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Everything posted by Chindie

  1. A porpoise isn't a fish. On that note - can the fish puns come to an end?
  2. It leads to a tourist sightseeing spot. The road is in a national park.
  3. Well, since the father was shot to death, it seems true beyond a shadow of a doubt that he got into trouble with the wrong people. But the interesting questions are about which people, and what trouble. Evidently.
  4. Is the Wales game on anywhere that isn't Sky/illegal? Might see if I can watch and be convinced he won't be the donkey I expect
  5. My instant reaction to the news was similar - xenophobic nutter killing some tourists. I'd probably pitch my tent in the 'the father got into some trouble with the wrong people' camp. The brother line will turn out to be someone he worked with going to the police saying he'd heard him talk about having some disagreement with the brother over money/investments/property/business... which will eventually turn out to be something entirely minor.
  6. They've released talk of Prince Harry in a high profile role in Afghanistan, probably to push this off the front pages. Clearly the Men in Black killed him for what he knew was under Portsmouth.
  7. I don't like conspiracy theories, as a general rule. I've glanced through the posts here and can't help feeling it's all reaching a bit, wanting it to be more than it will turn out to be. To say 'it's very likely to be an Agent hit' is absurd imo. ( at the bold btw, sorry)
  8. I wondered why this thread had jumped up a fair few pages. I don't think theres a conspiracy to be found on the murders in France.
  9. Dredd out today. Still reviewing well.
  10. I can't remember another supposedly big tech launch that has had such an unhyped/tepid reaction. It appears to have had the tech world reaction of a shrug and a '...sooooooo...?'.
  11. Chindie


    Yup - exactly my thoughts. He came back and the podcast was ruined instantly again.
  12. On the pessimism about this bloke - I'm going to be fairly surprised if he's anything approaching successful so I guess I should be fairly easy to please
  13. I was taught agnosticism as as a half way house amounting to 'I dunno', and I know it wasn't just my class or my school that did that. As for the second bit (as much as I roundly agree), paging Levi to the thread for a 1500 word article on why agnosticism is the only 'not stupid' choice
  14. Agnosticism is taught in schools foolishly as being sat on the fence in effect, although it has been adopted as a stance (even knowing it's true meaning) by fence sitters world wide. As for respecting the religious... I used to believe in that. I used to dislike Dawkins abrasive style because of it. No longer, they've all earned it, they deserve no respect for their beliefs, they fly in the face of knowledge.
  15. I bought Max Payne the other day as well actually (I've gone through a crazy amount of games in the last couple of months - the joys of a decent disposable income, sadly also means no time to play 'em). I'm finding it a bit weird. The gameplay isn't bad by any means but I find I enjoy it more in small chunks. It feels fairly unrelentingly similar constantly. It's also surprisingly hard, mostly due to the fact the game has tried to compensate the power the games gimmicks give you (the bullet time + a cover mechanic) by making every enemy a bullet sponge. After an hour I start to feel jaded. Good though, I like the gunplay and feel of it all and it's pretty and I quite like the storyline (though it's nothing special). I've also bought Bully recently (Rockstar sale on Live made it a tempting purchase as I've generally heard good things). Barely scratched the surface but I like the feel of it so far despite it being so obviously a last generation game. It reveals how far we've come in even in a short space of time playing it. Also picked up Alan Wakes American Nightmare, Stacking and Geometry Wars 2 in the big Live sale going on at the mo. And Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3... :oops:
  16. There's a story about Paul W S Anderson getting his first break in movies by taking a recording of a film, pulling a sequence out of it and sending it off to studios claiming it was his own work. And eventually someone believed him.
  17. Just watched the Total Recall remake. Fluff. But pretty fluff.
  18. If you feel negative about the side, you feel negative. If you feel positive, you feel positive. Neither is necessarily good, nor is either necessarily bad. People are allowed to feel as they do, and express those opinions as they feel fit - we don't need to chastise one leaning or the other, or feel embarrassment or disappointment in either. We are who we are. It doesn't matter.
  19. Chindie


    Giving up on the Bombcast. I just can't stand Klepek and **** hate everything he does on the site and he ruins what used to be a fun listen even when I had absolutely no interest in anything discussed. He's GiantBomb's Yoko Ono. He rocks up and proceeds to sit there ruining everything.
  20. I must admit watching the youtube vids of him he looks technically limited to me. I'd almost go as far to say he looks a bit of a donkey in the clips I've looked at, but they obviously never tell the whole story.
  21. I'm not terribly optimistic. The only guarentee we've earned ourselves this window is a few more bodies and maybe some interest born of the unknown. We looked poor going into the season and the first 2 games proved it. We've now bought some players but all are gambles or punts. If all perform to a decent level, we'll have done well and look solid for a few seasons to come at least. But I doubt that will happen - not all these players will do it. Even if these players do all perform, we still lack creativity imo - we could have done with either a mid with an eye for a pass and a goal, or a good winger. I'd have been fair happier if we'd been able to bring in a player or 2 who has done it at the top level of the game, and then brought in the punts to augment that. Instead it's all punts on players from weaker leagues and lower levels. I hope it works out, and undeniably it'll be interesting.
  22. Me neither. Never thought I'd be so hyped to see what looks like a pretty straightforward action film with the Judge Dredd featured. Still reviewing well too. The helmet still looks wrong mind
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