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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. Chindie


    Joypod has entered my regular listening list. Has it's poor moments (phone-in bits mostly - never, ever good), but it's otherwise a brilliant British podcast. Been listening to the back catalogue and the recent discussion of 'Jacob's Ladder' in a car, has me looking like a crazy person trying not to laugh on the platform waiting for the train to work.
  2. Chindie

    Joe Bennett

    Decent signing for us to make on the face of it.
  3. Chindie

    GTA 5

    Educated guess - April/May A few (crazy) people think Rockstar are going to do a surprise release before Christmas, November perhaps, but thats never happening imo. Rockstar seem to have developed a routine of releasing their flagship titles at around the same time now, April/May, and a good bet is on that continuing.
  4. I like him but not quite what we need. His constant movement and work, unselfish play and decent ability in the air and holding up is ideal for us, we need something to make it stick up top or simply to pass to and hold off the defender. Unfortunately we also need someone who nabs a few goals himself and Doyle never has scored enough. He's also knocking on 29 and Wolves will drive a hard bargain. We should look elsewhere.
  5. This is so well known it's even appeared in sitcoms. It wasn't a surprise that the moon is moving away from us, we already knew that. It's what happens when you have tides. Yes I know they used the reflectors to confirm suspicions rather than discover new things, although weren't supposed to be somewhat taken aback at the speed it was moving away from us or something?
  6. I'd say by midnight Friday we'll have one of those players... and it's one the we have already.
  7. I find these digs at the support rather tiresome. I can happily admit I don't like an awful lot of our fanbase. But I ignore it. Theres nothing unique about about our fanbase. People are people and I don't like a lot of people. I dare say a lot don't/wouldn't like me. It'd be nice if everyone was sensible and patient and considered, but the world isn't like that. Sticking at it, rising above it, putting up with it, shows good character. If you feel you can't/shouldn't need to do that... just walk away, without fanfare and denouncement.
  8. Berbatov would fit quite nicely. Even if he hasn't got the legs any more, his intelligence and quality would be a great addition to the club a bit like Keane last winter. He could teach a few of the young lads a thing or two as well. The problem is structuring a deal for him. His contract runs out next summer and I guess he would have been banking on earning himself a last lucrative contract somewhere. He would be an astounding signing for us, especially if we were able to invest in the midfield as well. He'd **** off a lot of supporters because he really is one of the laziest players around but he'd pitch in goals and is smart enough to improve our attacking intentions tenfold. Unfortunately, the cost, the wages, the fact he is still a good player and the fact we are absolutely dire, means it isn't happening. In fact, we can forget anyone considered a name - we aren't in that market. We have to hope and pray that, if Randy is happy to give Lambert some panic money, that Lambert has some relative unknowns in his wishlist he knows will hit the ground the running and make us look dangerous. EDIT - **** moronic word filter.
  9. There's some merit in selling Bent. He's a sellable asset at a time where it looks like we need cash to invest and don't have it to hand. And given that Bent is a player who offers nothing without service, and the team is unable to offer that, he's useless. You could sell Bent, pick up a replacement with a bit more to his game and hopefully have some cash spare to invest in other areas of the pitch. Unfortunately it's unlikely that any player you bought would be as good a goalscorer as Bent, and the impression would immediately be of a rats leaving a sinking ship/a team completely giving up on being anything successful the moment you sold him. And I also think he'd be a harder sell than we might expect - we'd demand a pretty penny and theres not many teams that would pay it. Ones that might might want more of their players than just a goalscorer with nothing else to their game. So we'd probably have to ask a price we might be a little upset about. The best thing it appears, is to hope and pray that we've got enough money in the pot to buy players that make Bent look good again.
  10. Why does a target man have to be a non-scoring plank? Plenty of target men over the years have been absurdly dangerous goalscorers. We basically need a striker who can bring others into the game. Now whether thats your number 10 style man, or a big bloke who can hold it up, that's upto Lambert and what he wants to do. But we definitely need someone a bit different up front and, preferably, someone who pitches in a fair few goals as well.
  11. Robbie Savage is more likely to turn out for us this season than Dempsey - whoever's made that one up is in need of their medication or higher than Jim Morrison following a good weekend in the 60s.
  12. I've always liked Doyle. If he scored more goals he'd be absolutely ideal for us - he works really **** hard, never stops moving and links play well. The problem is, since he's not a great goalscorer himself, we'd become reliant on him being a link for Bent and Gabby. Bent gets injured o Gabby doesn't cut it for a season once more and we're pretty toothless again. Add in Wolves charging the Earth for everything this summer and Doyle knocking on for 29... you could do better.
  13. The 700 questions thing actually made me laugh out loud when I read it. They're supposed to have considered, at length and in depth, 700 different bits and bobs relating to the case and all having a potentially severe bearing on the outcome. And they manage to do that inside 3 days?! This has to be the first real opening salvo of a Google v Apple patent war - Google need to make a stand on this, especially now they have Motorola in their portfolio. They need to make Apply realise that they can't play this game.
  14. I kinda want to see Kill List just to see what the fuss is about. Dredd is out soon and the marketing is ratcheting up crazily, it's reviewing fairly well so far too (Empire basically criticised it for having a plot/conceit very similar to the Raid, in the main, which says a lot). Looking like it might be an 18 as well, woohoo. Given how grim some of the violence in it is looking already (slow-mo shots of bullets tearing numerous bits of people to shreds with blood everywhere), not really surprising. The slow-mo stuff actually looks kinda beautiful in a slightly **** up way. I am the Law Helmet still doesn't quite look right to me...
  15. Didn't know that we actually put that kind of an instrument up there. Yes, they left behind what amounted to big bicycle reflectors on the Moon's surface and noted the co-ordinates. We aim an incredibly powerful laser at one and measure the length of time it takes for it to bounce back to work out how far away the moon is (amongst other things) - turns out its slowly getting further away from us.
  16. Chindie

    GTA 5

    It won't be on the next gen of consoles, but I'd wager those shots are taken off a dev copy. The graphics aren't that impressive compared to what a decent PC can do at the moment, but they are decent for the consoles, especially when you consider this is a game pushing a lot of stuff about - models, environments, AI etc. It's going to have it's moments of running like a dog on both systems. There are better looking games out there on the consoles already, it's the rest of the load that the game will test the consoles with that makes the graphics interesting. I want to see some proper gameplay run on a console - I'd bet the framerate takes a spanking.
  17. It's all the same, gobbledigook... *rustles copy of Daily Mail, mutters about bloody foreigners and how the English are God's own people on His pleasant green land, musters up a quiet solemn tear at thoughts of the empire and how all those inferior people used to bow to us...*
  18. Read the thread - The Americans went back 5 times after the initial landing in 69. Since then nobody bothered because it wasn't really worth it. The Chinese and Indians want to land on the moon, mostly to show they can, and the Americans had a plan to go back and create a lunar base but with cuts and the cost of manned lunar expeditions the decision was made that it wasn't really worth it and the focus switched to Mars and unmanned exploration.
  19. Players with messages under their shirts. I don't **** care - nobody does. It seems like we're getting at least 1 a weekend now. Nasri last week was the final straw - Cool, you're a Muslim, and it's Eid. Nobody **** cares. Tevez seems to have some Portuguese under his shirt every week, again this weekend we get a looksie at what Tevez wants us to know - unfortunately I don't speak Portuguese and, more over, I don't **** care what Tevez wants us to know. I'd get behind a rule that prevented it.
  20. Chindie

    GTA 5

    That last one is very RDR, albeit with a different lighting model.
  21. The moon landing conspiracy debunk thread, all sparked by the moron/troll Smalljob (thankfully no longer of this parish), was a good'un in fairness. It was comprehensive. The only comparable bit of comprehensive owning was one of the religious threads that feature such pearlers as the hidden message in the Chinese alphabet that proves the biblical flood happened. But anywho... yes, we landed on the moon, Neil Armstrong took those first steps, and for being the figurehead of a such a pioneering moment in human endeavour, his name shall live in the annals of history for eternity.
  22. A 'fact' that is made up... isn't a fact. The moon landings happened. That is a fact.
  23. Chindie


    I don't believe this squad, as it stands now, would stay up that comfortably, so I guess we disagree. I think it might struggle even with a couple of signings, in truth.
  24. Chindie


    I'm not sure it is, but thats not really here nor there. Is the squad good enough? I'd contest the answer is no. It might not have been good enough last year either but we were quite lucky last season, blessed with the easiest opening to a season you could ask for and just about managed to hang on at the death. This season we arguably look worse at this point in time, and perhaps we won't be blessed with luck?
  25. Chindie


    If you believe the squad is weak, it's not really 36 games to turn it around. It's 5 days before you have to make do for 3 months. 3 vital months. It's hard to argue that the squad isn't weak.
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