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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Couple of things today - theres been word doing the rounds that the film currently stands at about 3+ hours[/] long. Obviously they'll be editing that down, theres no way they'll release a 3 hour long Batman film theatrically, but that does suggest a few things. Firstly, you'd guess a lot is going to be happening plotwise in this, you'd have thought given a few things we know and a few things we can guess at. Secondly, it suggests that we're going to be getting a pretty long film regardless, the worry there being that Nolan was teetering on the edge of losing it with TDK for pace, the final boat dilemma tends to divide people as to it's necessity in that film, if he's ended up with a 3 hour film as they go to really edit it down theres a worry the same thing will happen. Secondly apparently the novelisation has leaked and is doing the rounds, so spoilers ahoy.
  2. I think it's hard to argue that Ra's al Ghul had a stand up fight with him - he trained Bruce Wayne, he didn't fight Batman.
  3. Speaking to a friend last night who loves the Eurovision (as an excuse for a piss up), I was lead to believe Iceland's entrant featuring Jonsi, was the Jonsi, from Sigur Ros, for an hour. It isn't. The song is also like a cut price particularly soft Evanescence ballad.
  4. Based on the demo and other comments going around about it, Dragon's Dogma is a classic case of 'almost... but not quite'.
  5. I'd kill for survival and a semblance of hope.
  6. I don't know how Strongbow have the brass neck to advertise this shit as good - second can I can't actually taste it thanks to a hideous scum that has coated my mouth - right now I'm drinking because it's warm outside and it's alcoholic.
  7. Desperadoes, otherwise known as 'i need to get wankered' fast' . I've meet more than one person who drank it casually and I never understood it.
  8. Found some Strongbow that must have been left in the fridge by my mates sometime. Even cold on such a nice night it is horrible piss.
  9. It's called Avengers Assemble in the UK to avoid confusion with the 60s TV show. You'd think that mistake would be hard to make but apparently not, lots of stories from fans in offices and the like in the opening couple of days saying how much they liked the Avengers and people asking about Emma Peel... It's a **** shit name though to be fair. I've started to collect Steelbook blurays, and the Avengers was a nailed one I'd buy if they did a steel, but the UK version having that title is tempting me to splash out on a import one if it's region free, it's such a terrible name. It's a terrible line in the comics too. I had worries about the comedy and in fairness I found it came off better than I'd expected - I was pretty put off by some of the gags they'd shown in the build up, and on the whole having seen the film wasn't too put off by the gags. Some of them fall flat - I was no fan at all of the cut to Coulson waiting on hold with Black Widow escaping the interrogation, a crap joke done badly, for example - but a few raised a giggle or two. I'm surprised a few people seem to dislike Tony Stark - I've always felt he's been fairly universally popular and he gets a lot of the best lines imo, he's the best comedy character in it imo. The dialogue is a trademark of Whedon. His work on the comics is always punctuated by snarky...'sassy' dialogue, especially from female characters. I personally often dislike it but I kinda let it go by in this because it's so much fun. Glad you liked it.
  10. ...one day, one glorious day in the far flung future... a summer will pass where the nature of what odds are, and mean, won't have to have been explained.
  11. They sorta need to, that team is showing it's age and showing the cracks. The last 2 seasons saw a gap open up between them and the title and it needs investment to sort out.
  12. Couple of new TV spots with some new footage. And jokes!
  13. I pity you that your eyes clearly don't work . I dunno... theres just something about her. I think she was perfect for that Bond role - she's supposed to be a slightly quirky character and Green seems able to pull off that along with acting as an attractive woman that also isn't a moron.
  14. Anywho I saw the Raid last night. Hmm. All of us came out with the same reaction - it's fun, but it's not necessarily that good. It has less of a plot and more of a set up. It's quite well made and it's impressive to watch. I'm no big martial arts fan but everything that goes on in the film is impressive to watch, some really cool (and wince worthy) stunts pop up and you have a laugh. But I have to stop sort of thinking it's genuinely, genuinely good. It's certainly not bad but asides from the action sequences, theres not much there. It also ends quite abruptly, you expect 1 more fight and you don't get it. I'd say go watch it, especially on a discounted ticket night if you like your action, and especially if you like martial arts movies.
  15. its strange that IMO in dark shadows when she is trying to be sexy she comes across rather strange and unattractive, has a weird mouth/smile that id never spotted before I honestly think it's impossible for her to look bad. Theres just something about her. Phwoar. I think it almost helps that I'd completely believe theres just a little 'mental' in her.
  16. I've encountered my fair share of... outspoken Christians. I lived with one for a while, one that would pop her head round my door and inform me 'Jesus loves you!', that on being introduced to a friend of mine who happened to be gay sat him down and demanded to explanation to his sexual orientation. And of course on here we've had one or two who have said some rather crazy things. The Biblical flood literally happened, and other literal facts in the bible. Some of it can be seen in this very thread. Saying that that for me it's not even just the particularly crazy ones. They're all bad to one degree or another.
  17. I usually have a strange love for covers, they're usually either interesting or truly, truly terrible. And since I love Simple Man, and don't mind a bit of a Deftones, you'd think it'd work for me. It doesn't. But it did make me remember that the Deftones have collaborated with another love of mine, Tool's Maynard James Keenan, on the song from the Deftone's most acclaimed album, White Pony. I do wonder if the Deftones still think it sounds like a Tool song, because it doesn't. Good though.
  18. Christmas trees are actively contrary to the bible's teachings, for example.
  19. Oh I've had the 'You just said 'Oh for Christ's sake!', and you claim to be an atheist! Hahahahaha, I do believe I win sir!' thing. It's a complete red herring of course but I have found myself occasionally going out of my way to not say anything like it around these debates (or with the knowingly... I'll be kind, faith-filled) simply because it's tedious when they think they've got one over on you on following such an outburst. Especially is we're dealing with some real mouthbreathers usually so it's hard to explain the simple things, they've minds like a corkscrew following the desperate search to make sure nothing either lets the doubt in.
  20. I've said before that I really like the Kingdom of Heaven DC in spite of Orloomdo Bland. The DC adds in so many extra scenes and plotpoints, and the main character being apparently played by a chair makes him incredibly easy to ignore. Especially when it's painfully obvious everyone else in the cast is having the time of their lives (Brendan Gleeson and Marton Csokas are clearly enjoying being bastards so much it hurts), and Ridley just knows how to shoot a film. You end up glossing over Orlando's presence. Everytime he's on screen you can subconsciously go 'Oh some guy is having a fight', or 'this fella is saying something important but the only thing that matters is that we know it's probably important, but not why it's important, because we know this story already'. It's well made and has some decent things to say, and is one of the only films I can recall seeing that is rather careful to point out that the enemy aren't heartless bastards - they just disagree. Saladhin is a great presence in it. The historical accuracy of it is nonsense, IIRC, but it doesn't really matter. EDIT - It also has Eva Green in it, and I'd drag my body over hot coals with using only my mouth to spend 5 minutes in her presence. Gorgeous, stunning... drooldrooldrool Robin Hood is Ridley Scott knocking out a film because he felt he should. It's obvious that it's actually a film cobbled together from another idea and script (originally the film was to be called Nottingham and focus on a slightly different take on the myth, from the perspective of a rather more sympathetic Sheriff of Nottingham) and it ends up being a mess. Rather like Crowe's accent, which seems unable to maintain a single region of the UK, and even hops across the Irish Sea a few times. But since it does have such presences like Crowe in it, and because it's Ridley, it's quite watchable.
  21. The 'spiritual' I actually somewhat believe to be more relevant when it's removed from religious dogma. Taken away from it's hostage situation under the church/faith/whatever, it becomes far more personal and far more individually unique imo. I believe I was once accused here of either not being spiritual/or being unable to comprehend the spiritual in life, because I was an atheist. You, once again, have to laugh.
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