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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. We're such a poor side. Another long, long season ahead. We need the best part of a new team and we sure as hell ain't getting them inside a week.
  2. I don't think I've quite looked forward to a weekend like I have this one, this week has gone slowly and gone badly and I'm **** shattered. Tonight I've had a shitload of fajitas I knocked up and my stomach is already telling me I'll live to regret it but damn it I enjoyed it at the time. I'm umming and ahhing over what to do with the rest of the evening. Quite tired. Tomorrow is feet up in between doing the washing and catching some of the football. Might see if my mates fancy doing something, and will probably get some time on the Xbox. Sunday I'm tentatively catching up with a uni mate who I've not seen since graduation. We promised each other we'd have a beer in Brum in our second year and then just didn't. He's just split with his long term girlfriend (who he was living with as well) so it could go either way between quiet catch up and ker-azy booze fest. And Monday I'm just enjoying not being at work. Probably will involve destroying some shirts in an attempt to iron them. But most of all... sleep, and lie ins.
  3. He'll never be released. His convictions and beliefs are too deep and he is clearly willing to act on them - he'll be behind bars for the rest of his days.
  4. Nope. In fairness it's not really an 'acting' film. Stathams far from the worst in it, and to be honest I'm convinced they know and are playing up the fact that they're all hardly Laurence Olivier.
  5. Watched the Expendables 2 last night. It's probably better than the first one, and hits all the same buttons, but I can't really say it's good... it's fun though, though I felt kinda dirty enjoying it as much as I did. Chuck Norris may as well not be in it by the way, which serves only to make his inclusion as a gag even more painfully obvious. And they all look so, so old. Even Statham is starting to look a little haggard.
  6. Chindie

    GTA 5

    It'll be current gen. Rockstar will have cracked how to fettle as much as they can out of the consoles, far more than they did back with GTA4. It's going to really, really push the consoles though, and I'd be willing to bet you'll see the strain, probably particularly on the PS3, which really doesn't like a lot of open world titles (to the point something like Skyrim is basically bust on the platform). They may be able to be a bit canny by doing a game environment that isn't all city, as we expect. The moment you start putting open spaces around the world, the strain gets reduced enormously, particularly if they're fairly empty - they more or less did this trick with RDR, the amount of 'empty' environment let them use the resources for other things, like making the whole thing a little prettier. Whilst those screenshots are impressive, incidentally, they're miles off what can be achieved - check out the state that GTA4 has been modded to on the PC - it looks like a different game.
  7. Was going to do the old 'Literally 10s of pounds worth of damage' joke, but given how much scrap is worth these days that could be a fairly expensive fire...
  8. My S2 had an update of some sort get pushed through the other day. It isn't Jellybean of course but it looks like Samsung has been tinkering, everything looks a bit different and seems to run just a little smoother. As ever, however, updating it wasn't the first time success story it should be. Failed on me twice. OTA.
  9. Islam can be a particularly grim religion. Wahhabism is a truly hideous sect of it, for example, one that openly advocates 'smiting the infidel' and so on, and there are others. There is something about it that can be taken to encourage a fundamentalism that few other religions match. It's not necessarily that the Koran (and the other holy books of the Islamic faith) are particularly intolerant compared to others - the Bible has numerous bits and bobs that would happily sit in some of the Koran's worst passages. As does it's predecessor, the Torah. The latter bears even more similarity as it also shares the strict life code that the Koran does (the Bible is less so in this respect, despite the Old Testament basically being the Torah, the New Testament defines Christianity rather more and it is fairly lax in it's life 'code'), but only seems to serve, at it's fundamental end, to encourage a fairly happily isolated and imbued with a sense of superiority/near arrogance population that seems to live by the tenant 'We're right... but do what you want, so long as you leave us alone'. Fundamental Christianity serves as more of a ignorant nusiance, intellectually harmful but otherwise fairly toothless. And most of the Eastern religions largely don't give a **** and just get on with it. The Abrahamic religions lend themselves to politics more openly, I think, and in the case of fundamental Islam, it becomes dangerous. I don't like any religion, as the forum will be well aware, and while Christianity gets most of my ire, I have an immense disdain for Islam too. Of course most Muslims aren't really all that different to your average Christian.
  10. Tiny Scott, director of Man on Fire and numerous other action films, brother of Ridley Scott, has killed himself. Jumped off a bridge in LA.
  11. I'm pretty sure I put an odd 26p I had on my Paddy Power account on Ivanovic scoring today. Typically, the one time I do bet on a long shot and he scores, it's 26p on him... Also, can Wigan finally **** off this year? I've had enough of them stealing a space in the league that could go someone interesting. Or will they do the usual being utterly, utterly woeful all season and surviving by the skin of their teeth?
  12. Having checked, they're releasing a DVD as well. The death of DVD is a while away yet, Mike.
  13. The Beeb has already announced a 9 hour Blu-ray release of the Olympics. I guess they'll cash in on the DVD market as well somehow.
  14. Chindie


    It's not beyond the realms of doubt. I feel we're going to flirt it with it again, at least. The team isn't good enough, being thin and weak, and far too much of it is unproven in the league. Theres no guarentees the manager is going to be a raving success either, as he's reasonably unproven too. I don't think we will go down, but there will be squeeky bum time at some point this season.
  15. Most of the players we've signed this summer don't fit the young and hungry mould in fairness.
  16. No. But in some cases it should be considered a clear symptom.
  17. Michu's second is an absolutely glorious finish. Swansea already look different to me to last season. They look a little more ruthless and a little more direct. A little less pretty, a little more cutthroat. Might just have been QPR being shite but it'll be interesting to see if Laudrup continues in this vein.
  18. Chindie


    Blimey, watching the highlights on MOTD, Liverpool made West Brom look like Manchester United on song. I think this may be a bit of a theme for Liverpool this season - Rodgers is going to make them worse before he makes them better with his philosophy. You have to wonder if he'll manage it at all...
  19. Oh, I was talking generally about all fairy tale believers, not just the ones that visit mosques. Even the ones that are supposedly nicey nice will soon be telling you they're looking forward to the look on your face when the End cometh.
  20. Tut tut, you're not allowed to call them names. They get all upset.
  21. Nailed on Marvel Knight's production. ...hopefully.
  22. I seem to remember hearing the stadium doesn't have any permanent toilet facilities.
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