angry enough to casually threaten to stab him, he didn't really have the grasp of social norms most people have knowing when to talk and when not to, what to say and what not to say. He also appeared to have the stereotypical limited interest field, keen to show Louis homemade foreign language dictionaries he'd put together. He claimed to be able to speak Japanese, and seemingly proved it but you could tell that he understood the words but not really how to use them. The R5L interview Theroux have had him say as much - he might understand some of Japanese but put him in Tokyo and he'd be unable to buy a Coke let alone anything else. The school he was at decided that he had progressed enough that he could step up a little, though. His family, however, was clear he could never be independent. Autism is quite interesting. At primary school one of my friends had a younger brother who was from what I remember severely autistic, a couple of years younger than us but more like a toddler. They eventually started sending him to a residential place during the week, I guess it made sense to as he got older. There appears to be common belief that if someones got autism they must be exceptional at something. Reality appears to be rather different.
  19. He explained that in an interview on 5Live. He didn't feel comfortable with even a slight shift of focus away from the subject matter and on to him. I assumed it was because he might start reading stuff out about some of his odder excursions. Like the porn industry one. That's exactly why I thought he was trying to change the subject, especially when he mentioned Weird Weekends with such classic episodes as 'Porn' and 'Swingers'. Yeah he mentioned that as well. Not because it might be embarrassing for him, but because he was concerned that the people involved might think he was posing as a serious documentary maker but actually intended to take the piss out of them.
  20. The sequels are different beasts to the first film. The first film is a comparatively simple story, it's a murder mystery that stands alone, with some character set up set to the side of the main plot for Salander. The sequels expand the horizion and get into more complex stuff, but undermine things by having crazy shit like a characer who for all intents and purposes is the **** Terminator turn up. They do show off their TV movie basis, they have a televisual look, far less cinematic. Initially the project was to have all 3 books made into a TV miniseries, breaking down each film into 2 90minute episodes. But they then decided to throw a bit more money at the first film to sell the series and ended up with something far better than they had expected. If you buy the extended trilogy they've reinstated that original structure and it kinda works but theres still a real drop off in the quality of the sequels in every facet, from story to cinematography. I'm not sure Hollywood'll do the sequels, if I'm honest. I don't think it did as well as they'd hoped, and I'm not sure Fincher would do it either. I think they might be happy leaving it as is.
  21. Just the first, and having now seen all 3 of the original films in their extended iterations, thats a good thing, trust me. The first is the best by miles. the second gets absurdly silly, and the third is a mess that I can't even remember much about.
  22. Add Dragon Age: Origins to my list. Just got the origin story done. It's alright thus far, not overly into the combat system but I guess I may settle into it. It's an excellent way of looking how at far Bioware have come with stuff like UI since this came out, it feels really old school despite only being, what... 3 years old?
  23. Third time certainly lucky, looks like it's failure to download was not liking the battery level (which only dropped below 50% during the second install attempt OTA... tsk). It's a lot slicker looking, and a slicker experience too. I'm missing Swype a little though, seems to vanished. It has a feeling of a lot more... unified, solid platform, even under whatever Samsung and Orange have cobbled over the top of it.
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