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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Also worth mentioning that theres some talk that this doesn't necessarily mean that Redknapp is out of the running. Theres a chance Woy has been approached now because West Brom don't have much to worry about now, whilst Spurs' season isn't over yet.
  2. If Woy did get it I could see myself liking the England side a slight bit more, as he's a reasonably likeable chap.
  3. I'd be happier with Woy at the helm than 'arry. Solid manager, bags of experience, not necessarily an Earth shattering manager but a steady pair of hands. He's apparently also a big fan of the improvements that the FA is making in the England set up (the top class Burton headquarters and all that) and would be keen to further improve that. I don't think he'll set the Earth on fire as manager if he does take it, but I can think of worse to go with. If he does take it, we also can suspect that when he fails, which he will, because we're not good enough but demand to be, that the criticism he'll get will stem from him being old fashioned and unimaginative in his tactics, and that our next manager will need to have some flair about him, and thus need to be a foreigner.
  4. He gets to show he's alright with a firearm.
  5. Thought you might like it It's a cracking popcorn flick. Glad you got the midcredit sequence too - it's going to go over a lot of people's heads but the few that get it, excellent. It's taken massive money - circa $180m since Wednesday apparently and thats without opening in the US yet. It's going to be a huge, huge hit, and it deserves to be.
  6. I saw it tonight. It was abso-frickin-lutely brilliant. Hulk had the best moments but they managed to squeeze everyone in and do them justice. There was only one thing that I was thinking was perhaps a bit weak, but I shan't mention it. It's not particularly a spoiler but if I went into detail it might be so I won't say anything other than it was concerning The Hulk. It's petty though and it didn't at all lessen the experience or ruin the film in anyway, so it doesn't really matter. What was the issue?
  7. Trials Evo gets deviously hard. I spent an hour yesterday trying to get the Unyielding 2 achievement. It makes the original version of that achievement look simple.
  8. I won't be watching. I don't give a shit. The hyperbole is tiresome though. If that's the biggest game in the history of... er... anything, I hate to think what the games that actually decide anything are considered to be. Too big to categorise?
  9. Agreed. I genuinely am unable to see any level at which the original film is better.
  10. Damn straight. Previous to that film I would not have found a goth girl with lots of piercings and weird hair hot. Now, my horizions have been somewhat opened.
  11. It has a few mildly stealthy moments but the Black Ops part comes more from the plot than it does the gameplay
  12. It's fundamentally the same game. Storyline and the details change but if you enjoyed MW2 for it's gameplay you'll like Black Ops. The story is shite though, utter bobbins.
  13. One of my best mates went on a 15 minute long rant about the Tree of Life once when we were talking about movies over some beers. His main criticism was that it was one of the most pretentious pieces of twaddle he'd ever seen.
  14. That Leeds kit is hideous.
  15. It would not surprise me if Marvel didn't have the rights to Apocalypse. And they're never getting the X-Men rights back, nor Spiderman. They're both money makers and the studios are not going to give them up easily. They'll churn out films once in a while, make small profits and spin onto another.
  16. He's gone up in my estimations now he's proven he can hack this league. Previously I'd been concerned he may not step up. So I'd take him without a seconds notice now. But I sincerely doubt it'll happen.
  17. The film ends, and it does the flashy credits sequence that every film has these days, and then it has a minute long extra scene that is either going to mean nothing to you at all, or will have you hyped, and theres nothing after that.
  18. It's post-production 3D (aka shitter than usual) so don't bother is the general wisdom. As it is I've heard very little good about the 3D so save your money, go 2D. I enjoyed it more tha enough without the headache eyestrain and stuff pointing out at me.
  19. It's much, much grander in scale than either of Ironman or Spiderman. It blows Ironman out of the water and it shines Spiderman 2 by a helluva long way. On the Ironman point... put it like this. Ironman is one of a group of huge characters here, so he has less screentime than in his own film, but everything he does in this completely blows away his solo adventures. As for Scarlett... well, one serious scene has the added bonus of having one of the most obvious 'get her arse in this shot perfectly in focus' pieces of cinematography I can remember. And you can see why.
  20. Hmm... These 2 docs have been different to his usual output. He's not had a point to make, nor has he revealed anything about a world we don't know about (I think we can imagine what raising an autistic child must be like, or what having a dementia suffering relative would be like), and that was particularly evident with the dementia episode from last night, but I still enjoyed both. He simply visited a few cases again. And it times it was genuinely touching. He focuses a lot on a guy called Gary, a former dentist who is now living in a home essentially. He doesn't know he's in a home, he thinks hes perpetually at work and the policy at the place is you go along with it. It really affected me. It wouldn't have been so bad if he was clearly unwell from the first time you see him, but on the show he often appears like a really nice cool guy - he was constantly cracking jokes, flirting with the woman that ran the place (and all the nurses). And then you discover he's married. His wife visits and he treats her like a distant friend, he's not aware he's married. He think his mother is still alive. They speak to him about his wife and he can only remember her as a woman who was a good friend and great employee when he was a dentist. He has 2... 'girlfriends' in the home, which his wife has accepted is just the way he has become thanks to the disease. It was just very sad. He also spends time with an elderly couple who can't afford to have the wife of the couple enter the home system, and she was clearly a character but also... empty? There were glimpses of a woman who was still spry and bright, but behind it there was often nothing. Her husband describes a lot of how she interacts with people as 'reflexes' - someone says something nice she laughs or reacts somewhat appropriately but she's not comprehended it. Possibly the most touching moment of the whole thing involves her - Louis speaks to her husband, and he says that he made a vow when they married and that is that, speaks about how he still loves her. And at that moment she comprehends what he's said. It was really good. Nothing groundbreaking, but a very good watch.
  21. What did you make of it? Same here. :oops: I think if you can appreciate a well made action spectacle, you can go and have a great watch. It was one of my favourite cinema experiences and that was in a fairly crap local cinema with mostly college kids bunking of afternoon lessons in, sat at the very back, on a fairly small screen, and 20 minutes in the film broke... and I still adored it. You get great action moments, a few throwaway laughs, a decent bad guy and ultimately a big silly ride. If the idea of watching a bunch of chaps (and very, very sexy lady in a skin tight catsuit) in silly costumes getting into massive punch-ups and spectaclur scrapes as they try to save the world in the worlds simplest plot sounds like hell... you won't like it.
  22. Louis Theroux's look at dementia was superb, if also a little heart breaking.
  23. You made the right choice Stay after the end titles?
  24. Good, innit? Thought you may like the stinger...
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